HTML和XHTML是用來開發網頁的電腦語言。它具有簡單的語法,易於理解。 XHTML是HTML的擴展,也結合了XML的特性。它比HTML有更嚴格的語法。儘管XHTML是從HTML衍生出來的,但這兩者之間有相當大的差異。
HTML的全名為超文本標記語言。它是由Tim Berners Lee於1993年開發的。它是標準通用標記語言(SGML)的擴展形式。 HTML為網頁開發提供了基礎或骨架。
所有的元素在html中都是透過html標籤來定義的。標籤就像是關鍵字,幫助以不同的格式排列元素。 HTML不是一種程式語言。
#It is light weighted and loads faster
#Even a simple webpage requires number of lines of code
#It doesn’t provide security
Even there is an error in the syntax, it runs it. But we don’t get the desired output
XHTML stands for Extensible hypertext markup language. It was developed by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and released in the year 2000. It has the characteristics of both HTML and XML.
它與HTML幾乎相似,但比HTML嚴格得多。 XHTML的主要原因是HTML在保護其原始碼方面過於寬鬆。 XHTML更靈活,可以輕鬆轉換成其他格式。
Every XHTML document consists of three main parts. They are −
DOCTYPE − Used to declare the type of document
Head − 用於宣告標題和其他屬性
Body − Part that consist of the actual content that a web page contains
It follows strict rules hence reducing errors
#As it follows all the rules of XML, it is easy to convert to other formats
All web applications are moving towards XML. Hence it is good to use XHTML than HTML as it has more scope in future
Beginners find it difficult to learn
Only few browsers support XHTML. Hence its practical use is limited
The following table highlights the major differences between HTML and XHTML −
參數 |
#Full form |
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language |
XHTML代表可擴充超文本標記語言 |
#Developed by |
#HTML was developed by Tim Berners Lee |
XHTML was developed by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) |
Release date |
#It was released in 1993 |
#It was released in 2000 |
#File format |
It is of document type file format |
它是以標記語言檔案格式儲存的 |
Extended from |
#HTML是從SGML(標準通用標記語言)擴展而來的 |
It is extended from HTML and XML (Extensible markup language) |
File extension |
#It has the file extensions - .html, .htm |
#它有副檔名 - .xhtml,.xht,.html,.htm,.xml |
Case sensitivity |
HTML is not case sensitive. It can be written in upper case or lowercase or a combination of both |
XHTML is case sensitive. All the code should be in lower case |
在HTML中,每個頁面的開頭不需要新增 |
#在XHTML中,每個頁面的頂部都必須提及 |
閉合標籤 |
In HTML, it is not mandatory to close the tags |
#在XHTML中,關閉所有標籤是強制性的 |
#屬性 |
While writing attributes in HTML, it is not necessary to mention them in double quotes Ex :- |
#需要在引號中提及屬性值 Ex :- |
#Nesting |
不需要巢狀元素 |
#In XHTML, elements should be nested properly in an order |
嚴格性 |
HTML is lenient compared to XHTML |
XHTML strictly follows rules |
Structure of code |
#它的程式碼不夠有組織性 |
它有更有組織的程式碼 |
錯誤 |
即使其中包含錯誤,它仍然可以運行程式碼 |
它嚴格檢查所有錯誤 |
#解析 |
Its source code can be accessed easily |
存取其原始程式碼有些困難 |
安全 |
HTML不夠安全 |
#XHTML provides more security |
#瀏覽器相容性 |
HTML被所有瀏覽器支援 |
Only few browsers support XHTML |
Complexity |
It has simple syntax and can be understood easily |
Beginners find it difficult to understand |
HTML和XHTML的主要目標是建立網頁。 XHTML是HTML的擴充版本,它遵循更多規則,並且相對於HTML來說更加嚴格。 XHTML可以輕鬆轉換成其他資料格式。