我腦中首先想到的解決方案是使用等號運算符,像array1 == array2這樣比較。哎呀!這樣是行不通的,因為數組是一個對象,在JavaScript中我們不能直接比較兩個對象。所以,我們必須比較數組的每個元素。
// sort arrays first arra1.sort(); array2.sort(); if (array1.length != array2.length) { // arrays are not the same } else { for () { // if elements at index i are not the same, return false } } } // both arrays are the same
Step 1 − Use the sort() method to sort both arrays.
步驟2 - 比較兩個陣列的長度;如果長度不相同,則傳回false,表示兩個陣列不相同。
步驟 3 − 如果兩個陣列的長度相同,則使用for迴圈遍歷兩個陣列。
Step 4 − Compare the elements of both arrays at every index, and if the elements at the index don’t match, return false.
#步驟 5 - 如果兩個陣列中的所有元素都匹配,則兩個陣列相同。
In the output, users can see that both arrays are the same as both arrays contain the same values.
<html> <body> <h3>Using the <i>array.sort()</i> method and <i>for</i> loop to check if two arrays are the same using JavaScript </h2> <button onclick = "checkArray()"> Compare arrays </button> <div id = "output"> </div> <script> let output = document.getElementById('output'); let array1 = [32, 32, 54, 1, 2, 3, 4]; let array2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 32, 54, 32]; output.innerHTML += "The first array values are " + array1 + "<br>"; output.innerHTML += "The second array values are " + array2 + "<br>"; function checkArray() { array1.sort(); array2.sort(); if (array1.length != array2.length) { output.innerHTML += "Both arrays are not same!"; return false; } else { for (let i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) { if (array1[i] != array2[i]) { output.innerHTML += "Both arrays are not same!"; return false; } } } output.innerHTML += "Both arrays are the same!"; return true; } </script> </body> </html>
We can use the forEach loop to iterate through every array element. The indexOf() method finds the first occurrence of the element in the array and returns -1 if the reference array doesn’t contain the element.
if (array2.length != array1.length) { // array are not the same return false; } else { array1.forEach((element) => { if (array2.indexOf(element) == -1) { return false; } }) }
步驟 1 - 檢查兩個陣列的長度是否相同;如果不相同,則傳回 false。
Step 2 − If the lengths are the same, use the forEach() loop to iterate through every element.
#步驟 3 − 對於陣列1的每個元素,使用indexOf()方法檢查其是否存在於陣列2中。
第四步驟 - 如果indexOf()方法對於任何一個元素傳回-1,則表示兩個陣列不相同。
<html> <body> <h3>Using the <i>forEach() loop and indexOf() method</i> to check if two arrays are the same using JavaScript </h3> <button onclick = "compareArray()"> Compare arrays</button> <div id = "output"> </div> <script> let output = document.getElementById('output'); let array1 = ["Hello", "Hi", "How"]; let array2 = ["Are", "You", "!"]; output.innerHTML += "The first array values are " + array1 + " <br>"; output.innerHTML += "The second array values are " + array2 + " <br>"; function compareArray() { var isSame = true; if (array2.length != array1.length) { output.innerHTML += "Both arrays are not same!"; return false; } else { array2.forEach((element) => { if (array1.indexOf(element) == -1) { isSame = false; } }) } if (isSame) { output.innerHTML += "Both arrays are the same!"; } else { output.innerHTML += "Both arrays are not same!"; } return true; } </script> </body> </html>
Also, users can use the JSON.stringify() method to compare the array of objects and sorted arrays.