想像一個囚犯(或小偷)想要從監獄逃脫。為了做到這一點,他需要越過 N 個長度不同的牆。他每次跳躍可以爬升 X 英尺。但是,由於牆壁很滑,他每次跳躍後都會下滑 Y 英尺。因此,我們需要計算穿越所有牆壁所需的跳躍次數。在本文中,我們將探討不同的C 技術,以找到逃脫監獄所需的跳躍次數。
我們以陣列的形式有不同高度的 N 面牆。 X 是跳躍長度,而Y 是他後退的長度。我們有跳躍次數作為輸出。
Input: height[] = {5, 18, 10, 3} N = 4, X = 5, Y = 2 Output: 11 Input: height[] = {15, 8, 10, 3, 5, 12} N = 6, X = 5, Y = 2 Output: 16
當牆的高度小於跳躍長度(x)時,可以單次跳躍越過牆。因此,numJumps增加一。我們使用 continue 語句來停止剩餘的迴圈並繼續進行下一個迴圈。
當高度大於跳躍長度時,我們使用while循環透過h – (x – y)計算跳躍次數,直到剩餘高度變小大於或等於跳躍長度。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int numOfJumps(int x, int y, int N, int heights[]) { int numJumps = 0; // When the height is less than jump length for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { if (x >= heights[j]) { numJumps++; continue; } // When the height is more than jump length int h = heights[j]; while (h > x) { numJumps++; h = h - (x - y); } numJumps++; } return numJumps; } int main() { int N = 5; // Number of walls int x = 4; // jump height int y = 1; // length after he slips back int heights[] = {5, 18, 10, 3, 5}; int minJumpsRequired = numOfJumps(x, y, N, heights); cout << "Minimum number of jumps required: " << minJumpsRequired << endl; return 0; }
Minimum number of jumps required: 14
以下是計算小偷越過牆壁所需跳躍次數的公式 -
Jumps = ceil((h - y) / static_cast<double>(x - y))
然後,我們用公式直接計算出所需的跳躍次數。我們使用 ceil 函數將數值四捨五入到最接近的整數。
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int numOfJumps(int x, int y, int N, int height[]) { int numJumps = 0; for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { int h = height[j]; int jumpsRequired = ceil((h - y) / static_cast<double>(x - y)); numJumps += jumpsRequired; } return numJumps; } int main() { int x = 8, y = 2; int height[] = { 4, 14, 8, 16, 20, 11 }; int N = sizeof(height) / sizeof(height[0]); int minJumpsRequired = numOfJumps(x, y, N, height); cout << "Minimum number of jumps required: " << minJumpsRequired << endl; return 0; }
Minimum number of jumps required: 12
我們也可以使用 除法 (/) 和 取模 (%) 運算子來計算跳躍的次數。在這裡,我們計算牆的高度與跳躍長度之間的差異。如果差值大於0,我們將其除以 (x-y) 來計算跳躍次數。如果有餘數,我們就加一。而如果差值為零或負數,則我們只需要一次跳躍。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int numOfJumps(int x, int y, int N, int height[]) { int jumps = 0; for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { int diff = height[j] - x; // When height is greater than jump length if (diff > 0) { jumps++; // Additional jumps jumps += diff / (x - y); // If there is a remainder, increment the jumps if (diff % (x - y) != 0) jumps++; } // When height is less than jump length else { jumps++; } } return jumps; } int main() { int N = 5; // Number of walls int x = 5; // jump height int y = 2; // length after he slips back int height[] = { 15, 8, 10, 3, 5, 12}; int minJumpsRequired = numOfJumps(x, y, N, height); cout << "Minimum number of jumps required: " << minJumpsRequired << endl; return 0; }
Minimum number of jumps required: 12