寫一個程序,利用switch case計算三角形、正方形、圓形、長方形和多邊形的面積。
s=(float)(a+b+c)/2; area=(float)(sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)));
在運行時輸入正方形的邊長。 < /p>
#運行時輸入圓的半徑 p>
在運行時輸入矩形的長度和寬度< /p>
以下是使用switch case 計算三角形、正方形、圓形、長方形和多邊形面積的C 程式-
#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> main(){ int choice; printf("Enter</p><p>1 to find area of Triangle</p><p>2 for finding area of Square</p><p>3 for finding area of Circle</p><p>4 for finding area of Rectangle</p><p>5 for Parallelogram</p><p>"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: { int a,b,c; float s,area; printf("Enter sides of triangle</p><p>"); scanf("%d%d %d",&a,&b,&c); s=(float)(a+b+c)/2; area=(float)(sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))); printf("Area of Triangle is %f</p><p>",area); break; } case 2: { float side,area; printf("Enter Sides of Square</p><p>"); scanf("%f",&side); area=(float)side*side; printf("Area of Square is %f</p><p>",area); break; } case 3: { float radius,area; printf("Enter Radius of Circle</p><p>"); scanf("%f",&radius); area=(float)3.14159*radius*radius; printf("Area of Circle %f</p><p>",area); break; } case 4: { float len,breadth,area; printf("Enter Length and Breadth of Rectangle</p><p>"); scanf("%f %f",&len,&breadth); area=(float)len*breadth; printf("Area of Rectangle is %f</p><p>",area); break; } case 5: { float base,height,area; printf("Enter base and height of Parallelogram</p><p>"); scanf("%f %f",&base,&height); area=(float)base*height; printf("Enter area of Parallelogram is %f</p><p>",area); break; } default: { printf("Invalid Choice</p><p>"); break; } } }
When the above program is executed, it produces the following output: Run 1: 1 to find area of Triangle 2 for finding area of Square 3 for finding area of Circle 4 for finding area of Rectangle 5 for Parallelogram 5 Enter base and height of Parallelogram 2 4 6 8 Enter area of Parallelogram is 8.000000 Run 2: 1 to find area of Triangle 2 for finding area of Square 3 for finding area of Circle 4 for finding area of Rectangle 5 for Parallelogram 3 Enter Radius of Circle 4.5 Area of Circle is 63.617199
以上是C程式列印三角形、正方形、圓形、矩形和多邊形的面積,使用switch case語句的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!