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搭載銳龍7 7840U處理器的宏碁傳奇Edge 16輕薄本:大螢幕便攜式AI利器的終極評測

發布: 2023-10-11 14:05:12
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搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测

硬體配置:銳龍7 7840U/16GB/512GB/16吋OLED/120Hz

配備AMD銳龍7040系列行動處理器的筆電產品已經在市面中熱銷,銳龍7040系列率先將Ryzen AI引擎引入到了X86平台,讓筆記本正式進入了高效AI時代。而在銳龍7040家族中,針對超便攜輕薄本的銳龍7040U系列之前就在Windows掌機和迷你PC上大放異彩,現如今更是有豐富的銳龍7040U輕薄本湧現,其中的宏碁傳奇Edge 16新版則是同時具備出色便攜性、超大尺寸3K OLED螢幕與AI功能的代表產品。

銳龍7040U系列透過融入Ryzen AI技術,為高能效行動運算領域帶來了全新的定義

搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测

#▲Ryzen AI引擎的推出代表著採用銳龍7040U處理器的筆電正式進入AI時代

先前的銳龍7040系列筆記型電腦測試文章中已經提到,銳龍7040系列行動處理器內建的Ryzen AI引擎,為行動平台提供了更高能效的本地AI解決方案,在保證更長續航的前提下也能對AI應用進行高效率的加速,大大提升行動辦公的效率與體驗。而對於定位超輕薄本的銳龍7040U系列來講,無疑更加突顯了能效比這方面的優勢。


搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测

銳龍7040U系列內建的RDNA3顯示卡支援Stable Diffusion本地出圖,效率遠超普通處理器

銳龍7040U系列行動處理器內建的RDNA3顯示卡除了內建的Ryzen AI引擎外,在本地AI應用中也能發揮出極大的作用。例如,銳龍7 7840U內建的Radeon 780M顯示卡性能超過GTX 1050 Ti獨顯,可以在DirectML模式下使用自由度極高且完全免費的Stable Diffusion實現本地AI出圖,對於日常輕量級AIGC需求來說完全夠用

綜上所述,同時擁有Ryzen AI引擎和最強集顯的銳龍7040U系列輕薄本,不僅可以提供AI引擎GPU的全面AI加速功能,還擁有業界領先的高能效比優勢,確實稱得上是非常契合AI時代行動辦公需求的高效利器。

銳龍7 7840U大螢幕輕薄本宏碁傳奇Edge 16介紹

搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测

宏碁傳奇Edge 16採用了鎂鋁合金材質外殼,整體設計非常簡潔明了,表面採用黑色金屬噴砂工藝,提供了細膩的質感和觸感。雖說是金屬機身且配備了16吋螢幕,但宏碁傳奇Edge 16的重量卻僅有1.24kg,機身厚度也只有12.95mm,拿在手裡非常輕巧,放在膝蓋上移動辦公也十分舒適,這一點確實令人驚喜。

筆記本的B面螢幕可以說是宏碁傳奇Edge 16的一大亮點。它採用了一塊3200×2000超高解析度的16吋OLED螢幕,刷新率為120Hz,亮度預設為400nits,並通過了DisplayHDR True Black 500認證。這樣的配置使得視覺體驗非常出色

搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测

鍵盤部分,宏碁傳奇Edge 16按鍵手感較軟,擁有不錯的靜音效果,同時二級白色背光實用不花哨,符合移動辦公人士的審美口味。當然,由於16吋的大尺寸,宏碁傳奇Edge 16的鍵盤甚至還包括了數字鍵盤區域,觸控板和腕託也相當寬敞,長時間打字也足夠舒適。

搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测

在介面部分,機身右側配備了一個安全鎖孔、一個USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A接口,一個3.5mm耳麥插孔和一個MicroSD卡槽。機身左側則配備了兩個USB Tyep-C接口,一個HDMI 2.1接口以及一個支援關機充電的USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A接口

搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测

硬體配置方面,處理器是銳龍7 7840U,它採用領先的4nm製程和創新的Zen4架構,擁有8核心16線程,預設頻率3.3 GHz,最高加速頻率5.1 GHz,cTDP為15W~30W。當然,它也內建了Ryzen AI引擎和RDNA3架構的Radeon 780M顯示卡,能夠提供AI引擎 GPU的全面AI加速功能。記憶體和儲存方面,筆電搭載了16GB雙通道LPDDR5記憶體和512GB PCIe 4.0 SSD,足夠日常辦公室和娛樂使用。


性能實測:銳龍7 7840U高效又全能

在進行效能測試之前,我們會使用Fn F組合鍵將筆電設定為效能模式,以確保銳龍7 7840U處理器能夠充分發揮其效能


搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测

#▲銳龍7 7840U在Cienbench R20中拿到了4925的多線程得分和667的單線程得分

搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测

銳龍7 7840U在Cienbench R23的多執行緒/單執行緒得分為12656/1713

首先來看看銳龍7 7840U在Cinebench中的表現。 Cinebench主要考驗處理器在長時間渲染狀態下的性能輸出,從得分來看,銳龍7 7840U定位非常準確,多線程分數十分接近功率設定比它略高的自家兄弟銳龍7 7840S,而相對銳龍7 6800U來講則領先了大約20%,提升非常明顯。

搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测

銳龍7 7840U在V-ray中的得分接近9000 vsamples,比銳龍7 6800U領先約20%

搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测

▲銳龍7 7840U完成POV-Ray渲染測試的時間為59.47秒

在另兩款3D渲染輸出工具中,銳龍7 7840U的表現也可圈可點。特別是在V-ray中,銳龍7 7840U的成績接近9000 vsamples,已經領先了銳龍7 6800U大約20%之多。由此可見,搭載銳龍7 7840U的宏碁傳奇Edge 16完全可以完成一些輕量級的3D渲染輸出工作,對於需要兼顧設計與移動辦公的用戶來講擁有不錯的實用價值。

搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测

▲銳龍7 7840U在西洋棋裡的成績領先銳龍7 6800U大約19.8%

搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测

▲銳龍7 7840U在7-Zip中的成績領先銳龍7 6800U大約13%

再看看基準算力的表現,銳龍7 7840U在西洋棋裡的成績也領先了銳龍7 6800U接近20%,可見在多線程性能方面,銳龍7 7840U相對銳龍7 6800U的換代提升確實是維持在20%左右,而功率方面並沒有增高,甚至還有所降低。

搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测

▲銳龍7 7840U的PCMark 10 Extended總分達到6589

基準測試的最後是筆記本綜合性能部分,宏碁傳奇Edge 16的PCMark 10 Extended總分達到了6589,這個水平已經可以媲美大多數主流台式機,這也突出了銳龍7 7840U全能無短板的特點。


搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测

#銳龍7 7840U內建的Radeon 780M顯示卡的TimeSpy GPU分數為2618,比銳龍7 6800U內建的Radeon 680M高約21%

銳龍7040系列最高搭載Radeon 780M顯示卡,而這款採用RDNA3架構的集顯性能已經超越了入門級獨顯,例如GTX 1050 ti。因此,宏碁傳奇Edge 16的遊戲表現也足以滿足電競網遊的需求,在適當的解析度與畫質設定下,也可以順暢運行一些3A遊戲大作。從3DMark TimeSpy的GPU得分來看,銳龍7 7840U領先了銳龍7 6800U大約21%,提升幅度也是非常明顯的。

搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测


搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测


遊戲實戰方面,我們用宏碁傳奇Edge 16體驗了《DOTA2》和《猛獸派對》,在1920×1200分辨率、次高畫質設定下,《DOTA2》即便是混戰狀態也能保持70 fps左右的流暢度;而在《猛獸派對》中,1920×1200解析度下依然可以保持60 fps的流暢幀率,爽快度還是非常有保障的。


搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测

#▲考機測試中,銳龍7 7840U最高功率可達30W,持續功率維持在22W左右

我們使用Cinebench R23對處理器進行測試,發現銳龍7 7840U的最高功率接近30W,持續功率保持在22W左右,這是銳龍7 7840U正常的表現。如果再加上FurMark進行雙重測試,銳龍7 7840U的持續功率將維持在20W左右。此外,在滿載測試下,銳龍7 7840U的峰值溫度為75.8℃,持續功率下的溫度為64.3℃,顯示宏碁傳奇Edge 16的散熱設計非常出色

續航力方面,宏碁傳奇 Edge 16內建的電池容量為54Wh,在輕薄本中屬於一個中規中矩的水平。測試項目為PCMark10現代辦公室基準續航測試,螢幕亮度設定50%,連上WiFi以模擬大家的日常辦公室使用情況,最後實測該機的續航時間為8小時21分鐘,對於一款3.2K高解析度的大螢幕機型來說足夠一天的辦公室使用。

搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测

The importance of AI functional experience is becoming more and more obvious in today’s digital era. The development of artificial intelligence technology allows us to enjoy smarter and more convenient experiences in various fields. Whether using a voice assistant on a smartphone or controlling home appliances in a smart home, the capabilities of AI have brought us a lot of convenience. In the business field, the experience of AI functions is crucial to the competitiveness of enterprises. By leveraging AI technology, companies can achieve more efficient data analysis and prediction, thereby better understanding customer needs and providing personalized services. AI can also help companies automate various aspects, improve production efficiency and reduce costs. In the medical field, the experience of AI functions can help doctors diagnose diseases more accurately and provide more precise treatment plans. AI technology can analyze large amounts of medical data, assist doctors in making decisions, and improve medical quality and efficiency. In the field of education, the experience of AI functions can provide students with personalized learning assistance. By analyzing students' learning data, AI can provide corresponding learning resources and suggestions based on students' characteristics and needs, helping students better master knowledge. In short, the experience of AI functions plays an important role in various fields. As technology continues to develop, we can expect further improvements in AI functional experience, bringing more convenience and innovation to our lives

搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测

Use the built-in Radeon 780M of Ryzen 7 7840U for stable diffusion of local AI rendering. At 512×512 resolution, it takes about 1 minute and 22 seconds to complete a picture

The DirectML version of Stable Diffusion can well support AMD GPU acceleration, so Radeon 780M can also successfully run Stable Diffusion. Judging from actual measurements, it takes approximately 1 minute and 22 seconds for Radeon 780M to generate a 512×512 image. This speed and accuracy far exceed that of ordinary processors. For users who often need to generate picture materials, having Radeon 780M built-in graphics card The Ryzen 7 7840U processor can undoubtedly significantly improve the efficiency of AI rendering work.

搭载锐龙7 7840U处理器的宏碁传奇Edge 16轻薄本:大屏便携AI利器的终极评测

▲The built-in Ryzen AI engine of Ryzen 7 7840U can add special effects such as background blur, face tracking, and eye correction to the notebook camera

The Ryzen 7 7840U with built-in Ryzen AI engine can provide acceleration effects for AI applications, but some AI applications can only be opened on processors with built-in AI engines, such as the Camera APP that comes with Windows. As you can see from the screenshots, the Camera APP that comes with Windows 11 provides background blur, face tracking and eye correction functions through the Ryzen AI engine, and the actual measured results are very good. It is worth mentioning that after saving the setting file in this APP, it will also take effect directly in other video conferencing, video chat, and streaming applications that need to use the laptop camera.


Enjoying a large OLED screen and a full-featured AI processor at the same time, who wouldn’t love such a thin and light notebook?

As can be seen from the previous test, the Acer Legend Edge 16 2023 equipped with Ryzen 7 7840U provides quite good performance in mobile office, creative design and entertainment. With the support of Radeon 780M graphics card that is comparable to independent graphics, it also It can meet the needs of users to experience e-sports online games at high frame rates.

In addition, Ryzen 7 7840U also shows an industry-leading high energy efficiency ratio. With the 54Wh battery of Acer’s legendary Edge 16, it can be fully charged to cover a whole day of mobile office. In addition, it is 1.24kg light. The body and 16-inch OLED high-resolution large screen are indeed very suitable for designers and white-collar users who need mobile office and pursue the ultimate visual experience.

Of course, comprehensive AI application acceleration is also a feature of Acer’s legendary Edge 16. On the one hand, it can locally and efficiently accelerate current and future AI applications through the built-in Ryzen AI engine of Ryzen 7 7840U; on the other hand, the built-in Radeon 780M graphics card of Ryzen 7 7840U can also reliably support things like Stable Diffusion. The local drawing application is far more efficient than ordinary processors, thus meeting the AIGC needs of designers anytime and anywhere.

To summarize, if you need a laptop that can meet the needs of lightweight 3D design and high frame rate e-sports games, it also provides a 16-inch high refresh rate OLED large screen, long battery life, and is better than Macbook Air A lighter, thinner and all-round AI notebook, then the Acer Legend Edge 16 is definitely an excellent product

以上是搭載銳龍7 7840U處理器的宏碁傳奇Edge 16輕薄本:大螢幕便攜式AI利器的終極評測的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
