微軟今日在發布預覽頻道中推送了 Windows 11 21H2 三月可選累積更新,補丁號 KB5023774,版本號升至 22000.1761。
但不少用戶反映,安裝更新後在 Windows 11 21H2 版本上無法透過 Rockstar Games Launcher 啟動《荒野大鏢客 2》。

微軟在其 Windows 更新健康儀表板上說明了這個問題,並提供了一個臨時唯一解決方案:升級到 Windows 11 22H2 版本。使用者可以在 Windows 更新設定中檢查並下載安裝 22H2 版本。
Windows 11 22H2 是Windows 11 的第一個主要功能更新版本,帶來了一些新功能和安全性改進,例如新的開始功能表、快速設定、小部件面板、輔助功能、遊戲效能最佳化等。
我們附 KB5023774 更新說明:
- 新的! 這次更新改善了任務列上的搜尋框體驗。當你在搜尋框中輸入時,搜尋結果現在出現在搜尋飛出框中。你也可以透過進入設定 > 個人化 > 工作列來改變你想要的工作列搜尋體驗。對於商業客戶,此更新為 IT 管理員增加了一個新的策略,以管理工作列上的搜尋框在您的組織中的顯示方式。欲了解更多信息,請參閱自訂 Windows 11 工作列上的搜尋。
- 此更新解決了一個影響「設定」中記事本框的問題。它未能顯示所有可用的選項。
- 此更新解決了一個影響 Microsoft PowerPoint 的問題。會停止響應。當您使用輔助工具時,會發生這種情況。
- 此更新解決了一個影響 USB 印表機的問題。系統將它們歸類為多媒體設備,儘管它們不是。
- 此更新解決了一個影響 Xbox 訂閱者的問題。如果你使用「兌換代碼」選項購買 Xbox 訂閱,Xbox 訂閱卡不會出現在設定帳號頁面。這種情況發生在經常性計費關閉的時候。
這個非安全性更新包含品質改進。當你安裝這個 KB 時:
- This update resolves an issue affecting the command line. It fails when you set the system language to Japanese and cmd.exe is configured in legacy mode.
- This update resolves an issue affecting the Remote Procedure Call service (rpcss.exe). The issue could cause a race condition between the Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) and the Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (RPC) endpoint mapper.
- This update affects the ms-appinstaller URI. It can now be used with the DesktopAppInstaller policy.
- This update resolves an issue affecting Microsoft PowerPoint. It stopped working on Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD). This situation occurs when you use Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
- This update resolves an issue affecting Windows Search. Windows Search fails in Windows container images.
- This update resolves an issue affecting the Microsoft HTML Application Host (HTA). This issue prevents code execution using Microsoft HTA. This occurs when you turn on Windows Defender Application Control (WDAC) User-Mode Code Integrity (UMCI) enforcement mode.
- This update resolves an issue affecting the "desired state configuration". It loses its previously configured options. This can happen if metaconfig.mof is missing.
- This update resolves a compatibility issue affecting some printers. These printers use the Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) printer driver. These drivers do not fully comply with the GDI specification.
- This update resolves an issue affecting Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) certificates. The system reports some SCEP certificate installations as failures. Instead, the system should report it as pending.
- This update resolves an issue affecting the new Windows Runtime (WinRT) API. This issue prevents applications from querying location information using MBIM2.0.
- This update resolves an issue affecting the Fast Identity Online 2.0 (FIDO2) PIN certificate icon. It does not appear on the certificate screen on the external monitor. This happens when the monitor is connected to a closed laptop.
- This update affects the "Set Default Association Profile" Group Policy Object (GPO). You can now use it to create an extension to a specific application.
- This update resolves an issue affecting SharedPC Account Manager. It cannot delete multiple accounts during cleanup.
- This update resolves an issue that may affect lsass.exe. It may stop responding. This happens when it sends a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) query to a domain controller that has a very large LDAP filter.
- If you have an earlier update installed, only the new updates included in this package will be downloaded and installed on your device.
以上是微軟發布了唯一的臨時解決方案解決win11 KB5023774更新後無法打開荒野大鏢客2的問題的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!