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發布: 2024-01-14 16:54:26
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泰克示波器的歷史可以追溯到70多年前。當時,霍華德·沃倫(Howard Vollum)和傑克·默多克(Jack Murdock)從未想過要建立一家商業公司。直到1945 年12 月,來自波特蘭東南部的兩位朋友為他們的電子公司起草了公司章程,將他們的企業定義為「安裝、修理、服務和銷售、購買、製造以及以其他方式獲得和交易無線電和其他儀器的企業。但他們真正想到的是“其他儀器”,就是陰極射線示波器。
作為技術主管,Vollum 決定讓泰克生產一種獨特的儀器,即示波器,被人們稱為工程師的眼睛。Vollum 從他的雷達工作中知道,當時的商用示波器自第一次世界大戰以來變化不大,但可悲的是這並不夠用,因為它們提供的通常是印象式的電信號圖像,而不是對相關現象的精確測量,當時的他就確信新一代工程師真正需要這種精確測量。
他認為,在雷達、無線電、電視和當時尚未發明的相關技術的發展中,一種更複雜的儀器將變得不可或缺。不過,他估計整個世界市場不超過700台。這符合Vollum 和Murdock 的雄心壯志,他們將泰克設想為一家具有家庭氛圍的小公司,其工資單上可能有十幾名員工。
當Murdock開始購買和儲存公司能當所有買得起的剩餘電子產品時,Vollum去他父母家的地下室工作,並創造了一個叫做501 的龐大裝置。它高18 英寸,長兩倍,寬兩倍,重量幾乎和它的創造者一樣重,但它奏效了。沒多久,Vollum 的長凳上就擺放著一個縮小版的生產原型511,它的大小與單抽屜文件櫃差不多,側面有百葉窗,表面有一個5 英寸的陰極射線管螢幕,周圍有30 個黑色旋鈕,它重65 磅,被認為是便攜式的,可以由一個人舉起。
自1946 年成立以來,泰克一直是全球示波器技術的領導者,70 多年來不斷推陳出新,從類比示波器到數位示波器,再到新時代示波器不斷在性能指標上精益求精、軟體支援應用領域愈加靈活多變以及不斷與時俱進的新功能新體驗,泰克始終走在示波器創新的前沿。
模擬示波器讓泰克逐漸在業界嶄露頭角。在 1940 年代和 1950 年代,泰克推出了一系列經典的類比示波器,如 511、521 和 541 等型號。這些示波器採用了陰極射線管(CRT)顯示技術,能夠即時顯示電訊號的波形,為工程師提供了直覺、可靠的測量工具。此類設備能夠利用圖形來表示電訊號,從而將電壓轉換為一種可見的形式並顯示在螢幕上。這種轉換對我們觀察電訊號的行為(例如頻率、振幅和失真情況)有著至關重要的意義,並且能夠幫助我們直觀地了解電子訊號的各種特性。

類比示波器的正常運作是在幾個關鍵組件的共同作用下實現的,包括陰極射線管CRT、垂直放大器、時基、水平放大器、電源。 CRT是整個類比示波器運作的核心,其中的電子束能夠形成被測電訊號的可見軌跡,其過程包括垂直放大、時基控制、水平放大。
此類示波器功能廣泛,可供教學實驗室、電子產品維修部門、研發機構和業餘愛好者用於各種教學和故障排除工作。As a teaching tool, analog oscilloscopes integrate theoretical electronics concepts with practical applications, providing students with invaluable practical information.
The way analog oscilloscopes display waveforms is aesthetically pleasing, especially in fields such as audio engineering where subtle differences in waveforms are important. In the world of audio engineering, analog oscilloscopes are vital for analyzing audio signals, assessing sound quality, and ensuring the fidelity of recording and live settings. Nowadays, more and more enthusiasts and professionals are becoming obsessed with retro electronic products, and analog oscilloscopes are compatible with various old technologies, so they have become an indispensable and important tool when repairing such products.
Customization and modification of analog oscilloscopes include increasing bandwidth, improving sensitivity, and using them for artistic purposes; this is also a unique charm of this type of oscilloscope.
Although analog oscilloscopes have the above unique advantages, compared with digital oscilloscopes, analog oscilloscopes still have shortcomings such as limited storage space and insufficient advanced functions. However, specific dedicated application areas still ensure that analog oscilloscopes have a certain degree of practicality.
The replacement of digital oscilloscopes
While praising the great innovation of analog oscilloscopes, we will not forget the great changes that digital oscilloscopes have brought to us. These advanced tools greatly enhance the capabilities of the analog models:

Enhanced data analysis: Digital oscilloscopes have better data storage and retrieval capabilities, helping users perform more comprehensive signal analysis.
Accuracy and Reliability: Information in digital format provides more accurate readings, which is critical for complex electronic testing.
Ease of use: The modern interface ensures that the digital oscilloscope is easier to use, thereby reducing the learning cost for new users.
With the development of digital technology, Tektronix launched a digital oscilloscope, the Tektronix 465, in the 1970s. A powerful portable transistor oscilloscope that quickly became a standard instrument for digital logic designers, it was twice used in the digital design revolution, helping the video game industry birth Pong and the first personal computer with high-resolution color graphics. Apple II. Since then, analog oscilloscopes began to give way to digital oscilloscopes in the 1980s. After the 1990s, Tektronix continued to launch new digital oscilloscope products, such as DPO, MDO, MSO and other series, constantly improving the bandwidth, sampling rate, storage depth and other performance indicators of the oscilloscope. A digital oscilloscope is an indispensable tool for anyone who designs, manufactures or repairs electronic equipment. In today's fast-paced world, engineers need the best tools to solve their measurement challenges quickly and accurately. As the eyes of an engineer, digital oscilloscopes are key to meeting today's demanding measurement challenges. The uses of digital oscilloscopes are not limited to electronics. With the appropriate sensors, digital oscilloscopes can measure a variety of phenomena. A sensor is a device that generates an electrical signal in response to a physical stimulus such as sound, mechanical stress, pressure, light, or heat. Microphones are sensors that convert sound into electrical signals. Everyone from physicists to service technicians use digital oscilloscopes. Automotive engineers use digital oscilloscopes to correlate analog data from sensors with serial data from engine control units; medical researchers use digital oscilloscopes to measure brain waves. The application possibilities are endless.
A new generation of oscilloscopes in recent years
Entering the 21st century, Tektronix has launched a series of new era oscilloscopes, such as MSO5 series, MSO6 series and MDO3, MSO4, as well as the new 2 series and the just launched 4 series B MSO series wait. These oscilloscopes use the latest technology, such as high-definition display, touch operation, wireless connection, etc., to provide engineers with more convenient and efficient measurement tools.
In recent years, the innovation of mixed-signal oscilloscopes has enabled them to better adapt to various application scenarios and meet user needs in different fields. Taking the new 2 series MSO as an example, it focuses on customer experience. Create a new concept of personal test terminal that serves the majority of engineers, achieving thin and light portability, as well as more comprehensive testing and analysis functions. The new 2 series can be equipped with built-in functions such as arbitrary function generator (AFG), pattern generator, voltmeter and frequency counter, successfully integrating multiple instrument functions into the same device, reducing the need to carry or purchase While reducing the number of instruments, it also increases the number of tasks that can be completed. The new Series 2 can move seamlessly between the workbench and the test site, expanding new application scenarios for traditional oscilloscopes.
Then to the newly released 4 Series B MSO, targeted at embedded product designers who require exceptional accuracy, versatility and ease of use, with bandwidths from 200 MHz to 1.5 GHz, and Up to 16-bit vertical resolution and a real-time sampling rate of 6.25 GS/s, while achieving the same outstanding signal fidelity as previous versions of the 4 Series. In addition, this product not only inherits the highly acclaimed touch-sensitive user interface of its predecessor, but also upgrades the processor system. Customers will be pleasantly surprised to find that the 4 Series B MSO user interface is more than twice as responsive as previous products, and advanced analytics capabilities run significantly faster.
Looking forward to 2024, Tektronix oscilloscopes will continue to be committed to innovation and excellence. With the continuous development of semiconductor, automotive, high-speed interface technology and other fields, the requirements for electronic test and measurement will become more complex and diverse. Tektronix oscilloscopes are expected to continue to lead the trend in this new era full of challenges and opportunities, providing customers with more advanced and smarter solutions.
At the beginning of this new year, let us look forward to Tektronix oscilloscopes achieving greater glory in the field of electronic technology and continuing to make outstanding contributions to technological progress. We hope that Tektronix oscilloscopes will keep pace with the times and innovate continuously, creating more possibilities for engineers and scientists around the world and achieving a more brilliant tomorrow.

