使用Microsoft Office Outlook傳送和接收電子郵件

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Microsoft office outlook来收发电子邮件

Microsoft office outlook來收發電子郵件?怎麼設定

1.開啟 Outlook(即 Outlook Express),點選“工具”,然後選取“帳戶”。

2.點選“新增”,在彈出式選單中選擇“郵件”,進入 Internet 連線精靈。


4.在「電子郵件地址:」欄位中輸​​入您的完整 163 免費郵件地址(you@163.com),然後按一下「下一步」。

5.在「接收郵件(pop、IMAP或HTTP)伺服器:」欄位中輸​​入 pop.163.com。在「傳送郵件伺服器 (SMTP):」欄位中輸​​入:smtp.163.com,按一下「下一步」。

6.在「帳戶名稱:」欄位中輸​​入您的 163 免費郵政使用者名稱(僅輸入@ 前面的部分)。在「密碼:」欄位中輸​​入您的郵箱密碼,然後按一下「下一步」。


8.在 Internet 帳戶中,選擇「郵件」選項卡,選取剛才設定的帳號,按一下「屬性」。




outlook express是系統軟體用來收發電子郵件

outlook express是應用軟體,不是系統軟體。

outlook express用來收發電子郵件 沒錯


應用軟體(application software)是使用者可以使用的各種程式設計語言,以及以各種程式設計語言編製的應用程式的集合,分為應用軟體套件和使用者程式。應用軟體包是利用電腦解決某一類問題而設計的程式的集合,供多用戶使用。電腦軟體分為系統軟體及應用軟體兩大類。應用軟體是為滿足使用者不同領域、不同問題的應用需求而提供的那部分軟體。它可以拓寬電腦系統的應用領域,放大硬體的功能。

如何利用SQL Server傳送電子發郵件

郵件列表(mailing list)是電子郵件的擴展應用之一,被廣泛應用於用戶的追蹤服務,發布產品信息,以及電子報刊等方面。使用者可以向對應的郵件伺服器發送訂閱申請郵件,這樣該使用者就被加入到該郵件發送的清單中。其過程是:使用者填寫相關申請訂閱訊息,系統根據使用者提供的郵箱地址發送確認郵件,並要使用者開啟自己的信箱,點擊郵件相關確認部份將其的確認訊息傳送給網站的Webmaster,Webmaster在得到確認訊息後向用戶開通相關的服務。那麼這種自動發送郵件的功能是如何實現的,我們怎麼能在自己網站中實現該功能呢?以下將對此實作方法進行闡述。


1.CDONTS(collaboration Data Object for NT Server) CDONTS與ADO類似,它們為使用者提供了用任何程式和腳本語言存取作業系統複雜和穩固的功能集合的能力。程式設計人員透過以ActiveX封裝Windows的本機訊息服務來收發電子郵件。 Windows2000中會預設安裝SMTP服務,Windows NT中可用Windows NT4.0 option pack 4安裝SMTP服務。安裝後CDONTS.DLL存放在C:\Winnt\System32\目錄下方。有了該元件我們還不能立即應用它,在對它進行使用之前我們必須先完成元件的註冊,我們可以在MS-DOS方式下進入到CDONTS.DLL所在的目錄C:\Winnt\System32\下輸入:

c:\winnt\system32>regsvr32 cdonts.dll

(如果我們想要將其禦載可用指令: c:\winnt\system32>regsvr32/u cdonts.dll)


set NewMailObj=CreatObject(“CDONTS.NewMail”) NewMailObj.from=“來源位址(寄件人名)” NewMailObj.To=“目標位址(收件者名稱)” NewMailObj.Subject=”標題” NewMailObj.Body =「郵件內容」

NewMailObj.AttachFile “filename”, “attachment name” Set priority, 0-unimportant, 1-normal, 2-important NewMailObj.Importance=2 NewMailObj.Cc=”CC address” NewMailObj.BCc=”Password Send address" NewMailObj.send 'Mail sending

Set NewMailObj=Nothing 'Release object instance %>

The following takes the subscription application and confirmation implementation part of the online magazine subscription system as an example to specifically explain how to use the CDONTS object to implement the function of automatically sending emails

What is email

Stewing slang and twisting the sword? What about the shin? Lie Shaoyuan ⑺ stole the twisted Lan Zhi first Wei Wenqi to pay ǖ which Kang Muwu? To communicate with network users in any corner of the world, these emails can be in various forms such as text, images, sounds, etc. At the same time, you can get a large number of free news, special emails, and realize easy information search. This is incomparable to any traditional method. It is precisely because of the ease of use, rapid delivery, low fees, easy storage, and unimpeded global access of email that email is widely used and has greatly changed the way people communicate.

Email was originally designed as a mechanism for communication between two people, but current email has been expanded to allow communication with a group of users or with a computer program. Since computers can automatically respond to emails, any computer connected to the Internet can access Internet services through email. Moreover, general email software is designed with how to access Internet services in mind, making email a popular choice on the Internet. One of the most widely used services. In fact, email is one of the most basic functions of the Internet. Before the emergence of browser technology, most communications between Internet users were conducted through email.

Although email is the most common service on the Internet, it is possible to send and receive email without using the Internet. Early researchers who worked through computer networks realized during their work that the network could provide a means of communication that combined telephone communication with postal mail, which ultimately resulted in this new form of communication, e-mail. Many companies and organizations around the world use e-mail every day, but they may only use local area networks to connect to other computers and transmit e-mail through these networks. Of course, in a LAN environment, only those users connected to the LAN can send and receive e-mails. Once the LAN is connected to the Internet, each user on the LAN can send and receive e-mails across time and space with Internet users all over the world. .

Every user who applies for an Internet account will have an email address. It is an email address that is very similar to the user's house number, or more accurately, it is equivalent to renting a mailbox at the post office. Because traditional letters are delivered to your doorstep by the postman, and emails require you to check the mailbox yourself, but you don't have to step out of your house.

以上是使用Microsoft Office Outlook傳送和接收電子郵件的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!

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