首頁 > 系統教程 > MAC > mac怎麼縮印檔案?


發布: 2024-01-28 08:06:19
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縮印方法如下:雙擊開啟需要縮印的文檔,然後按下【Ctrl A】組合鍵全選文章。接著點擊頁面佈局,找到右側的小方塊並點擊。在彈出的選項卡上選擇分欄,然後在欄數內填入4,並點選確定。





6、【1】首先,需要準備一份ppt文檔。以Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013為例進行示範。 【2】Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013的工具列如圖所示。我們將主要使用「切換」和「放燈片放映」兩個標籤下的功能。



#開啟訪達資料夾,找到需要進行壓縮操作的文件,點選檔案右鍵找到壓縮學習資料選項; 點選上述壓縮學習資料選項,即可在檔案目前位置產生ZIP格式的文件壓縮包。


首先,您需要下載並安裝The Unarchiver軟體。安裝完成後,您會在launchpad中找到軟體的圖示。現在,任意選擇一個資料夾並右鍵點擊,您會看到壓縮檔案選項。選擇該選項後,檔案將自動在目前資料夾中進行壓縮。

現在有很多人在使用Mac電腦,有些新用戶不知道怎麼壓縮資料夾,接下來小編就來跟大家介紹一下具體的操作步驟。具體如下: 首先第一步根據下圖箭頭所指,點選頂部【檔案】選項。

首先第一步開啟Safari瀏覽器,搜尋並進入【The Unarchiver】官網,依照下圖箭頭所指,點選【Download】選項。第二步先點選右上角【下載】圖標,接著根據下圖箭頭所指,等待下載完成。

方法/步驟:請先在Mac電腦上開啟App Store應用程式商店,如圖所示:開啟App Store商店以後,請點選右上角的搜尋框,如圖所示:隨後在搜尋框中直接輸入RAR關鍵字,搜尋即可看到許多可以用於在Mac上開啟RAR檔案的應用程式。




縮印方法如下:雙擊開啟需要縮印的文件。點選【Ctrl A】組合鍵,全選文章。點選上方【頁面佈局】。點擊右側的小方塊。在彈出的選項卡上點選【分欄】。在【欄數】裡面填【4】,點選【確定】。

點選「檔案」。選擇“列印”選項。點擊“自訂縮放”,頁面出現後,點擊“自訂縮放選項”。請查看至“縮放”這一工作欄,點擊設定“縮放比例”,將原定的100%縮放比例,進行修改。 excel,是一款免費的辦公室軟體。

The first step is to click the [Apple] icon in the upper left corner as pointed by the arrow in the picture below, and then click the [System Preferences] option in the pop-up menu bar. In the second step, as shown in the figure below, first click the [Display] icon, and then check [Scale].

The first step is to open the macbook, click the Finder on the left to open the application page. In the second step, select the document function in the application page, then enter the document homepage and click the document icon in the upper right corner.

How to compress image files on mac

1. In the browser, enter "Light Second Online or Light Second Format Factory" - Image Compression - Drag or add image compression to specify the size and enter 10, that is, 10KB Click to start compression, wait a moment for the compression to be completed, and the compressed image parameters will be displayed.

2. If the compressed file you need to decompress is [XXX.zip], that is to say, it is a compressed package with a .zip suffix, then right-click the file - Open.

3. How to compress photos on mac? The method of compressing photos on Mac is as follows: right-click the image that needs to be compressed, click Open, and the opening method is Preview. Press cmmand i while previewing. Click on the position in the picture to see that the format size of the picture is PNG capacity 2. Click File on the menu bar and click Export.

4. Compressed files/folders. If the files you need to process are not on the desktop, you need to click [Go]---[Computer] on the left side of the computer window and [All My Folders]. , [Application], [Desktop]...[Picture] these options.

5. Open the Finder folder, find the file that needs to be compressed, right-click on the file to find the Compress Learning Materials option; click the Compress Learning Materials option above to generate a compressed document in ZIP format at the current location of the file. Bag.

6. First, you need to download and install The Unarchiver software. After the installation is complete, you will find the icon of the software in the launchpad. Now, select any folder and right-click on it and you will see the compress file option. After selecting this option, files will automatically be compressed in the current folder.

How to compress PDF file size on Apple computers

First open the PDF file that needs to be reduced. Under "File" click "Print." When the print properties window pops up, click "Properties", as shown by the arrow.

Method 1: Use the PDF converter and the virtual printer pdf factory, and other format files can be made into PDF files as long as they can be printed by selecting this virtual printer. It is very simple and practical; Method 2: Find an online PDF conversion tool.

First open the computer, enter pdf and click . Then enter the new interface, find the file option at the top of the interface, click it, a new menu bar will appear, click the compress file size option. Then enter the new interface and click the compression size position to adjust.

Conclusion: The above is a summary of the answers related to how to shrink files on Mac compiled by this site. I hope it will be helpful to you! If your problem is solved, please share it with more friends who care about this problem~

