php小編西瓜回答你的問題:mac鈴聲資料夾位於系統庫資料夾中的「聲音」資料夾內。你可以按住「Command Shift G」組合鍵,在Finder中開啟「前往資料夾」窗口,然後輸入「/Library/Sounds/」來直接開啟該資料夾。在這個資料夾中,你可以找到儲存系統預設鈴聲的檔案和資料夾。如果你想自訂鈴聲,只需將你想要的音訊檔案複製到這個資料夾中即可。記得在命名時使用正確的檔案格式(.m4r)以確保鈴聲可以被識別並使用。
蘋果電腦用戶可以透過iTools Pro軟體製作個人化的手機鈴聲。製作過程如下:首先,將iOS設備連接到電腦上,然後開啟iTools Pro軟體。在軟體介面中切換到鈴聲面板,選擇鈴聲製作選項。接下來,點選選擇裝置音樂按鈕,瀏覽並選取iOS裝置上的音訊檔案。最後,點擊確定按鈕即可完成鈴聲製作。這樣,用戶就可以在自己的手機上使用自訂的鈴聲了。
開啟iTunes軟體 ,將你要的鈴聲歌曲加入iTunes裡。點擊左上角“文件”,再點擊“將文件新增至資料庫”,找到提前下載到電腦中歌曲文件,點擊下方“開啟”按鈕。
First find good music source files online. Then open iTunes. If there is no ringtone column in your library, go to iTunes-Preferences-General Options-check Ringtone. Add music to the library, then find it in the music bar, right-click and select "Show Profile".
Connect iPhone to your Mac computer. After opening the installed iRingg Mac version, you can see the following interface. Select [browse]. Select the music you have downloaded. Then click [open].
Open itunes and observe your itunes interface to see if a ringtone button has been added to the toolbar in the upper left corner (let’s call it the toolbar for now, I don’t know what bar it is, the location is as shown below), if not , just click on the ".." in the red circle in the picture below and add it in the edit of the drop-down menu.
1. Open the itunes software on your Apple computer and open the system settings menu of the itunes software. In the system settings menu of the iTunes software, find and open the "Preferences" option. In the pop-up "Preferences" option menu, check the "Ringtone" option to view the ringtone list.
2. Open the iTunes software and add the ringtone songs you want to iTunes. Click "File" in the upper left corner, then click "Add file to library", find the song file downloaded to the computer in advance, and click the "Open" button below.
3. The method to use iTunes to set iPhone ringtone on MacBook is as follows: Open iTunes, click "File", then select "Add File to Library", find the song you want to set as ringtone and click "Open" ", the song will appear in the "Music" folder.
4. Download the songs you like. After the download is completed, open itunes. Click the file on the upper right and choose to add the file to the database. At this time, you will find that the songs you downloaded have been imported in the music column of the database. Select the song you want to make a ringtone for, right-click to open the menu, and click "Show Introduction".
5. Open iTunes and connect the phone, click Edit-Preferences-General, and check the ringtone option. Drag the created ringtone into the library, make sure the ringtone is less than 40 seconds long, and then it will appear in the music library.
Conclusion: The above is all the content about where the mac ringtone folder is introduced by this site. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you want to know more about this, remember to bookmark and follow it. This site.