嘗試從此處執行msgraph-sdk-go 訓練程式碼時:,我收到invalidauthenticationtokenmsg :執行圖形api 呼叫時存取令牌為空
我配置了一個帶有即時沙箱的 microsoft 開發人員帳戶以供試用。
程式碼能夠取得 apptoken,但對於取得 users 的呼叫失敗,並出現上述錯誤。我在這裡遺漏了什麼嗎?
我嘗試了以下 msgraph-training 範例中的程式碼
func (g *graphhelper) initializegraphforappauth() error { clientid := os.getenv("client_id") tenantid := os.getenv("tenant_id") clientsecret := os.getenv("client_secret") credential, err := azidentity.newclientsecretcredential(tenantid, clientid, clientsecret, nil) if err != nil { return err } g.clientsecretcredential = credential // create an auth provider using the credential authprovider, err := auth.newazureidentityauthenticationproviderwithscopes(g.clientsecretcredential, []string{ "", }) if err != nil { return err } // create a request adapter using the auth provider adapter, err := msgraphsdk.newgraphrequestadapter(authprovider) if err != nil { return err } // create a graph client using request adapter client := msgraphsdk.newgraphserviceclient(adapter) g.appclient = client return nil } // this part works, and i get the apptoken with required scope, once decoded. func (g *graphhelper) getapptoken() (*string, error) { token, err := g.clientsecretcredential.gettoken(context.background(), policy.tokenrequestoptions{ scopes: []string{ "", }, }) if err != nil { return nil, err } fmt.println("expires on : ", token.expireson) return &token.token, nil } // the getusers function errors out func (g *graphhelper) getusers() (models.usercollectionresponseable, error) { var topvalue int32 = 25 query := users.usersrequestbuildergetqueryparameters{ // only request specific properties select: []string{"displayname", "id", "mail"}, // get at most 25 results top: &topvalue, // sort by display name orderby: []string{"displayname"}, } resp, err := g.appclient.users(). get(context.background(), &users.usersrequestbuildergetrequestconfiguration{ queryparameters: &query, }) if err != nil { fmt.println("users.get got error", err.error(), resp) printodataerror(err) } resp, err = g.appclient.users(). get(context.background(), nil) if err != nil { fmt.println("users.get got error with nil", err.error(), resp) } return resp, err }
Users.Get got Error error status code received from the API <nil> error: error status code received from the API code: InvalidAuthenticationTokenmsg: Access token is empty.Users.Get got Error with nil error status code received from the API <nil>
好吧,經過反覆試驗後,對我有用的修復是示例中的版本與我正在嘗試的實際應用程式不匹配。 我使用的 beta msgraph 應用程式的版本是 v0.49,而 msgraphsdk 教程使用的是 v0.48。 go mod 指令最初選擇了最新的v0.49,我猜,在查看msgraph-training 檔案以使用v0.48。 com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-training-go" rel="nofollow noreferrer">儲存庫 一切開始工作。 希望這對其他人以後有幫助。
以上是執行 msgraph-sdk-go 訓練範例程式碼時出現「取得存取權杖為空」錯誤的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!