我是 golang 新手,正在學習有關使用命令列終端製作簡單測驗應用程式的線上教學課程。然而,當我在我的機器上運行程式碼時,在第一個問題之後,其餘的問題成對出現,並且它不再接受我對每個問題的答案。
程式的流程非常簡單 -
csv 檔案也很短 -
70+22,92 63+67,130 91+72,163 74+61,135 81+6,87
這是完整的程式 -
package main import ( "encoding/csv" "flag" "fmt" "os" "time" ) func main() { // 1. input the name of the file fName := flag.String("f", "quiz.csv", "path of csv file") // 2. set the duration of timer timer := flag.Int("t", 30, "timer for the quiz") flag.Parse() // 3. pull the problems from the file (calling our problem puller) problems, err := problemPuller(*fName) // 4. handle the error if err != nil { exit(fmt.Sprintf("something went wrong: %s", err.Error())) } // 5. create a variable to count our correct answers correctAns := 0 // 6. using the duration of the timer, we want to initialize the timer tObj := time.NewTimer(time.Duration(*timer) * time.Second) ansC := make(chan string) // 7. loop through the problems, print the questions, we'll accept the answers problemLoop: for i, p := range problems { var answer string fmt.Printf("Problem %d: %s =", i+1, p.question) go func() { fmt.Scanf("%s", &answer) ansC <- answer }() select { case <- tObj.C: fmt.Println() break problemLoop case iAns := <- ansC: if iAns == p.answer { correctAns++ } if i == len(problems)-1 { close(ansC) } } } // 8. calculate and print out the result fmt.Printf("Your result is %d out of %d\n", correctAns, len(problems)) fmt.Printf("Press enter to exit") <- ansC } func problemPuller(fileName string) ([]problem, error) { // read all the problems from the quiz.csv // 1. open the file if fObj, err := os.Open(fileName); err == nil { // 2. we will create new reader csvR := csv.NewReader(fObj) // 3. it will need to read the file if cLines, err := csvR.ReadAll(); err == nil { // 4. call the parseProblem function return parseProblem(cLines), nil } else { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error in reading data in csv from %s file; %s", fileName, err.Error()) } } else { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error in opening the file %s file; %s", fileName, err.Error()) } } func parseProblem(lines [][]string) []problem { // go over the lines and parse them based on the problem struct r := make([] problem, len(lines)) for i := 0; i < len(lines); i++ { r[i] = problem { question: lines[i][0], answer: lines[i][1], } } return r } type problem struct { question string answer string } func exit(msg string) { fmt.Println(msg) os.Exit(1) }
我可以在 windows 上重現該問題(在 命令提示字元
中執行)。但在 linux 上沒有問題。
go func() { - fmt.Scanf("%s", &answer) + fmt.Scanln(&answer) ansC <- answer }()
這是一個已知問題,報告為fmt:scanf 在 windows 和 linux 上的工作方式不同#23562.並且還有一個待修復。不幸的是,cl 有未解決的評論,並且被屏蔽了很長時間。
以上是Golang 程式中命令列參數未正確接受為參數的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!