我的 golang fiber 伺服器在 google cloud run 上執行時會自動退出並顯示以下訊息:
container called exit(0).
我使用以下 dockerfile 來運行它
# use the offical golang image to create a binary. from golang:buster as builder # create and change to the app directory. workdir /app # retrieve application dependencies. copy go.mod ./ copy go.sum ./ run go mod download copy . ./ run go build # use the official debian slim image for a lean production container. # https://hub.docker.com/_/debian # https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/multistage-build/#use-multi-stage- builds from debian:buster-slim run set -x && apt-get update && debian_frontend=noninteractive apt-get install -y \ ca-certificates && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # copy the binary to the production image from the builder stage. copy --from=builder /app/redirect-middleware.git /app/ copy --from=builder /app/pkg /app/pkg/ expose 8080 # run the web service on container startup. cmd ["/app/redirect-middleware.git", "dev"]
和我的 main.go(僅 func main())
func main() { // Load env config c, err := config.LoadConfig() if err != nil { log.Fatalln("Failed at config", err) } // init DB db.InitDb() // init fiber API app := fiber.New() log.Print("Started new Fiber app...") // initial route sending version of API app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error { return c.SendString(fmt.Sprintf("Redirection middleware - v%s", viper.Get("Version").(string))) }) log.Print("Default root route set...") // api routes api := app.Group("/api") // /api v1 := api.Group("/v1") // /api/v1 log.Print("api/v1 group set...") // register routes v1 mastermenus.RegisterRoutes(v1) log.Print("Route registered...") app.Listen(c.Port) log.Print("Api started listening in port 8080") }
最後一行在 google cloud run 日誌中執行正常,我可以看到 api 開始偵聽連接埠 8080
為什麼我的容器會單獨退出?它應該啟動 fiber api。
我發現了這個問題。在我的 stage.env
檔案中,我將連接埠設定為 :8080
在本地,傳遞 app.listen(c.port)
可以按預期很好地轉換為 app.listen(":8080")
。當在 cloud run 中使用它時,它會轉換為 app.listen("8080")
我新增了 app.listen(":" c.port)
errApp := app.Listen(":" + c.Port) if errApp != nil { log.Printf("An error happened while running the api: %s", errApp) } else { log.Printf("Api started listening in port %s", c.Port) }