我正在嘗試使用 csr 和 spacemonkeygo/openssl
用於簽署憑證的控制台 openssl 命令按預期工作,我獲得了有效的憑證。
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in cert_client.csr -ca ca/root.crt -cakey ca/root.key -set_serial 10101 -out cert_client.crt -extfile ca/extensions.cnf
但是,我在 go 中的程式碼提供了錯誤的證書,其中 skid 包含頒發證書的 keyid 的確切值。這會導致在「權威金鑰識別碼」中複製「頒發者」的無效值:由於 skid 與頒發者的 keyid 相同,因此它「認為」憑證是自行頒發的。
package main import ( "" "math/big" "os" "time" ) func main() { crtfilepath := filepath("ca/root.crt") keyfilepath := filepath("ca/root.key") certca, privatekeyca, err := getrootca(pathcert(crtfilepath), pathkey(keyfilepath)) if err != nil { panic(err) } serialnumber := big.newint(10101) country := "ru" organization := "some organization" commonname := "commonname" expirationdate :=, 0, 0) certinfo := &openssl.certificateinfo{ serial: serialnumber, expires: expirationdate.sub(, commonname: commonname, // will fail if these are empty or not initialized country: country, organization: organization, } // just for example. publickey is received from csr privatekeycert, err := openssl.generatersakey(2048) if err != nil { panic(err) } newcert, err := openssl.newcertificate(certinfo, openssl.publickey(privatekeycert)) if err != nil { panic(err) } err = newcert.setversion(openssl.x509_v3) if err != nil { panic(err) } // (?) must be called before adding extensions err = newcert.setissuer(certca) if err != nil { panic(err) } err = newcert.addextension(openssl.nid_basic_constraints, "critical,ca:false") if err != nil { panic(err) } err = newcert.addextension(openssl.nid_subject_key_identifier, "hash") if err != nil { panic(err) } err = newcert.addextension(openssl.nid_authority_key_identifier, "keyid:always,issuer:always") if err != nil { panic(err) } err = newcert.sign(privatekeyca, openssl.evp_sha256) if err != nil { panic(err) } pembytes, err := newcert.marshalpem() if err != nil { panic(err) } err = os.writefile("generated.crt", pembytes, os.filemode(0644)) if err != nil { panic(err) } print("done") } type filepath string type pathcert string type pathkey string func getrootca(pathcert pathcert, pathkey pathkey) (*openssl.certificate, openssl.privatekey, error) { capublickeyfile, err := os.readfile(string(pathcert)) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } certca, err := openssl.loadcertificatefrompem(capublickeyfile) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } caprivatekeyfile, err := os.readfile(string(pathkey)) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } privatekeyca, err := openssl.loadprivatekeyfrompem(caprivatekeyfile) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } return certca, privatekeyca, nil }
我比較了為 2 個包裝器新增擴充功能的實作:spacemonkey/go
和 pyopenssl
// add an extension to a certificate. // extension constants are nid_* as found in openssl. func (c *certificate) addextension(nid nid, value string) error { issuer := c if c.issuer != nil { issuer = c.issuer } var ctx c.x509v3_ctx c.x509v3_set_ctx(&ctx, c.x, issuer.x, nil, nil, 0) ex := c.x509v3_ext_conf_nid(nil, &ctx,, c.cstring(value)) if ex == nil { return"failed to create x509v3 extension") } defer c.x509_extension_free(ex) if c.x509_add_ext(c.x, ex, -1) <= 0 { return"failed to add x509v3 extension") } return nil }
# X509Extension::__init__ def __init__( self, type_name: bytes, critical: bool, value: bytes, subject: Optional["X509"] = None, issuer: Optional["X509"] = None, ) -> None: ctx ="X509V3_CTX*") # A context is necessary for any extension which uses the r2i # conversion method. That is, X509V3_EXT_nconf may segfault if passed # a NULL ctx. Start off by initializing most of the fields to NULL. _lib.X509V3_set_ctx(ctx, _ffi.NULL, _ffi.NULL, _ffi.NULL, _ffi.NULL, 0) # We have no configuration database - but perhaps we should (some # extensions may require it). _lib.X509V3_set_ctx_nodb(ctx) # Initialize the subject and issuer, if appropriate. ctx is a local, # and as far as I can tell none of the X509V3_* APIs invoked here steal # any references, so no need to mess with reference counts or # duplicates. if issuer is not None: if not isinstance(issuer, X509): raise TypeError("issuer must be an X509 instance") ctx.issuer_cert = issuer._x509 if subject is not None: if not isinstance(subject, X509): raise TypeError("subject must be an X509 instance") ctx.subject_cert = subject._x509 if critical: # There are other OpenSSL APIs which would let us pass in critical # separately, but they're harder to use, and since value is already # a pile of crappy junk smuggling a ton of utterly important # structured data, what's the point of trying to avoid nasty stuff # with strings? (However, X509V3_EXT_i2d in particular seems like # it would be a better API to invoke. I do not know where to get # the ext_struc it desires for its last parameter, though.) value = b"critical," + value extension = _lib.X509V3_EXT_nconf(_ffi.NULL, ctx, type_name, value) if extension == _ffi.NULL: _raise_current_error() self._extension = _ffi.gc(extension, _lib.X509_EXTENSION_free)
明顯的差異在於 api:python 的版本接受 subject
和 issuer
作為參數進行重載。 go 的版本沒有。
在 go 中調用
這兩個函數都可以在 github 上找到。 我認為使用 openspacemonkey/go-openssl 與 ca 簽章時不可能新增 skid 擴充功能。
# 似乎唯一的方法是手動使用 c 綁定並「像 python 那樣做」。
我實作了一個巧妙的解決方法來新增 skid 和authoritykeyidentifier。產生的證書有效。但是,由於 certificate
結構體的 x *c.x509
這不是推薦的方法,而是在 spacemonkey/go
func addAuthorityKeyIdentifier(c *openssl.Certificate) error { var ctx C.X509V3_CTX C.X509V3_set_ctx(&ctx, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0) // this is ugly and very unsafe! cx509 := *(**C.X509)(unsafe.Pointer(c)) cx509Issuer := cx509 if c.Issuer != nil { cx509Issuer = *(**C.X509)(unsafe.Pointer(c.Issuer)) } ctx.issuer_cert = cx509Issuer cExtName := C.CString("authorityKeyIdentifier") defer cExtValue := C.CString("keyid:always,issuer:always") defer extension := C.X509V3_EXT_nconf(nil, &ctx, cExtName, cExtValue) if extension == nil { return errors.New("failed to set 'authorityKeyIdentifier' extension") } defer C.X509_EXTENSION_free(extension) addResult := C.X509_add_ext(cx509, extension, -1) if addResult == 0 { return errors.New("failed to set 'authorityKeyIdentifier' extension") } return nil } func addSKIDExtension(c *openssl.Certificate) error { var ctx C.X509V3_CTX C.X509V3_set_ctx(&ctx, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0) // this is ugly and very unsafe! cx509 := *(**C.X509)(unsafe.Pointer(c)) _ = cx509 ctx.subject_cert = cx509 _ = ctx cExtName := C.CString("subjectKeyIdentifier") defer cExtValue := C.CString("hash") defer extension := C.X509V3_EXT_nconf(nil, &ctx, cExtName, cExtValue) if extension == nil { return errors.New("failed to set 'subjectKeyIdentifier' extension") } defer C.X509_EXTENSION_free(extension) // adding itself as a subject addResult := C.X509_add_ext(cx509, extension, -1) if addResult == 0 { return errors.New("failed to set 'subjectKeyIdentifier' extension") } return nil }
以上是簽署憑證時,授權金鑰識別碼複製到 SKID的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!