我正在用 c# 建立剪貼簿管理器,有時我會遇到剪貼簿被某些應用程式設定為空的情況。
這發生在例如excel 取消選擇剛剛複製的內容時,因此我需要確定剪貼簿是否為空,但是如何取得更新剪貼簿的應用程式名稱?
我希望我能以某種方式獲得更新剪貼簿的應用程式的 hwnd
[dllimport("user32.dll", setlasterror = true)] public static extern uint getwindowthreadprocessid(intptr hwnd, out uint lpdwprocessid); ... protected override void wndproc(ref message m) { switch (m.msg) { case wm_clipboardupdate: // how to get the "handle" hwnd? intptr handle = ??? <============= how to get this one ??? // get the process id from the hwnd uint processid = 0; getwindowthreadprocessid(handle, out processid); // get the process name from the process id string processname = process.getprocessbyid((int)processid).processname; console.writeline("clipboard update event from [" + processname + "]"); break; } default: base.wndproc(ref m); break; } }
我希望我可以使用 message
物件中的 hwnd
,但這似乎是我自己的應用程式 - 可能是用此進程 id 通知應用程式:
根據@jimi的回答,這很簡單。我可以將以下 3 行新增到我的原始程式碼:
// Import the "GetClipboardOwner" function from the User32 library [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern IntPtr GetClipboardOwner(); ... // Replace the original line with "HOW TO GET THIS ONE" with this line below - this will give the HWnd handle for the application that has changed the clipboard: IntPtr handle = GetClipboardOwner();
您可以呼叫getclipboardowner()< /a> 取得上次設定或清除剪貼簿(觸發通知的動作)的視窗句柄。
[...] 一般來說,剪貼簿擁有者是最後將資料放入剪貼簿的視窗。
emptyclipboard 函數指派剪貼簿所有權。
在某些特殊情況下,程序會將空句柄傳遞給 openclipboard():閱讀此函數的備註部分和 emptyclipboard 函數。
在呼叫 emptyclipboard 之前,應用程式必須開啟剪貼簿 透過使用 openclipboard 函數。如果應用程式指定 開啟剪貼簿時視窗句柄為null,emptyclipboard成功 但將剪貼簿擁有者設為 null。請注意,這會導致 setclipboarddata 失敗。
▶ 這裡我使用的是 nativewindow< /a> 衍生類別來設定剪貼簿偵聽器。處理剪貼簿更新訊息的視窗是透過初始化 建立的createparams 物件並將此參數傳遞給nativewindow.createhandle(createparams) 方法,用於建立一個不可見視窗。
,接收 wm_clipboardupdate
addclipboardformatlistener 函數用於將視窗放置在系統剪貼簿偵聽器鏈中。
▶ clipboardupdatemonitor
傳回的剪貼簿擁有者的句柄、由getwindowthreadprocessid() 和流程名稱,由process.getprocessbyid()。
您可以像這樣設定 clipboardupdatemonitor
private clipboardupdatemonitor clipboardmonitor = null; // [...] clipboardmonitor = new clipboardupdatemonitor(); clipboardmonitor.clipboardchangednotify += this.clipboardchanged; // [...] private void clipboardchanged(object sender, clipboardchangedeventargs e) { console.writeline(e.processid); console.writeline(e.processname); console.writeline(e.threadid); }
using system.diagnostics; using system.runtime.interopservices; using system.security.permissions; using system.windows.forms; public sealed class clipboardupdatemonitor : idisposable { private bool isdisposed = false; private static clipboardwindow window = null; public event eventhandler<clipboardchangedeventargs> clipboardchangednotify; public clipboardupdatemonitor() { window = new clipboardwindow(); if (!nativemethods.addclipboardformatlistener(window.handle)) { throw new typeinitializationexception(nameof(clipboardwindow), new exception("clipboardformatlistener could not be initialized")); } window.clipboardchanged += clipboardchangedevent; } private void clipboardchangedevent(object sender, clipboardchangedeventargs e) => clipboardchangednotify?.invoke(this, e); public void dispose() { if (!isdisposed) { // cannot allow to throw exceptions here: add more checks to verify that // the nativewindow still exists and its handle is a valid handle nativemethods.removeclipboardformatlistener(window.handle); window?.destroyhandle(); isdisposed = true; } } ~clipboardupdatemonitor() => dispose(); private class clipboardwindow : nativewindow { public event eventhandler<clipboardchangedeventargs> clipboardchanged; public clipboardwindow() { new securitypermission(securitypermissionflag.unmanagedcode).demand(); var cp = new createparams(); cp.caption = "clipboardwindow"; cp.height = 100; cp.width = 100; cp.parent = intptr.zero; cp.style = nativemethods.ws_clipchildren; cp.exstyle = nativemethods.ws_ex_controlparent | nativemethods.ws_ex_toolwindow; this.createhandle(cp); } protected override void wndproc(ref message m) { switch (m.msg) { case nativemethods.wm_clipboardupdate: intptr owner = nativemethods.getclipboardowner(); var threadid = nativemethods.getwindowthreadprocessid(owner, out uint processid); string processname = string.empty; if (processid != 0) { using (var proc = process.getprocessbyid((int)processid)) { processname = proc?.processname; } } clipboardchanged?.invoke(null, new clipboardchangedeventargs(processid, processname, threadid)); m.result = intptr.zero; break; default: base.wndproc(ref m); break; } } } }
自訂 eventargs
public class clipboardchangedeventargs : eventargs { public clipboardchangedeventargs(uint processid, string processname, uint threadid) { this.processid = processid; this.processname = processname; this.threadid = threadid; } public uint processid { get; } public string processname { get; } public uint threadid { get; } }
internal static class NativeMethods { [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] internal static extern bool AddClipboardFormatListener(IntPtr hwnd); [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] internal static extern bool RemoveClipboardFormatListener(IntPtr hwnd); [DllImport("user32.dll")] internal static extern IntPtr GetClipboardOwner(); [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)] internal static extern uint GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, out uint lpdwProcessId); internal const int WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE = 0x031D; internal const int WS_CLIPCHILDREN = 0x02000000; internal const int WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW = 0x00000080; internal const int WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT = 0x00010000; }