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加密資產協議百家爭鳴,OKX Web3錢包深化一站式體驗

發布: 2024-02-26 09:37:02
819 人瀏覽過

2012年嘗試在比特幣網路中引入資產發行概念的失敗案例,突顯了以太坊智能合約的明顯優勢。以太坊首次推出的代幣標準ERC-20,透過智能合約定義了代幣合約的介面規範,簡化並統一了代幣發行標準和交易框架,同時也促進了不同代幣之間的互通性。 ERC-20標準的成功推動了以太坊代幣經濟的繁榮,超過80%的專案選擇以太坊作為其底層基礎架構。

隨後ERC-721標準和ERC-1155標準引入了非同質化代幣NFT,創造出與ERC-20標準支援的同質化代幣不同的新資產,為區塊鏈遊戲、鏈上身分、數位藝術等領域帶來創新基因。此外,加密產業也出現過ERC-223標準、ERC-884標準、ERC-777標準等眾多資產協議,但大都沉寂在加密產業發展的大浪潮裡,只有ERC-20、ERC-721、和ERC- 1155標準這些少數的關鍵資產協議,成為了推動加密資產發展的重要支柱。

2023年比特幣銘文資產發行協議BRC-20、ARC-20、SRC-20、Runes及DRC-20以及探索以太坊圖幣結合的代幣標準ERC-404、試圖解決NFT流動性問題的Solana新代幣標準Tiny SPL等等的誕生,一舉打破了以太坊ERC-20和ERC-721資產協議的長期統治地位,加密資產協議迎來百家爭鳴,銘文、圖幣、代幣、NFT等資產不斷豐富。同時,用戶多元化資產交易需求愈發強烈,但不同公鏈新興資產的發展暴露了其基礎設施的落後和簡陋,不僅無法滿足用戶的需求,還加劇了熱點資產的割裂,小範圍敘事很難與業界同頻共振。在這種背景下,擁有強大技術累積的OKX Web3錢包快速響應市場熱點,從用戶需求出發,打造了一站式交易體驗,正成為Web3用戶不可或缺的、以及市場最先進的交易工具,從本質上改善以上痛點。

加密资产协议百家争鸣,OKX Web3钱包深化一站式体验

ERC-404與Tiny SPL標準,探討以太坊圖幣結合新範式


Fractional、 Niftex、Unicly等NFT碎片化協議從未停止對NFT流動性難題的探索,主要是將價值NFT碎片化更多的低價值NFT或ERC-20 Token但由於價值混淆以及依賴第三方協議的風險性等問題,始終未有明顯的突破性。直到近期ERC-20與 ERC-721 混合代幣標準ERC-404應運而生,是原生流動性和碎片化的協議,引領了以太坊圖幣結合的新資產範式。以基於ERC-404標準構建的首個項目Pandora為例, 用戶在購買或出售PANDORA代幣時、會同時收到新鑄造或銷毀Relicant NFT,且稀有度也會隨時改變,這種創新性的玩法開啟了加密資產的新世界。

ERC-404 標準將圖幣合而為一,但又可同時分別買賣,也就是讓NFT 維持原本屬性的同時,也可以像代幣一樣在DEX交易。為更好的支援更多的創新資產協議、快速響應用戶需求,OKX Web3錢包率先支援了ERC-404 標準,用戶可以在OKX DEX進行PANDORA等ERC-404代幣交易並透過新增的ERC- 404 板塊發現熱點項目,也可以透過OKX NFT 市場進行Relicant NFT等ERC404 NFT 交易,幫助用戶安全便捷玩賺ERC404生態。

Solana生態誕生的新代幣標準Tiny SPL與ERC-404標準有異曲同工之妙,其生態首個Deez Nuts(DN)既可以在OKX NFT市場作為NFT 交易,也可以透過專案自建的AMM 以及OKX DEX等作為代幣交易,Tiny SPL 代幣的元資料全部儲存在鏈上,類似於比特幣Ordinals 銘文資產。目前OKX Web3錢包已發展為支援Solana生態功能最全面、獎勵最豐富、使用體驗最安全、最方便的錢包。用戶不僅可以透過OKX DEX進行Solana網路的跨鏈交易、透過OKX DeFi參與Solana生態的主流協議質押與借貸、透過OKX NFT市場探索Solana NFT和銘文生態、透過OKX Web3錢包進行Solana資產管理、還可以透過OKX Discover板塊探索並互動Solana熱門DAPP等等,幫助用戶快速掌握Tiny SPL等Solana新代幣標準帶來的機會。

Tiny SPL與ERC-404標準的出現讓NFT自帶NFT-Fi屬性,但兩者仍處於試驗階段,存在失敗的風險。但這卻圖幣結合發展打下了良好基礎,開拓了思路,用戶透過OKX Web3錢包將最快速、最全面、最安全的體驗更多新資產協議。

Various XRC-20s have been launched one after another, and the Bitcoin ecological asset protocol has a hundred schools of thought contending

The birth of the innovative and experimental Ordinals protocol has officially kicked off the evolution of the Bitcoin asset protocol. The emergence of Bitcoin token standards such as BRC-20, ARC-20, SRC-20, Runes, and DRC-20 has inherited the ideal of "dyed coins" to realize asset issuance on the Bitcoin network, and has successfully achieved breakthroughs to transform Bitcoin into Moving from a purely peer-to-peer electronic cash system towards more possibilities and solving the problem of miners’ income after Bitcoin is mined.

Emerging asset protocols show the huge potential of the Bitcoin network ecology, and the inscription narrative explodes. The OKX NFT market was the first to respond to user needs and launched the OKX Ordinals market, quickly occupying the market. According to Dune data, on January 30, OKX Ordinals market share reached 89.3%, and the total transaction volume exceeded US$1 billion, becoming the industry's largest BRC20 inscription and BTC NFT trading market. The OKX Ordinals market is completely decentralized, free of platform service fees for interaction, and supports multiple functions such as one-stop transfer, transaction, and engraving of BRC-20 and BTC NFT. It has also launched a powerful inscription tool that supports batch engraving of users' single signatures. , BTC network engraving can engrave 1,200 transactions at a time, and EVM network engraving can automatically engrave 50 transactions at a time, which greatly simplifies the tedious steps and improves transaction efficiency. In addition, the OKX Ordinals market further reduces user GAS by optimizing the order of UTXO spending, and during the user's order placement and purchase processes, it also uses methods such as encrypting PSBT signatures, disabling RBF transactions, and server-side broadcasting to prevent users from being stuck with low GAS malicious orders. . In terms of UTXO management, the OKX Ordinals market supports the function of preventing valid UTXO spending and intelligently canceling invalid UTXO. The platform can automatically identify worthless NFTs, as well as invalid BRC-20 and BRC20-S inscriptions, helping users to cancel their occupation with one click.

OKX Web3 wallet is gradually integrating inscription token standards such as ARC-20, SRC-20, Runes and DRC-20, providing zero-fee inscription trading services for millions of users, and providing industry users with The first and most leading one-stop inscription ecological platform. For example, the current OKX Web3 wallet's support for inscription assets has been extended to the multi-chain inscription ecosystem. For example, the OKX NFT market has supported recursive inscriptions, cursed inscriptions, BRC-420 standards, Solana inscriptions, and Aptos inscription transactions. OKX Discover has added The Ethscriptions area helps users interact with popular Dapps in one stop, play with the Ethscription ecology, and more.

Although asset protocols such as BRC-20 are not the ultimate solution for the Bitcoin ecosystem, they promote the development of the Bitcoin network, maintain the security and legitimacy of Bitcoin assets, and enhance scalability. Although the innovations on Ethereum cannot be repeated on the Bitcoin network, the evolution of the Inscription Asset Protocol paradigm is like a Renaissance movement, writing a new narrative for the future of Bitcoin. The OKX Web3 wallet will be one of the most important infrastructures of the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Asset protocols enter a new era, OKX Web3 wallet deepens one-stop experience

In the encryption industry, everything can be "tokenized", and tokens represent income, governance, identity, contribution, etc. Proof becomes central to project development and enhanced user engagement. With thousands of tokens being issued based on various asset protocols every moment, diversified token standards have become very important. The birth of ERC-404, Tiny SPL and various types of XRC-20 have broken the inherent paradigm of ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 token standards and pushed asset protocols into a new era. With the prosperity and development of public chains in the future and the emergence and evolution of more emerging asset protocols, more options will be provided for the issuance and value capture of tokens. The healthy development of the entire crypto ecosystem is crucial.

The current boundaries between assets such as inscriptions, coins, tokens, and NFTs have gradually blurred and moved toward integrated innovation, and are affected by the innovative demonstration effects of mainstream public chain asset protocols such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana. It has stimulated the acceleration of asset innovation in different public chains, causing the market to put forward higher and more urgent requirements for crypto trading tools. OKX Web3 wallet continues to deepen the one-stop optimal experience through technological innovation, DEX, DeFi, NFT market, Discover Each section has collaborative support and higher compatibility to adapt to changing user needs.

In particular, the OKX NFT market, OKX DEX and Discover sectors respond very quickly to user needs. Taking OKX DEX as an example, it is one of the most powerful DEX and cross-chain aggregators in the industry, and has now aggregated more than 10 Cross-chains, more than 20 public chains, more than 300 DEXs, etc., through X Routing intelligent routing, one transaction can use multiple DEXs at the same time, providing users with the best price, best liquidity and 0 transaction service fees, and at the same time It has functions such as DEX market section, limit orders, KYT security detection, etc., which can basically meet the trading needs of users' mainstream and innovative homogeneous assets.

Several asset protocols are born every day in the encryption industry, and there are also several assets Protocols are dead, and only a few asset protocols can stand out from the struggle. Carrying expectations for simplicity and efficiency in the future, and gathering greater community consensus, the market needs to embrace this innovation cautiously and openly.

以上是加密資產協議百家爭鳴,OKX Web3錢包深化一站式體驗的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!

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