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SBF,25 年後見

發布: 2024-03-30 22:36:01
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在2021 年的舊金山,每個來到這座西海岸城市的遊客,在城市的核心區都會發現隨處可見的FTX 巨幅廣告,廣告裡是Sam Bankman-Fried 和他標誌性的髮型。 「這個爆炸頭是誰?」遊客往往會發出疑問。 「哦,那是SBF,」本地人會一臉驕傲的告訴他們,「是灣區長大的孩子,現在是最好的交易所的CEO。知道比特幣嗎?」

SBF,25 年后见



###在當時,FTX在美國風頭無二,加密世界的牛市讓這個以衍生性商品起家的美國背景交易所乘風起。不僅穩坐全世界第二交易所的位置,估值也達到了驚人的320億美元,約等於薩爾瓦多(對,就是因為比特幣知名的那個國家)一年的全國總產值。這一切,都是SBF和他的團隊在5年之內的成果。 SBF如願成為了圈內的“Poster Boy”(海報男孩),人們稱他為加密之王,追捧著他的“有影響力的主義”,也同時在FTX上用數倍的槓桿賺的盆滿缽滿。牛市的樣子大概是如此。 ######如果將新聞搜尋調整到2021年,你會發現它的形象與如今的階下圍截然不同。當時的SBF已經不再甘於做一個加密圈的成功人士,而試圖把自己打造成一個政商一體的新星。他成為了國會和華盛頓的常客,向拜登的總統競選捐贈了520萬美元,在捐贈者中排名第二;他公開宣稱,願意支持對高淨值人士的高稅率。當時,不少媒體,不論圈內圈外,以能拜訪SBF為榮。 ######而那時,距離他從麻省理工學院本科畢業才僅 7 年。 ######而後面就是讀者們熟知的歷史了。 ######2022年,Coindesk發布了關於Alameda Research資產負債表的訊息,市場信心開始動搖。 CZ的一篇twitter正式啟動了FTT的拋售潮,即便SBF在twitter上如何自證,如何一遍遍地告訴投資者們資金安全,FTX還是不可避免地走向了擠兌潮。 FTT喪失了超過80%的價值,SBF一夜之間從年少成名的CEO變成了「美國史上最大的金融詐騙犯之一」。 ######2022 年 11 月 11 日,Alameda 宣布破產,SBF 同日宣布辭職。 ######一年後,陪審團面對眾叛親離的 SBF,宣布他的七項指控罪名全部成立。 ######審判日######美國當地時間 3 月 28 日,法官宣布 Sam Bankman-Fried 因詐欺被判 25 年監禁,且需支付 110 億美元罰金。據稱,這項量刑標準少於聯邦檢察官希望判處的 40 至 50 年監禁,但遠遠超過了他的律師建議的五到六年半。 ######負責本案的法官 Kaplan 直言,他從未聽過 SBF 對犯下的嚴重罪行表達過任何悔意。他說在他擔任聯邦法官的 30 年中,他「從未見過」像 SBF 的審判證詞那樣的「表現」。 Odaily 星球日報先前報道,SBF 在庭審作證過程當中說了上百次的「我不知道」,迴避了數個關鍵問題,還曾被檢方律師問到啞口無言。這對陪審團來說,無異於是對某些事實問題的承認。 ######Kaplan 法官在宣布SBF 25 年監禁判決之前表示,存在一種風險,「這個人將來可能(出獄後)會做出非常糟糕的事情,而這並不是一個微不足道的風險。 」######而SBF 和他的律師所一直在做的事情,就是把SBF 本人打造成一個書呆子的形象。不僅先前的庭審策略如此,直到審判日,SBF 律師 Marc Mukasey 在請求 Kaplan 寬大處理時,也在努力打造出一個無害的形象,FTX 則是這個書呆子科學家弄出的無心之失。律師說,「Sam 不是每天早上都出門傷害人的無情金融連環殺手。」相反,「他是一個笨拙的數學宅男」,擁有「不懈的工作精神」。他說,SBF 不應該被關在「四乘四的鐵盒子裡」。 ######律師說,就 SBF 的日記來看,他「感受不到快樂或幸福」。 ######而檢察官Roos 表示,FTX 在2022 年底的崩潰並非因為「流動性危機或管理不善行為。」檢察官說:「那是對全球客戶資金數十億美元的盜竊。」# #####最後的懺悔######在審判日的法庭上,SBF 有一次自己發言的機會。在這個時刻其實發言已經成為大局已定後的點綴,在律師爭辯結束、法官基本上已經定調的情況下,SBF 能做的事情其實很少。因此,他花了十分鐘左右的時間,用基本上完全沒有句法的英語講了很多,這也讓我們得以一睹事情塵埃落定以後,這位曾經的天之驕子的心理狀態。 ###

SBF says one of the big things is my colleagues at FTX, I wasted what they built. They are disappointed. I'm sorry for that, I'm sorry for what happened at every stage... the things I should have done and the things I said, the things I shouldn't have done... I really care about everything.

He chose to forgive the three people who were once part of the core team and now stood on the witness stand to testify against him. He said, "The entire industry rebuilt itself on Gary's model, and many of the things he established became industry standards. When Alameda was in danger of collapse, I received an anonymous message telling me how to solve the problem, and it was obvious It was from Nishad, who's famously humble. And Caroline, who's amazing, mostly self-taught, came to me for advice on her employee reviews. I read her review of a person, and I learned A lot. They put their heart and soul into it, and then I threw all that away. I made a series of bad decisions. These decisions were not made out of selfishness."

He also said, I was a former FTX CEO, I'm the leader of it, which means ultimately I'm responsible. If you're the CEO, no matter why things go wrong, the responsibility is on you. I am not the most important person in the end...my useful life may be over. I have already given what I can give.

In the end, as if he had exhausted all his strength, he said this: "There was once such an opportunity, and I was able to do what I once wanted to do for the world, and that is not what I am doing now. If People do their best for the world, and hopefully I can see their successes, not just my own failures."

Bloomberg described the scene as SBF wearing a tan prison jumpsuit. , his hair had grown out again, unlike his short hair during the trial, and he stood with his hands folded in front of him. He did not react and looked downcast as the judge read out the verdict. His mother, Barbara Fried, looked out the window, while his father, Joe Bankman, put his face in his hands.

SBF,25 年后见

"We are heartbroken and will continue to fight for our son," SBF's parents said in a statement after the verdict.

According to prison consultant Christopher Zoukis, SBF will likely be sent to a medium-security facility. Zoukis said SBF will likely end up at FCI Herlong, near the Nevada border, or at FCI Mendota, about 135 miles southeast of his parents' home in Palo Alto.

In the federal criminal case, although there is no possibility of parole, SBF has a chance to have his 25-year sentence reduced through good behavior. Former federal prosecutor Mitchell Epner revealed that if SBF took advantage of all available sentence reductions, he would likely have to serve a minimum of 12.5 years in prison. Federal prisoners typically receive up to 54 days off their sentence per year for good behavior, which is roughly equivalent to a 15 percent reduction in sentence. And since the "First Step" prison reform legislation was enacted in 2018, the sentences of non-violent federal prisoners could be reduced by as much as 50 percent. In addition, special reasons, usually medical, also allow the court to reduce the sentence.

以上是SBF,25 年後見的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
