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發布: 2024-04-08 09:25:21
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最近的 Dencun 硬分叉中不太知名的 EIP 之一是EIP-6780,它刪除了操作碼SELFDESTRUCT的大部分功能。





1、EIP-6780 後,單一區塊中可以編輯的儲存槽數有最大數量(大致為:gas limit / 5000)。







  • Geth 最近刪除了數千行程式碼,刪除了對pre-merge PoW網路的支援。

  • 這個EIP正式體現了這樣一個事實:我們不再需要程式碼來擔心「空帳戶」(請參閱:EIP-161 ,它引入了這個概念作為上海DoS 攻擊修復的一部分)

  • Dencun 中blob 的儲存視窗為18 天,這意味著以太坊節點只需要約50 GB 來儲存blob 數據,並且此數量不會隨著時間的推移而增加




預先編譯是以太坊合約,它沒有 EVM 程式碼,而是具有必須由客戶端自己直接實現的邏輯。這個想法是,預編譯可用於實現無法在 EVM 中有效實現的複雜形式的密碼學。

如今,預編譯的使用非常成功,特別是透過橢圓曲線預編譯啟用基於 ZK-SNARK 的應用程式。然而,還有其他很少使用的預編譯:

  • RIPEMD-160:引入哈希函數是為了支援與比特幣更好的兼容性

  • Identity:傳回與其輸入相同的輸出的預編譯

  • BLAKE2:引入哈希函數是為了支援與Zcash 更好的兼容性

  • MODEXP引入非常大的模冪以支援基於RSA 的加密

事實證明,對這些預編譯的需求遠低於預期。 Identity被廣泛使用,因為它是複製資料最簡單的方法,但自從 Dencun 以來,操作碼MCOPY已經取代了它。不幸的是,這些預編譯都是共識錯誤的巨大來源,也是新 EVM 實現的巨大痛苦來源,包括 ZK-SNARK 電路、形式驗證友善的實現等。


  • 只需刪除預編譯即可,例如。 EIP-7266刪除了 BLAKE2。這很簡單,但會破壞任何仍在使用它的應用程式。

  • 將預編譯替換為執行相同操作的 EVM 程式碼區塊(儘管不可避免地會產生更高的 Gas 成本),例如。本草案 EIP就是為了身分預編譯而這麼做的。這比較困難,但幾乎肯定不會破壞使用它的應用程式(除非在極少數情況下,新 EVM 程式碼的 Gas 成本超過了某些輸入的區塊 Gas 限制)

Historical Blocks (EIP-4444)

Today, every Ethereum node is expected to store all historical blocks permanently. This has long been considered a very wasteful approach and makes running an Ethereum node unnecessarily difficult due to high storage requirements. In Dencun, we introduced blobs, which only need to be stored for about 18 days. With EIP-4444, after a period of time, Ethereum blocks will also be removed from the default Ethereum node.

A key question that needs to be solved is: if the old history is not stored by each node, then what is used to store it? In fact, large entities such as block explorers will do this. However, it is also possible and not difficult to make a p2p protocol to store and transfer this information, which is more optimized for the task.

The Ethereum blockchain is permanent, but requiring each node to store all data forever is a very "overkill" way to achieve this permanence.

One approach is a simple peer-to-peer torrent network for old history. The other is a protocol more explicitly optimized for use with Ethereum, such as the Portal Network.

Or, in meme format:


Reducing the amount of storage required to run an Ethereum node can greatly increase the number of people willing to be nodes. EIP-4444 can also reduce node synchronization time, which also simplifies the workflow for many node operators. Therefore, EIP-4444 can greatly improve the decentralization of Ethereum nodes. Potentially, if each node stored a small portion of history by default, we could even store roughly the same number of copies of each specific history on the network as we do today.

Log Reform

Quote directly from this EIP draft:

The log was originally introduced to enable applications to record information about events on the chain in order to decentralize Applications (dapps) can easily query this information. Using bloom filters, a dapp will be able to quickly browse the history, identify several blocks that contain logs relevant to their application, and then quickly identify which individual transactions have the required logs.

Actually, this mechanism is too slow. Almost all dapps that access history end up not through RPC calls to Ethereum nodes (or even remotely hosted nodes), but through centralized additional protocol services.

what can we do? We can remove the bloom filter and simplify the LOG opcode so that all it does is create a value that puts the hash value into the state. We can then build a separate protocol that uses ZK-SNARKs and incremental verifiable computation (IVC) to generate a provably correct "log tree" that represents an easily searchable table of all logs given topic, and applications that require logging and want decentralization can use these separate protocols.

Moving to SSZ

Today, much of Ethereum’s block structure (including transactions and receipts) is still stored using an outdated format based on RLP and Merkle Patricia trees. This makes it unnecessarily difficult to develop applications that use this data.

The Ethereum consensus layer has moved to the cleaner and more efficient SimpleSerialize (SSZ):


Source: https://eth2book.info/altair /part2/building_blocks/merkleization/

However, we still need to complete the conversion and move the execution layer to the same structure.

The main advantages of SSZ include:

  • The specification is simpler and clearer

  • Comparison with the current six-branch Merkle Patricia tree Merkle proofs are 4x shorter in most cases than in most cases receipt output)

  • No need to implement complex bit manipulation code (required for RLP)

  • For ZK-SNARK use cases, it is usually possible to reuse the surrounding binary Existing implementations of Merkle tree construction

  • Today, three types of cryptographic data structures exist in Ethereum: SHA256 binary trees, SHA3 RLP hash lists, and hexadecimal Patricia trees. Once we complete the transition to SSZ, we will be left with only two: SHA256 binary trees and Verkle trees. In the long term, once we get good enough at SNARKing hashes, we will likely replace SHA256 binary trees and Verkle with binary Merkle trees that use SNARK friendly hashes (a cryptographic data structure that works for all Ethereum) Tree.

