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DePIN 101 實作指南: 如何從 0 到 1 建立一個 DePIN 項目

發布: 2024-04-09 21:55:20
341 人瀏覽過




DePIN的落點就在於實體世界的基礎設施與服務,它打通了物聯網設備與Web3激勵機制,切實鏈接到現實世界,有助於實現Web3 與現實世界的“雙向奔赴” 。

在「2024香港Web3嘉年華」的DePIN專題論壇上,萬向區塊鏈董事長、HashKey Group董事長兼CEO肖風在演講中表示,區塊鏈與生俱來就是建立在DePIN之上,比特幣硬體就是一個初級版的DePIN。

DePIN與區塊鏈的關係分為三個階段:第一階段為比特幣與PoW階段,第二階段為此前提出的可信任資料底座,旨在將許多組織之間的物聯網設備連結在一起,讓這些資料可信;第三階段為2024年AI大模型出現後,為了適配AI生產力革命,需要透過DePIN、硬體進行分散式儲存、分散式運算、分散式資料採集。 相信未來還有第四、五階段,DePIN的價值會更大、更深、更廣。


我也進行了主題為《DePIN 101:如何從0到1創建一個DePIN專案》的演講,核心內容提煉於我們聯合Future3 Campus最新的一份研究報告的成果。


DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目



DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目


DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目



DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目

以太坊共同創辦人Vitalik Buterin表示,DePIN這個類別在十年前就已經存在。後來出現了PoPW、TIPIN、EdgeFi等概念,2022年11月,社區成員投票決定了DePIN這個名稱。如今,DePIN仍在快速發展。

在確定DePIN這個名稱之前,有許多類似的術語表示這個概念,如PoPW (Proof of Physical Work)、TIPIN (Token-Incentivized Physical Infrastructure Networks)、EdgeFi等。所有這些都有助於我們理解DePIN的定義。

DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目

The essence of DePIN is a physical infrastructure network based on the principle of decentralization. Unlike the traditional top-down approach to infrastructure construction, DePIN adopts a bottom-up approach to share and manage resources in a distributed manner through blockchain technology.

This model empowers individuals and communities to participate in the creation and maintenance of the network, forming a more inclusive and collaborative ecosystem. Through the incentive mechanism, DePIN allows anyone to contribute to the infrastructure and receive rewards, reducing dependence on centralized entities and promoting a fairer distribution of benefits.

Next, let’s test what kind of project can be called a DePIN project. A project can only be considered a DePIN project if it meets the following conditions.

DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目

It can be said that DePIN appeared at just the right time.

Currently, Web3 and blockchain technology have reached a mature stage, providing the necessary decentralized tools for DePIN. At the same time, the Internet of Things is also experiencing explosive growth, with billions of smart devices connected.

With the development of AIoT, a new era is quietly coming. According to authoritative reports, the number of IoT connections in some countries around the world has exceeded the number of human Internet connections. AIoT is leaping from 1.0 to 2.0, shifting from the pursuit of connectivity to the pursuit of intelligence and value.

In the AIoT 2.0 era, many mainstream devices will become intelligent and value-oriented. DePIN combines Web3 and AIoT, leveraging decentralization to securely connect AIoT devices and solve current security and privacy issues.

DePIN’s ecological map

DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目

Looking at the DePIN ecological map, we can divide projects into two major categories: standard infrastructure Service network and non-standard infrastructure service network. Standard networks include compute, storage, and bandwidth, while nonstandard networks include wireless, geospatial information, energy, and mobility.

Let’s take a closer look at the standard infrastructure service network. These networks focus on homogenization of deployed hardware and services, creating unique data resources.

DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目

Case studies of standard infrastructure service networks include Filecoin, EMC, and Ebunker. Filecoin is a decentralized storage network that allows users to rent out unused storage space. EMC is a decentralized GPU computing network based on the AI ​​ecological layout. Ebunker provides professional Ethereum node solutions for staking and meeting native Web3 needs.

DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目

Looking at non-standard infrastructure service networks, we see innovations in decentralized communication networks such as 5G, WiFi and IoT. These networks also address mobility, geospatial information and energy.

DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目

Noteworthy cases in non-standard infrastructure service networks include Helium, Roam and Arkreen. Helium is a global decentralized wireless infrastructure project that provides long-range wireless networks for a variety of devices. Roam builds a decentralized global WiFi roaming network that integrates telecommunications infrastructure and blockchain technology. Arkreen connects and monetizes globally distributed renewable energy resources to promote carbon emission reduction applications.

DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目

How to build a DePIN project from 0 to 1

DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目

If you are interested in starting a DePIN project, After interviewing multiple projects, we summarized several key steps:

  • #First, gain a deep understanding of DePIN and the economic model.

  • Secondly, identify the real needs.

  • Third, balance demand and supply.

  • Fourth, focus on ecosystem construction and community participation.

  • Fifth, seek technical cooperation and partnerships.

  • Finally, develop an effective brand marketing and promotion strategy.

However, it is important to be aware of the challenges faced by the DePIN project during the promotion phase. Regulatory and compliance issues in various regions around the world can pose obstacles. Market recognition and demand validation may be difficult to achieve due to the lack of leading high-value projects. Additionally, reliance on cryptocurrency speculation and skepticism from traditional Web2 investors could also hinder progress.

DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目

Of course, DePIN’s development path has not been smooth sailing. The project faces challenges such as regulatory compliance, market recognition, and demand verification during the promotion phase, and there are also systemic and non-systemic risks during the implementation phase.

DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目

DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目

However, as long as we adopt appropriate response strategies, deeply understand DePIN and economic models, identify real demand, and balance supply and demand, By focusing on ecological construction and community participation, seeking technical cooperation and partnerships, and formulating effective brand marketing strategies, the DePIN project can overcome these difficulties and achieve sustainable development.

In order to deal with these challenges, the DePIN project can adopt a variety of response strategies.

DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目

DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目

Looking ahead, there are exciting opportunities for DePIN to integrate with other technologies and industries.

DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目

For example, DePIN AI contains huge potential, and the infrastructure provided by DePIN can open up a wider range of AI application scenarios.

DePIN ReFi, or regenerative finance, allows more institutions and individuals to participate in climate action and environmental sustainability efforts. DePIN will play an important role in supply chain integration, energy management, smart transportation and other fields, and promote the deep integration of the real economy and the digital economy.

In order to further explore the application scenarios and industrial chain map of DePIN, we can learn from the AIoT map proposed by the Internet of Things Think Tank.

DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目

The AIoT industry map presents four parts: connection, perception, intelligence and value capabilities, as well as corresponding enterprises. DePIN occupies an important position in the value capability part, which is also the intersection of AIoT and Web3, namely Web3 AIoT=DePIN.

Opportunities and Challenges of DePIN in the Greater Bay Area

DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目

At the Hong Kong Web3 Carnival in April 2023, Arkreen, HashKey and DePIN ecosystem partners Co-launched the DePIN Hong Kong initiative. The goal is to cooperate with projects, builders, research and investment institutions, and equipment suppliers within the DePIN ecosystem to jointly promote the development of the DePIN ecosystem in Hong Kong and strive to build Hong Kong into the global center of the DePIN ecosystem.

The Asia-Pacific region, especially the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, has unique advantages in the development of DePIN.

The rise of Web3 and the embrace of sustainable finance in major Asian cities have laid the foundation for DePIN’s widespread adoption in the region. DePIN is expected to become an important driving force for the integration of supply chains in the Greater Bay Area and promote the development of regional economic integration. As an international financial center and innovation and technology hub, Hong Kong is seizing the opportunity, actively deploying the DePIN ecosystem, and striving to build itself into the global center of the DePIN ecosystem.

When it comes to DePIN in Asia and the Greater Bay Area, there are both opportunities and challenges.

DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目

The rise of Web3 and the embrace of sustainable finance in Asia, especially in key cities like Hong Kong and Singapore, have been instrumental in driving the widespread acceptance and advocacy of DePIN. DePIN will promote supply chain integration in the Greater Bay Area.

DePIN 101 实操指南: 如何从 0 到 1 创建一个 DePIN 项目

However, DePIN projects in Asia and the Greater Bay Area also face challenges. The highly dilutive nature of the incentive model and the time required to build an application and meet demand far exceed that of a typical consumer application. Project success depends not only on the tight correlation of supply chain and cost factors. In fact, the impact on project costs is actually very limited.

Written at the end

Despite various challenges, overall, DePIN represents a groundbreaking technology that is reshaping the landscape of decentralized infrastructure. Its unique value proposition, rapid market growth and diverse application scenarios open up new possibilities for industry change and value creation.

As more and more projects emerge and the DePIN ecosystem becomes increasingly prosperous, we have reason to believe that DePIN will play an increasingly important role in promoting the development of the digital economy, achieving inclusive finance, and building a sustainable future. In this revolution of decentralized infrastructure, everyone can contribute their own strength and jointly create a new era of value interconnection that is more open, efficient, and resilient.

以上是DePIN 101 實作指南: 如何從 0 到 1 建立一個 DePIN 項目的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!

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