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2024 ChinaJoy 封面比賽第二週週優秀票選結果公佈

發布: 2024-04-11 20:20:02
809 人瀏覽過

2024 ChinaJoy Cosplay 封面大賽第二週週優秀得獎選手正式揭曉!

在票選階段,不光有大量的國內二次元文化愛好者前來為選手加油!同時,也有更多 Cosplay 的愛好者也攜同自己精彩的作品,參與到大賽中來!這不得不讓人對之後幾週的比賽有了更大的期待!當然,此時最令人興奮的還是本週3名獲得周優秀稱號的選手正式揭曉,讓我們快來看看吧!


作品名稱:《我會找到你的-APEX 惡靈》

# Coser:白朗


2024 ChinaJoy 封面大赛第二周周优秀票选结果公布









2024 ChinaJoy 封面大赛第二周周优秀票选结果公布

2024 ChinaJoy 封面大赛第二周周优秀票选结果公布#評審點評:








2024 ChinaJoy 封面大赛第二周周优秀票选结果公布

###評審點評:魔導士影像工作室創辦人,北京星路天下及《萌萌噠天團》首席營運官,話劇《悟空傳》聯合出品人-欒孟傑:這套作品總的來說表現力,情緒,氛圍感都很到位,目前看有待最大問題部分主要在於妝造水平,此外從手法和畫面構思其實也還有很大提升空間,知名cos攝影後期師-三國bigbig:整個畫面的光影十分具有漫畫的質感,很好的還原了dc漫畫的暗黑氣質國內頂尖道具師,現血盟文化創始人-孔爺:很有氛圍感的圖,選手對於作品有著自己的想法,也表現出了自己內心的JOKER,光影與構圖都很有氛圍,選手的表現力也很棒。 ######ACFUN看板娘-AC娘:南小風的這套小丑在毫無後期的情況下真正做到了自我演繹的Joker。雖然「神」是最難模仿的,但鏡中那張眼神中已掩藏不住瘋狂,此刻,他已化身Joker。 #########其他入圍作品評論#########作品名稱:《逆水寒神相》神雅奈奈######Coser:神雅奈奈###### #總票數:1308############

Judges' comments: Luan Mengjie, founder of Magic Video Studio, chief operating officer of Beijing Xinglu Tianxia and "Cute Meng Da Tian Tuan", co-producer of the drama "The Legend of Wukong": The concept and atmosphere of the picture are very elegant , very beautiful. It is recommended that there is no need to over-process the real-person skin in the later stage, as this will lose too many details, but will affect the look and feel of the picture and the expressiveness of the players themselves. In addition, it is recommended that the expression and demeanor need to be strengthened. Well-known cos photography post-production artist-Three Kingdoms bigbig: The early stage setting is very clever to create the effect of a ray of holy light in the cave. The dynamic sense of the character's clothes can be further refined. The top prop artist in the country and the founder of Blood Alliance Culture-Kong Ye : The work is delicate and full of layers. You can feel the atmosphere of the work. The selection and arrangement of the scenes are also a plus.

ACFUN poster girl-AC girl: I like the one holding the sword the most! Lying high in the clear chant, watching the waves and resting on the mountain. The stern face vividly interprets the spirit of the piano and the sword.

Title of the work: "Crystal Rose Zyra" Wisdom Glass

Coser: Wisdom Glass

Total votes: 715

2024 ChinaJoy 封面大赛第二周周优秀票选结果公布

Judges’ comments:

Founder of Magic Video Studio, COO of Beijing Xinglu Tianxia and "Cute Meng Da Tian Tuan", co-producer of the drama "The Legend of Wukong" - Luan Mengjie: Picture layout and The concepts are very creative and the colors are well matched. The biggest problem is that the expressions and expressiveness of the contestants are relatively stiff, and the lack of changes in expressions and demeanor has caused a loss in the atmosphere of the picture and the character's special bonuses. I hope it can be improved in the future. .

The top prop artist in China and the founder of Xuemeng Culture-Kong Ye: High-quality work, the synthesis and integration are very detailed, and the drawing of the hair also has a sense of air. The overall tone and atmosphere are suitable, and the performance of the players is also great.

ACFUN poster girl-AC girl: The way the crystal flowers bloom in her hands is so beautiful! Although there are slight flaws in the folds of the gloves, the design of other content is very good, especially the escaping NPC in the background of the walking & attacking posture really makes the picture instantly humorous~

Title of the work: " Ram》Baker Ajing

Coser: Banker Ajing

Total votes: 671

2024 ChinaJoy 封面大赛第二周周优秀票选结果公布

Judge’s comments:

## Luan Mengjie, founder of #Magicshi Image Studio, chief operating officer of Beijing Xinglu Tianxia and "Cute Meng Da Tian Tuan", and co-producer of the drama "Wukong Biography": The number of submissions from the contestants in this set is very small. Judging from the picture, color control, movement, performance and later processing of picture clarity all need to be improved. I also searched for other submissions by contestants and found that similar problems still exist. I hope they can be improved in future creations.

Well-known cos photography post-production artist-Three Kingdoms bigbig: A lot of thought was spent on the early stage settings, and the final effect is also very good. You can try more complex techniques in lighting

The top prop artist in the country, Kong Ye, founder of Xianxuemeng Culture: The contestants are very cute. It can be seen that the contestants have worked hard on their makeup and styling. The photography also cleverly used the small space to set up the scene, which produced a good effect on the picture.

ACFUN poster girl-AC girl: The two sets of Demonic Master & Kung Fu Girl are actually much better than this set of Ram (actually there are still too few pictures), don’t miss it!

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2024 ChinaJoy 封面大赛第二周周优秀票选结果公布

For more information, please pay attention

Official Weibo number: @ChinaJoy Dimensional Pot

Official WeChat number: CJ_Cosplay (or search for "CJ Dimensional Pot")

以上是2024 ChinaJoy 封面比賽第二週週優秀票選結果公佈的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
