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如何看待 Backpack:NFT+ 錢包 + 交易所三位一體的超級應用?

發布: 2024-04-12 16:01:01
888 人瀏覽過

如何看待 Backpack:NFT+ 钱包 + 交易所三位一体的超级应用?

如何看待最近被焦點討論的 @Backpack 錢包?交易所? NFT 社群?你看,初識 BP 不少人都會有種如何定位的困惑。在我看來,它就是 NFT 錢包 合規交易所三位一體的“超級應用”,甚至也可以理解成 xNFT 協議下的 DApp 小程序 錢包交易所一站養成用戶的“閉環生態系統”。 Why?接下來,簡單談談我的理解。

Backpack 究竟在佈局什麼?

Backpack 所做的事情如果不觀全貌很容易被帶入Fragment 的碎片化認知裡,有人鍾情Madlads 的NFT 社區文化,有人喜歡Backpack 錢包的絲滑交互體驗,有人則看好其交易所和錢包應用鏈上鏈下一體化的交易新範式。怎麼說呢?這些都是 BP 比較典型的特性,和當下區塊鏈生態完全分隔並靠可組合行連接起來的流動性市場相比,BP 做的事情總是讓人有種類蘋果閉環生態系統的感覺。

其實,在一個完全開源的區塊鏈協議組合市場,做閉環的事情總會顯得有些特立獨行,但拉長週期看,Android 和IOS 一直以來的競和Battle,有輸家麼?基於社群屬性的閉環生態系統,會有一段不同產品線各個被擊破的漫長大眾化普及的過程。閉合的產品線背後是強大的社區凝聚力 領先的產品使用體驗 強大的資源盤整能力賦能,會在某個時間點形成合力,成為別人無法超越的競爭壁壘。前有「蘋果」後面有「小米」,都在做這樣的商業佈局。

2)Backpack 目前階段整個產品線有明顯的 Solana 生態烙印,這意味著它的發展亦會和 Solana 生態重度綁定。某種程度上,Backpack 為 Solana 生態建立了一套 Native 錢包 交易所,以及一套 xNFT 小程式 DApp 應用程式市場。

短期看,Backpack 和全區塊鏈環境下的其他產品和協議競爭優劣勢明顯,比如,和一般的CEX 相比,Backpack 沒法及時覆蓋全區塊鏈生態搶各種上幣先發優勢吸引廣泛的用戶群體,但無疑一些有明顯Solana 基因的項目能在Backpack 得到發酵和成長,一些早期重度參與Solana 生態的用戶也會得到更大預期的市場回報。

Backpack 面臨的挑戰和難題是什麼?

正因為此,Backpack 在拓展市場過程中勢必會遇到一定的阻力,空投分發事件就是個典型。客觀來說,礙於合規因素,Backpack 篩選優質項目向貢獻交易量的用戶發放Airdrop,這是一個長期激勵和增益行為,放長週期看作為BP 的用戶肯定都能有較好的收益,對用戶而言,相當於在某個交易所可以賺取穩定的「高額年化」,但誠如上文所言,用戶福利是平台方盤整資源得利的二次分配,單次的用戶參與強度、資金投入量、關鍵在於專案方預期釋放籌碼都需要平台去協調。把周期拉長綜合收益還好,但是如果只落腳到某一次刷量 空投回報的孤例上就很難了。甚至,一旦處理不好定會遭到輿論反噬。


本質上,Backpack 是個攢聚和整合資源的平台方,把優質項目方吸引來發放空投,再把優質用戶吸引過來帶動增長,這會是個長期動態持恆的 Tradeoff 過程。平台方無法保證每次營運活動都能百分之百用戶獲得絕對收益,畢竟,散發籌碼的是專案方,空投總量是恆定的,而參與空投活動的用戶和資金量又不可控,僧多時粥一定少,很樸素的道理。

本質上這是一場籌碼分配的激勵過程,平臺本著拉新、增加活躍度的目標和用戶參與留存達成的一種「獎賞機制」。如何避免被反擼其實是個技術活,與其抱著短期博取超額套利回報的心態去承擔損失風險,還不如拉長週期,從更長時間維度算收益率,一方面,平台靠資源溢價換取的Airdrop福利本就有頂級資源優勢(Pyth、W 等),另一方面,畢竟Backpack 本身的平台成長預期(發幣),也是未來某個時間點會落地的「補差」福利。

該如何定義 Backpack 的產業價值?

Backpack 我傾向於把它視為基於 @solana 高效能 layer1 公鍊而衍生出來的一個「超級應用」。

In the Bitcoin and Ethereum ecosystems, everyone is eager to tell the story of layer2 infra, but the application story has been delayed until at least the next bull-bear conversion cycle due to the implementation being less than expected. In contrast, Solana's ecological difference is quite large. It focuses on high-performance public chains, plays MeMe to attract incremental users outside the market, and plans DePIN's super narrative to lay the foundation for future application implementation. In the process, a large number of DeFi and Games have also been derived. , NFT, Payment and other various methods. There is a feeling that the Solana ecosystem has been developing with the genes of web2 and web3 from the beginning to the end. Therefore, the development of "applications" is an issue that cannot be avoided, and will also become the main theme of the current bull market of the Solana ecosystem.

At this stage, almost every blockchain system is faced with the objective factor that telling B-side stories has greater imagination than C-side applications. Therefore, when everyone is playing layer2 and other infra is in full swing, Solana ecological growth The trinity of super application paradigm of NFT wallet and compliance exchange has emerged. NFT provides community culture and stickiness, the wallet serves as the user participation entrance and DApp application distribution center, and the compliance exchange provides a compliance channel for deposits to connect with the real world.

At a time when the entire blockchain ecosystem is criticized for being too heavy on the financial hype attribute, Backpack’s super application paradigm is more like importing a mature product line growth model of web2 into a web3 environment. It will have certain guiding significance for the maturity of the industry by accelerating the implementation of application ecology and the popularization of mature web2 product power philosophy.


Based on the above observation, it is not difficult to understand some of the problems BackPack is currently facing:

1) Community attributes The strength is both an advantage and a disadvantage of large-scale expansion of the population. A large number of people who did not participate in the community in the early stage, including me, will be passively brought into the community;

2) Too much emphasis on compliance attributes will be its future The foundation for becoming bigger and stronger, but this also limits the diversification of early products and models, and requires sustained long-term growth drive;

3) "Super application" is always a good story, but when will the entire Crypto Being able to put aside infra and focus more on the implementation of application stories is not a challenge faced by Solana as an ecosystem. Builders in the entire Crypto full-chain environment are working hard to succeed.

I used to say that Solana, as a high-performance layer 1, is developing an "advanced" public chain form that leads the advancement of Crypto infra architecture. It seems that now I have to add a footnote to this judgment. The DApp under the xNFT protocol is small. The integrated closed-loop system of programs and Backpack software is also leading the integration of web2 and web3 applications "ahead of the times".

Note: There must be many people who pay attention to Backpack due to the growth expectations of its "FTX 2.0". They all want to know about a project that has FTX genes and the same background, and at the same time can learn lessons and "start again". What level of development will it reach? Might as well, wait and see.

以上是如何看待 Backpack:NFT+ 錢包 + 交易所三位一體的超級應用?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
