1. 工廠模式: 分離物件建立和業務邏輯,透過工廠類別建立指定類型的物件。 2. 觀察者模式: 允許主題物件通知觀察者物件其狀態更改,實現鬆散耦合和觀察者模式。
PHP 設計模式實戰案例解析
設計模式是解決常見軟體設計問題的成熟解決方案範例。它們有助於創建可重複使用、可維護和可擴展的程式碼。在本文中,我們將探討 PHP 中一些最常用的設計模式並提供實戰案例範例。
interface Shape { public function draw(); } class Square implements Shape { public function draw() { echo "Drawing a square.\n"; } } class Circle implements Shape { public function draw() { echo "Drawing a circle.\n"; } } class ShapeFactory { public static function createShape(string $type): Shape { switch ($type) { case "square": return new Square(); case "circle": return new Circle(); default: throw new Exception("Invalid shape type."); } } } // Usage $factory = new ShapeFactory(); $square = $factory->createShape("square"); $square->draw(); // 输出:Drawing a square.
interface Observer { public function update(Subject $subject); } class Subject { protected $observers = []; public function attach(Observer $observer) { $this->observers[] = $observer; } public function detach(Observer $observer) { $key = array_search($observer, $this->observers); if ($key !== false) { unset($this->observers[$key]); } } public function notify() { foreach ($this->observers as $observer) { $observer->update($this); } } } class Post extends Subject { private $title; private $body; // ... Post related methods public function publish() { $this->notify(); } } class EmailObserver implements Observer { public function update(Subject $subject) { // Send an email notification for the new post. } } class PushObserver implements Observer { public function update(Subject $subject) { // Send a push notification for the new post. } } // Usage $post = new Post(); $observer1 = new EmailObserver(); $observer2 = new PushObserver(); $post->attach($observer1); $post->attach($observer2); $post->publish(); // Sends email and push notifications for the new post.
以上是PHP 設計模式實戰案例解析的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!