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(PECL event >= 1.2.6-beta)
Represents SSL_CTX structure. Provides methods and properties to configure the SSL context.
, string $options
)Path to local certificate file on filesystem. It must be a PEM-encoded file which contains certificate. It can optionally contain the certificate chain of issuers.
Path to local private key file
SSLv2 client method. See SSL_CTX_new(3) man page.
SSLv3 client method. See SSL_CTX_new(3) man page.
SSLv23 client method. See SSL_CTX_new(3) man page.
TLS client method. See SSL_CTX_new(3) man page.
SSLv2 server method. See SSL_CTX_new(3) man page.
SSLv3 server method. See SSL_CTX_new(3) man page.
SSLv23 server method. See SSL_CTX_new(3) man page.
TLS server method. See SSL_CTX_new(3) man page.
Key for an item of the options' array used in EventSslContext::__construct() . The option points to path of local certificate.
Key for an item of the options' array used in EventSslContext::__construct() . The option points to path of the private key.
Key for an item of the options' array used in EventSslContext::__construct() . Represents passphrase of the certificate.
Key for an item of the options' array used in EventSslContext::__construct() . Represents path of the certificate authority file.
Key for an item of the options' array used in EventSslContext::__construct() . Represents path where the certificate authority file should be searched for.
Key for an item of the options' array used in EventSslContext::__construct() . Represents option that allows self-signed certificates.
Key for an item of the options' array used in EventSslContext::__construct() . Represents option that tells Event to verify peer.
Key for an item of the options' array used in EventSslContext::__construct() . Represents maximum depth for the certificate chain verification that shall be allowed for the SSL context.
Key for an item of the options' array used in EventSslContext::__construct() . Represents the cipher list for the SSL context.
[#1] Bas Vijfwinkel [2015-06-26 09:29:00]
The context SSLv3_SERVER_METHOD is being actively blocked by Firefox but TLS_SERVER_METHOD works without that warning screen.
If you do want to use/test the SSLv3_SERVER_METHOD context, you can disable the check in Firefox by going to about:config and set 'security.tls.version.min' to 0.