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[#1] jean dot k dot ribeiro at gmail dot com [2015-07-14 18:49:22]
There is a sniff for PHP_CodeSniffer to checks for HTTP extension compatibility between 1.x and 2.x versions, useful for version migrations, scanning your code looking for forbidden functions and classes.
[#2] anton at example dot com [2015-06-28 06:42:59]
For all those who still have code using the old pecl_http1 API and want to use PHP 5.6, you may want to make a wrapper on top of pecl_http2.
The following code will work with PHP 5.6 if you use a wrapper:
$r = new HttpRequest($post_url, HttpRequest::METH_POST);
$r->setHeaders(array('User-Agent' => $user_agent));
try {
if ($r->getResponseCode() == 200) {
echo $r->getResponseBody();
} catch (HttpException $ex) {
// catch exception
Here is the code of the wrapper of HttpRequst on top of pecl_http2 with PHP 5.6:
class HttpRequest {
private $url;
private $method;
private $headers;
private $post_fields;
private $http2_request;
private $http2_client;
private $http2_response;
const METH_POST = 'POST';
const METH_GET = 'GET';
function __construct($url, $method) {
$this->url = $url;
$this->method = $method;
$this->headers = array();
$this->post_fields = null;
function setHeaders($headers) {
$this->headers = $headers;
function addPostFields($post_fields) {
$this->post_fields = $post_fields;
function send() {
$this->http2_request = new http\Client\Request($this->method, $this->url, $this->headers);
if ($this->method == HttpRequest::METH_POST && $this->post_fields) {
$this->http2_request->getBody()->append(new http\QueryString($this->post_fields));
$this->http2_client = new http\Client;
function getResponseCode() {
if (!$this->http2_response) $this->http2_response = $this->http2_client->getResponse($this->http2_request);
return $this->http2_response->getResponseCode();
function getResponseBody() {
if (!$this->http2_response) $this->http2_response = $this->http2_client->getResponse($this->http2_request);
return $this->http2_response->getBody();
Feel free to extend and share your thoughts in order to get even more functionality of HttpRequest work with PHP 5.6
[#3] mike at php dot net [2013-12-10 09:49:24]
Documentation for version 2 of this extension is available here: