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SolrDisMaxQuery::removeBoostQuery — Removes a boost query partial by field name (bq)
)Removes a boost query partial from the existing query, only if SolrDisMaxQuery::addBoostQuery() was used.
Field Name
Example #1 SolrDisMaxQuery::removeBoostQuery() example
$dismaxQuery = new SolrDisMaxQuery ( "lucene" );
-> addBoostQuery ( 'cat' , 'electronics' , 5.1 )
-> addBoostQuery ( 'cat' , 'hard drive' )
echo $dismaxQuery . PHP_EOL ;
// now remove a query part with field 'cat'
-> removeBoostQuery ( 'cat' );
echo $dismaxQuery . PHP_EOL ;
q=lucene&defType=edismax&bq=cat:electronics^5.1 cat:hard drive q=lucene&defType=edismax&bq=cat:hard drive