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(PHP 4, PHP 5)
strtoupper — 将字符串转化为大写
将 string
注意 “字母” 与当前所在区域有关。例如,在默认的 “C” 区域,字符 umlaut-a(?)就不会被转换。
Example #1 strtoupper() 范例
$str = "Mary Had A Little Lamb and She LOVED It So" ;
$str = strtoupper ( $str );
Note: 此函数可安全用于二进制对象。
[#1] adriaanse06 at hotmail dot com [2015-07-28 11:51:04]
$ther="There Is all ready A concept SAVED";
pick the first char
$theru = strtoupper($fupper);
make it upper
pick the rest
$therl = strtolower($flower);
make them lower
There is all ready a concept saved
[#2] andre at koethur dot de [2013-06-10 08:28:03]
One might think that setting the correct locale would do the trick with for example german umlauts, but this is not the case. You have to use mb_strtoupper() instead:
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'de_DE.UTF8');
echo strtoupper('Umlaute ???? in uppercase'); // outputs "UMLAUTE ???? IN UPPERCASE"
echo mb_strtoupper('Umlaute ???? in uppercase', 'UTF-8'); // outputs "UMLAUTE ??? IN UPPERCASE"
[#3] davaco at net dot hr [2012-01-06 07:46:12]
Simple function for uppercase encoding of croatian text! :)
function strtoupper_hr($a) {
return strtr(mb_strtoupper($a, "utf-8"), array(
" ?" => " ?",
" ?" => " ?",
" ?" => " ?",
" ?" => " ?",
" ?" => " ?"
[#4] james at snasta dot ie [2011-11-10 06:44:06]
In the Irish language certain initial mutations can never be capitalized ?? the following simple function can be used to capitalize text in Irish.
i.e. Muintir na h?ireann -> MUINTIR NA h?IREANN
function strtoupper_ga($a) {
return strtr(mb_strtoupper($a, "utf-8"), array(
" MB" => " mB",
" GC" => " gC",
" ND" => " nD",
" BHF" => " bhF",
" NG" => " nG",
" BP" => " bP",
" DT" => " dT",
" HA" => " hA",
" HE" => " hE",
" HI" => " hI",
" HO" => " hO",
" HU" => " hU",
" H?" => " h?",
" H?" => " h?",
" H?" => " h?",
" H?" => " h?",
" H?" => " h?"
[#5] markus dot geiger at mayflower dot de [2011-06-20 09:42:51]
NOTE: To uppercase a unicode string you simply could use mb_strtoupper($str, 'UTF-8') instead of all that bloated PHP functions ;=)
[#6] dev dot gabiu at gmail dot com [2011-05-17 04:22:24]
This would be my short version for French characters:
function fullUpper($string){
return strtr(strtoupper($string), array(
"??" => "?",
"??" => "?",
"??" => "?",
"??" => "?",
"??" => "?",
"??" => "?",
"??" => "?",
"??" => "?",
"??" => "?",
"??" => "?",
"?" => "?",
"??" => "?",
"?" => "?",
"?" => "?",
"?" => "?",
"?" => "?",
[#7] smieat [2010-05-01 16:39:39]
perfect solutions for turkish utf-8 (including i I conversations):
function strtolowertr($metin){
return mb_convert_case(str_replace('I','?',$metin), MB_CASE_LOWER, "UTF-8");
function strtouppertr($metin){
return mb_convert_case(str_replace('i','?',$metin), MB_CASE_UPPER, "UTF-8");
function ucwordstr($metin) {
return ltrim(mb_convert_case(str_replace(array(' I',' ?', ' ?', ' i'),array(' I',' I',' ?',' ?'),' '.$metin), MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8"));
function ucfirsttr($metin) {
$metin = in_array(crc32($metin[0]),array(1309403428, -797999993, 957143474)) ? array(strtouppertr(substr($metin,0,2)),substr($metin,2)) : array(strtouppertr($metin[0]),substr($metin,1));
return $metin[0].$metin[1];
[#8] Jaason [2009-07-10 01:48:37]
convert polish special letters into big and small chars;p
function toUpper($string) {
return (strtoupper(strtr($string, '???????????','?????????' )));
function toLower($string) {
return (strtolower(strtr($string,'?????????', '???????????' )));
[#9] chris at table4 dot com [2009-01-19 07:31:08]
Simple function to change the case of your string and any accented html characters contained within it.
Inspired by fullUpper(), by silent at gmx dot li... just a little bit more atomic.
function convertCase($str, $case = 'upper')
{ //yours, courtesy of table4.com :)
case "upper" :
$str = strtoupper($str);
$pattern = '/&([A-Z])(UML|ACUTE|CIRC|TILDE|RING|';
$replace = "'&'.'\\1'.strtolower('\\2').';'"; //convert the important bit back to lower
case "lower" :
$str = strtolower($str);
$str = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $str);
return $str;
Depending on what you are trying to achieve you would call like this:
//with entities...
$str = convertCase(htmlentities($str, ENT_QUOTES, "ISO-8859-1"));
[#10] spaceman at foo dot at [2008-04-17 09:59:56]
It has been mentioned in a previous comment that all you need to do to let PHP's strtoupper() do the conversion - instead of writing more or less complicated functions yourself - is to specify the locale in which you're doing the case conversion:
<?php setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "de_AT") ?>
It is important to note that setlocale() will silently fail if it can't find the specified locale on your system, so *always* check its return value. Try different spellings: using "de_AT" as an example, there are various combinations that may or may not work for you: "de", "de_AT.utf8", "de_AT.iso-8859-1", "de_AT.latin1", "de_AT@euro", etc).
If you can't find an appropriate locale setting, check your system configuration (locales are a system-wide setting, PHP gets them from the OS). On Windows, locales can be set from the Control Panel; on Linux it depends on your distribution. You can try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales" on Debian-based distros, or configure them manually. On Ubuntu Dapper, I had to copy entries over from /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED to /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local, then do the dpkg-reconfigure.
After you're done, restart the web server.
That said, there are special cases where you want to do the conversion manually. In German, for example, the letter '?' (szlig) only exists as a lower-case character, and so doesn't get converted by strtoupper. The convential way to express a '?' in an uppercase string is "SS". This function will take care of this exception (for Latin1 and most of Latin9, at least):
define("LATIN1_UC_CHARS", "?????????????????????????????");
define("LATIN1_LC_CHARS", "?????????????????????????????????????????");
function uc_latin1 ($str) {
$str = strtoupper(strtr($str, LATIN1_LC_CHARS, LATIN1_UC_CHARS));
return strtr($str, array("?" => "SS"));
[#11] Oliv. [2007-10-11 07:20:53]
accents convertion trick :
function ucfirstHTMLentity($matches){
return "&".ucfirst(strtolower($matches[1])).";";
function fullUpper($str){
$subject = strtoupper(htmlentities($str, null, 'UTF-8'));
$pattern = '/&([A-Z]+);/';
return preg_replace_callback($pattern, "ucfirstHTMLentity", $subject);
print fullUpper($_REQUEST["txt"]);
[#12] xguimax at gmail dot com [2007-10-05 13:17:08]
Portuguese version of String Capitalize in PHP.
function strProper($str)
$noUp = array('um','uma','o','a','de','do','da','em');
$str = trim($str);
$str = strtoupper($str[0]) . strtolower(substr($str, 1));
for($i=1; $i<strlen($str)-1; ++$i) {
if($str[$i]==' ') {
for($j=$i+1; $j<strlen($str) && $str[$j]!=' '; ++$j); //find next space
$size = $j-$i-1;
$shortWord = false;
if($size<=3) {
$theWord = substr($str,$i+1,$size);
for($j=0; $j<count($noUp) && !$shortWord; ++$j)
$shortWord = true;
if( !$shortWord )
$str = substr($str, 0, $i+1) . strtoupper($str[$i+1]) . substr($str, $i+2);
return $str;
[#13] RUNET [2007-04-17 17:33:35]
function str_to_upper($str){
return strtr($str,
[#14] bart at insane dot at [2006-05-10 04:31:01]
When using UTF-8 and need to convert to uppercase with
special characters like the german ?,?,?? (didn't test for french,polish,russian but think it should work, too) try this:
function strtoupper_utf8($string){
return $string;
[#15] [2005-05-30 06:11:25]
// 2005/5/30 Justin
// Chinese_Traditional toupper
function CT_to_upper($string)
$isChineseStart = false;
$new_string = "";
$i = 0;
while($i < strlen($string))
if (ord(substr($string,$i,1)) <128)
if( $isChineseStart == false )
$new_string .= strtoupper(mb_substr($string,$i,1));
$new_string .= substr($string,$i,1);
if( $isChineseStart == false )
$isChineseStart = true;
$isChineseStart = false;
$new_string .= substr($string,$i,1);
return $new_string;
[#16] Justin_Lin at mail2000 dot com dot tw [2005-05-30 06:09:18]
The following is my code for translate a given string to upper case and it will support chinese traditional :
// 2005/5/30 Justin
// Chinese_Traditional toupper
function CT_to_upper($string)
$isChineseStart = false;
$new_string = "";
$i = 0;
while($i < strlen($string))
if (ord(substr($string,$i,1)) <128)
if( $isChineseStart == false )
$new_string .= strtoupper(mb_substr($string,$i,1));
$new_string .= substr($string,$i,1);
if( $isChineseStart == false )
$isChineseStart = true;
$isChineseStart = false;
$new_string .= substr($string,$i,1);
return $new_string;
[#17] willyann at gmail dot com [2005-05-24 21:31:39]
function to_upper($string) {
$new_string = "";
$i = 0;
while($i < strlen($string)) {
if (ord(substr($string,$i,1)) <128)
$new_string .= strtoupper(substr($string,$i,1));
} else {
$new_string .= substr($string,$i,2);
return $new_string;
[#18] [2004-10-30 15:23:18]
If you only need to extend the conversion by the characters of a certain language, it's possible to control this using an environment variable to change the locale:
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "de_DE");
[#19] martine [2004-02-06 19:41:28]
[#20] mec at stadeleck dot org [2002-12-02 06:54:33]
something I myself first not thought about:
if there are any html entities (named entities) in your string, strtoupper will turn all letters within this entities to upper case, too. So if you want to manipulate a string with strtoupper it should contain only unicode entities (if ever).