本文檔使用 php中文網手册 發布
The view pg_user provides access to information about database users. This is simply a publicly readable view of pg_shadow that blanks out the password field.
Table 45-62. pg_user Columns
Name | Type | Description |
usename | name | User name |
usesysid | int4 | User ID (arbitrary number used to reference this user) |
usecreatedb | bool | User can create databases |
usesuper | bool | User is a superuser |
usecatupd | bool | User can update system catalogs. (Even a superuser cannot do this unless this column is true.) |
passwd | text | Not the password (always reads as ********) |
valuntil | abstime | Password expiry time (only used for password authentication) |
useconfig | text[] | Session defaults for run-time configuration variables |