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$php_errormsg — 前一个错误信息
$php_errormsg 变量包含由 PHP 生成的最新错误信息。这个变量只在错误发生的作用域内可用,并且要求 track_errors 配置项是开启的(默认是关闭的)。
如果用户定义了错误处理句柄( set_error_handler() )并且返回 FALSE
的时候, $php_errormsg 就会被设置。
Example #1 $php_errormsg 范例
@ strpos ();
echo $php_errormsg ;
Wrong parameter count for strpos()
[#1] quickshiftin at gmail dot com [2013-01-07 21:19:30]
While $php_errormsg is a global, it is not a superglobal.
You'll have to qualify it with a global keyword inside a function.
function checkErrormsg()
global $php_errormsg;
return $php_errormsg;
[#2] josh at karmabunny dot com dot au [2011-07-04 00:41:43]
The track_errors parameter is PHP_INI_ALL, so you can use code like this:
ini_set('track_errors', 1);
$result = @do_risky_thing();
if (! $result) {
echo '<p>Error' . htmlspecialchars($php_errormsg) . '</p>';
ini_set('track_errors', 0);
[#3] ryan kulla [2009-01-19 11:32:17]
Note: This variable doesn't seem to get populated if you're running Xdebug.