本文檔使用 php中文網手册 發布
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0)
Exception::getPrevious — 返回异常链中的前一个异常
返回异常链中的前一个异常( Exception::__construct() 方法的第三个参数)。
返回异常链中的前一个异常Exception,否则返回 NULL
Example #1 Exception::getPrevious() 示例
class MyCustomException extends Exception {}
function doStuff () {
try {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( "You are doing it wrong!" , 112 );
} catch( Exception $e ) {
throw new MyCustomException ( "Something happend" , 911 , $e );
try {
doStuff ();
} catch( Exception $e ) {
do {
printf ( "%s:%d %s (%d) [%s]\n" , $e -> getFile (), $e -> getLine (), $e -> getMessage (), $e -> getCode (), get_class ( $e ));
} while( $e = $e -> getPrevious ());
/home/bjori/ex.php:8 Something happend (911) [MyCustomException] /home/bjori/ex.php:6 You are doing it wrong! (112) [InvalidArgumentException]
[#1] Anonymous [2011-10-03 13:11:11]
May be I am late (5.2 is not supported). But if you want use the functionality of "previous Exception" in PHP < 5.3 or write compatible code, you can use next way as below.
abstract class App_Exception_PreviousNativeAbstract extends Exception {
public static $printPrevious = true;
public function __toString() {
$result = array();
$result[] = sprintf("Exception '%s' with message '(%s) %s' in %s:%d", get_class($this), $this->code, $this->message, $this->file, $this->line);
$result[] = '---[Stack trace]:';
$result[] = $this->getTraceAsString();
if (self::$printPrevious) {
$previous = $this->getPrevious();
if ($previous) {
do {
$result[] = '---[Previous exception]:';
$result[] = sprintf("Exception '%s' with message '(%s) %s' in %s:%d", get_class($previous), $previous->getCode(), $previous->getMessage(), $previous->getFile(), $previous->getLine());
$result[] = '---[Stack trace]:';
$result[] = $previous->getTraceAsString();
} while(method_exists($previous, 'getPrevious') && ($previous = $previous->getPrevious()));
return implode("\r\n", $result);
abstract class App_Exception_PreviousLegacyAbstract extends App_Exception_PreviousNativeAbstract {
protected $previous;
public function __construct($message, $code = 0, Exception $previous = null) {
$this->previous = $previous;
parent::__construct($message, $code);
public function getPrevious() {
return $this->previous;
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>=')) {
abstract class App_Exception_PreviousAbstract extends App_Exception_PreviousNativeAbstract {}
else {
abstract class App_Exception_PreviousAbstract extends App_Exception_PreviousLegacyAbstract {}
class App_Exception extends App_Exception_PreviousAbstract {
public function __construct($message, $code = 0, Exception $previous = null) {
parent::__construct($message, 0, $previous);
// Example:
try {
// ...
throw new Exception('Exception mesage');
// ...
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new App_Exception('App exception mesage', 0, $e);