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(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0)
Exception::getTrace — 获取异常追踪信息
返回包含异常追踪信息的数组( array )。
Example #1 Exception::getTrace() 示例
function test () {
throw new Exception ;
try {
test ();
} catch( Exception $e ) {
var_dump ( $e -> getTrace ());
array(1) { [0]=> array(4) { ["file"]=> string(22) "/home/bjori/tmp/ex.php" ["line"]=> int(7) ["function"]=> string(4) "test" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } }
[#1] knivey [2013-04-18 14:53:19]
The order of the trace starts at the source of the exception and does not include main.
So for example:
function Bar() {
throw new Exception;
function Foo() {
try {
} catch(Exception $e) {
Will output:
array(2) {
array(4) {
string(21) "/.../test.php"
string(3) "Bar"
array(0) {
array(4) {
string(21) "/.../test.php"
string(3) "Foo"
array(0) {
[#2] sam at notmyrealemail dot org [2012-02-17 15:26:48]
Two important points about this function which are not documented:
1) The trace does not include the file / line at which the exception is thrown; that entry is only recorded in the top-level getFile/Line methods.
2) Elements are returned in 'closest-first' order, e.g. if you have a script x which calls function y which calls function z which throws an exception, then the first trace element will be 'Y' and the second will be 'X'.
[#3] andreas at cap-systems dot com [2010-06-09 12:55:28]
When calling getTrace(), there is also the name of the class in returned array:
class Test {
function __construct() {
throw new Exception('FATAL ERROR: bla bla...');
try {
$obj = new Test();
} catch(Exception $e) {
Will show something like:
array(1) {
[0]=> array(6) {
["file"]=> string(54) "/....../test.php"
["line"]=> int(37)
["function"]=> string(11) "__construct"
["class"]=> string(4) "Test"
["type"]=> string(2) "->"
["args"]=> array(0) { }
You can use this function to format a exception:
function MakePrettyException(Exception $e) {
$trace = $e->getTrace();
$result = 'Exception: "';
$result .= $e->getMessage();
$result .= '" @ ';
if($trace[0]['class'] != '') {
$result .= $trace[0]['class'];
$result .= '->';
$result .= $trace[0]['function'];
$result .= '();<br />';
return $result;
try {
$obj = new Test();
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo MakePrettyException($e);
Exception: "FATAL ERROR: bla bla..." @ Test->__construct();