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(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0)
Serializable::serialize — 对象的字符串表示
这个方法担当着对象析构器的角色。在此方法之后,__destruct() 方法将不会被调用。
返回对象的字符串表示或者 NULL
如果返回除了字符串或 NULL
之外的其他类型,将抛出 Exception。
[#1] crog at gustavus dot edu [2013-11-07 17:30:19]
The documentation here is somewhat misleading. Where it says "This method acts as the destructor of the object. The __destruct() method will not be called after this method," I believe the intent is not that the destructor is not run on the object itself, but that the destructor is not called /as part of the serialization process/.
That is, the object will still be destructed as it goes out of scope as normal, but the destructor is not called as a part of the object's serialization.