目錄 搜尋
Cluster cluster addslots(集群 槽位) cluster count failure reports(集群计数失败报告) cluster countkeysinslot cluster delslots cluster failover cluster forget cluster getkeysinslot cluster info cluster keyslot(集群键槽) cluster meet cluster nodes(集群节点) cluster replicate(集群复制) cluster reset(集群重置) cluster saveconfig cluster set config epoch cluster setslot cluster slaves cluster slots readonly readwrite Connection auth echo ping quit select swapdb Geo geoadd geodist geohash geopos georadius georadiusbymember Hashes hdel hexists hget hgetall hincrby hincrbyfloat hkeys hlen hmget hmset hscan hset hsetnx hstrlen hvals HyperLogLog pfadd pfcount pfmerge Keys del dump exists expire expireat keys migrate move object persist pexpire pexpireat pttl randomkey rename renamenx restore scan sort touch ttl type unlink wait Lists blpop brpop brpoplpush lindex linsert llen lpop lpush lpushx lrange lrem lset ltrim rpop rpoplpush rpush rpushx Pub/Sub psubscribe publish pubsub punsubscribe subscribe unsubscribe Scripting eval evalsha script debug script exists script flush script kill script load Server bgrewriteaof bgsave client getname client kill client list client pause client reply client setname command command count command getkeys command info config get config resetstat config rewrite config set dbsize debug object debug segfault flushall flushdb info lastsave monitor role save shutdown slaveof slowlog time Sets sadd scard sdiff sdiffstore sinter sinterstore sismember smembers smove spop srandmember srem sscan sunion sunionstore Sorted Sets zadd zcard zcount zincrby zinterstore zlexcount zrange zrangebylex zrangebyscore zrank zrem zremrangebylex zremrangebyrank zremrangebyscore zrevrange zrevrangebylex zrevrangebyscore zrevrank zscan zscore zunionstore Strings append bitcount bitfield bitop bitpos decr decrby get getbit getrange getset incr incrby incrbyfloat mget mset msetnx psetex set setbit setex setnx setrange strlen Transactions discard exec multi unwatch watch

BRPOP key [key ...] timeout


时间复杂度: O(1)

BRPOP is a blocking list pop primitive. It is the blocking version of RPOP because it blocks the connection when there are no elements to pop from any of the given lists. An element is popped from the tail of the first list that is non-empty, with the given keys being checked in the order that they are given.




  • nil当没有元件可以被弹出多批量和超时过期。

  • 第一个元素是元素被弹出的键的名称,第二个元素是弹出元素的值的两元素的多块。


redis> DEL list1 list2(integer) 0
redis> RPUSH list1 a b c(integer) 3
redis> BRPOP list1 list2 01) "list1"2) "c"
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