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(PHP 4, PHP 5)
pg_dbname — 获得数据库名
) pg_dbname() 返回给定 PostgreSQL
不是有效的 PostgreSQL 连接资源则返回 FALSE
Example #1 pg_dbname() 例子
error_reporting ( E_ALL );
pg_connect ( "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=mary" );
echo pg_dbname (); // mary
[#1] mark at redbrick dot dcu dot ie [2003-03-24 12:37:52]
This function is as simple as it sounds, it returns the name of the database your are currently connected to on the handle retrieved from a pg_connect() call.
$pgsql_conn = pg_connect("dbname=mark host=localhost");
if ($pgsql_conn) {
print "Successfully connected to database: " . pg_dbname($pgsql_conn) .
" on " . pg_host($pgsql_conn) . "<br/>\n";
} else {
print pg_last_error($pgsql_conn);
[mark@prodigy][*][~/public_html/php]>>>php pg_dbname.php
Content-type: text/html
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.1
Successfully connected to database: mark on localhost<br/>
Again this function is much more useful when you are changing which database you are connected to in your program.
Regards, --mark