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(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5)
pg_field_type — 返回相应字段的类型名称
, int $field_number
) pg_field_type() 以字符串返回 PostgreSQL result
资源中指定 field_number
字段的类型。字段编号从 0 开始。
参考 pg_field_name() 页面中的例子。
本函数以前的名字为 pg_fieldtype()。
参见 pg_field_prtlen() 和 pg_field_name() 。
[#1] Joshua Burns [2013-03-01 22:29:23]
Here is an updated list of nearly every PostgreSQL data type, and PHP's internal C-type equivalent, updated for PostgreSQL 9.2. The first array maps PHP's internal data type to PostgreSQL's equivalents. The second maps PostgreSQL's data-types to PHP's equivalents.
$php_to_pg = array(
'bit' => array('bit'),
'bool' => array('boolean'),
'box' => array('box'),
'bpchar' => array('character','char'),
'bytea' => array('bytea'),
'cidr' => array('cidr'),
'circle' => array('circle'),
'date' => array('date'),
'daterange' => array('daterange'),
'float4' => array('real'),
'float8' => array('double precision'),
'inet' => array('inet'),
'int2' => array('smallint', 'smallserial'),
'int4' => array('integer', 'serial'),
'int4range' => array('int4range'),
'int8' => array('bigint', 'bigserial'),
'int8range' => array('int8range'),
'interval' => array('interval'),
'json' => array('json'),
'lseg' => array('lseg'),
'macaddr' => array('macaddr'),
'money' => array('money'),
'numeric' => array('decimal', 'numeric'),
'numrange' => array('numrange'),
'path' => array('path'),
'point' => array('point'),
'polygon' => array('polygon'),
'text' => array('text'),
'time' => array('time', 'time without time zone'),
'timestamp' => array('timestamp', 'timestamp without time zone'),
'timestamptz' => array('timestamp with time zone'),
'timetz' => array('time with time zone'),
'tsquery' => array('tsquery'),
'tsrange' => array('tsrange'),
'tsvector' => array('tsvector'),
'uuid' => array('uuid'),
'varbit' => array('bit varying'),
'varchar' => array('character varying', 'varchar'),
'xml' => array('xml'),
$pg_to_php = array(
'bit' => 'bit',
'boolean' => 'bool',
'box' => 'box',
'character' => 'bpchar',
'char' => 'bpchar',
'bytea' => 'bytea',
'cidr' => 'cidr',
'circle' => 'circle',
'date' => 'date',
'daterange' => 'daterange',
'real' => 'float4',
'double precision' => 'float8',
'inet' => 'inet',
'smallint' => 'int2',
'smallserial' => 'int2',
'integer' => 'int4',
'serial' => 'int4',
'int4range' => 'int4range',
'bigint' => 'int8',
'bigserial' => 'int8',
'int8range' => 'int8range',
'interval' => 'interval',
'json' => 'json',
'lseg' => 'lseg',
'macaddr' => 'macaddr',
'money' => 'money',
'decimal' => 'numeric',
'numeric' => 'numeric',
'numrange' => 'numrange',
'path' => 'path',
'point' => 'point',
'polygon' => 'polygon',
'text' => 'text',
'time' => 'time',
'time without time zone' => 'time',
'timestamp' => 'timestamp',
'timestamp without time zone' => 'timestamp',
'timestamp with time zone' => 'timestamptz',
'time with time zone' => 'timetz',
'tsquery' => 'tsquery',
'tsrange' => 'tsrange',
'tstzrange' => 'tstzrange',
'tsvector' => 'tsvector',
'uuid' => 'uuid',
'bit varying' => 'varbit',
'character varying' => 'varchar',
'varchar' => 'varchar',
'xml' => 'xml'
[#2] Anonymous [2010-01-16 19:18:20]
Also be aware that postgreSQL array fields will prefix the type name with an underscore (e.g. "_int4" or "_text"), while composite a.k.a. row-type fields will return type "record".
[#3] marxarelli [2006-01-02 14:34:05]
Because complete documentation is always helpful, here are all the PostgreSQL general purpose types as they are listed in the 8.1 documentation, and each corresponding string returned by pg_field_type().
bigint => int8
bigserial => int8
bit => bit
bit varying => varbit
boolean => bool
box => box
bytea => bytea
character varying => varchar
character => bpchar
cidr => cidr
circle => circle
date => date
double precision => float8
inet => inet
integer => int4
interval => interval
line => line
lseg => lseg
macaddr => macaddr
money => money
numeric => numeric
path => path
point => point
polygon => polygon
real => float4
smallint => int2
serial => int4
text => text
time => time
time with time zone => timetz
timestamp => timestamp
timestamp with time zone => timestamptz
And for the record... (note the 7.4 client lib)
# postmaster --version
postmaster (PostgreSQL) 8.0.4
# ldd libphp4.so
libpq.so.3 => /usr/lib/libpq.so.3 (0xb7ac8000)
[#4] andy at a 2 h d dot com [2003-05-03 12:09:08]
The types returned are:
int2 (smallint)
int8 (bigint)
float4 (real / float)
float8 (double)
bpchar (fixed leng string, 'blank padded char')
inet (ip address)
There are some other more esoteric types, e.g. 'circle', but these are the most common.