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(PECL apcu >= 4.0.0)
apcu_inc — Increase a stored number
[, int $step
= 1
[, bool &$success
]] )Increases a stored number.
The key of the value being increased.
The step, or value to increase.
Optionally pass the success or fail boolean value to this referenced variable.
Returns the current value of key
's value on success,
或者在失败时返回 FALSE
Example #1 apcu_inc() example
echo "Let's do something with success" , PHP_EOL ;
apcu_store ( 'anumber' , 42 );
echo apcu_fetch ( 'anumber' ), PHP_EOL ;
echo apcu_inc ( 'anumber' ), PHP_EOL ;
echo apcu_inc ( 'anumber' , 10 ), PHP_EOL ;
echo apcu_inc ( 'anumber' , 10 , $success ), PHP_EOL ;
var_dump ( $success );
echo "Now, let's fail" , PHP_EOL , PHP_EOL ;
apcu_store ( 'astring' , 'foo' );
$ret = apcu_inc ( 'astring' , 1 , $fail );
var_dump ( $ret );
var_dump ( $fail );
42 43 53 63 bool(true) Now, let's failbool(false) bool(false)