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(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0)
SQLite3::open — Opens an SQLite database
[, int $flags
[, string $encryption_key
]] )Opens an SQLite 3 Database. If the build includes encryption, then it will attempt to use the key.
Path to the SQLite database, or :memory: to use in-memory database.
Optional flags used to determine how to open the SQLite database. By default, open uses SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE3_OPEN_CREATE.
SQLITE3_OPEN_READONLY: Open the database for reading only.
SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE: Open the database for reading and writing.
SQLITE3_OPEN_CREATE: Create the database if it does not exist.
An optional encryption key used when encrypting and decrypting an SQLite database.
Example #1 SQLite3::open() example
class MyDB extends SQLite3
function __construct ()
$this -> open ( 'mysqlitedb.db' );
$db = new MyDB ();
$db -> exec ( 'CREATE TABLE foo (bar STRING)' );
$db -> exec ( "INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES ('This is a test')" );
$result = $db -> query ( 'SELECT bar FROM foo' );
var_dump ( $result -> fetchArray ());
[#1] jjchailloux at yahoo dot com [2010-07-06 07:09:28]
PHP Fatal error: Class 'SQLite3' not found ...
you are probably running an old version of PHP
PHP 5.2 does not know about SQLite3; only SQLite (v2)
install PHP 5.3
http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/7294/php on Mac OS
[#2] kbrobst at surveyresearchpartners dot com [2010-03-07 12:54:41]
If you are trying to use the open() method to open multiple database files within the same SQLite3 object (which I could not get to work), here is an alternative way to do so using special SQLite3 syntax additions to the SQL language. This took some investigation on my part, so hopefully the solution I found will help you too.
These are the nice features within SQLite3 that are leveraged:
* The create statement query for a table is stored within a table called "sqlite_master" within the parent database file.
* SQLite3 supports the "insert into...select * from" SQL syntax for doing bulkload-speed inserts into a table - but what if the source and target tables are in separate database files?
* SQLite3 has an "attach [filename] as [reference database name]" which will allow multiple database files to be opened and accessible to the same SQLite3 object.
Assume you have a table called "my_template" in the SQLite3 database file "source.db". You want to make a copy of this table into the database file "target.db" and call the table "working_table".
//attach the source database file to the bulkload connection object;
$bulkload_connection = new SQLite3("c:/sqlite3_database_files/source.db");
//retrieve the create statement query for the source table;
$sourcetbl_create_statement = $bulkload_connection->querySingle("select sql from sqlite_master where type='table' and name='my_template'");
if ($sourcetbl_create_statement===false) exit($bulkload_connection->lastErrorMsg());
//build the create statement query for the target table;
$targettbl_create_statement = str_replace('CREATE TABLE my_template', 'CREATE TABLE bulkload.working_table', $sourcetbl_create_statement);
//attach the target database file to the bulkload connection object - and reference it as the database called [bulkload];
$result=$bulkload_connection->exec("attach 'c:/sqlite3_database_files/target.db' as bulkload");
if ($result===false) exit($bulkload_connection->lastErrorMsg());
//issue the query to create the target table within the target database file;
if ($result===false) exit($bulkload_connection->lastErrorMsg());
//copy the rows from the source table to the target table as quickly as possible;
$result=$bulkload_connection->exec("insert into bulkload.working_table select * from my_template");
if ($result===false) exit($bulkload_connection->lastErrorMsg());
//release the OS file locks on the attached database files;