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(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
imagedashedline — 画一虚线
, int $x1
, int $y1
, int $x2
, int $y2
, int $color
)反对使用本函数。应该用 imagesetstyle() 和 imageline() 的组合替代之。
[#1] ihsanduvac at gmail dot com [2012-08-17 18:45:35]
It doesn't work for horizontal lines. Use imagesetstyle()
[#2] tgabor72 at freemail dot hu [2010-08-17 11:50:21]
You can use the imagepatternedline() function with extra features instead of imagedashedline() to give a visible dashedlines and other any kind of patterned lines on your images. The routine also manages the thickness of the line. Have fun!
// imagepatternedline() function
// Routine was developed to draw any kind of straight line with thickness. Routine uses imageline() function to draw line.
// Parameters are (similar to imageline() function):
// $image: (resource) imagefile
// $xstart, $ystart: (int) x,y coordinates for first point
// $xend, $yend: (int) x,y coordinates for last point
// $color: (int) color identifier that created with imagecolorallocate()
// extra parameters:
// $thickness: (int) thickness of line in pixel
// $pattern: (string) pattern of line, which repeats continuously while line is being drawed.
// If there is '1' in the pattern that means the actual dot of line is visible,
// '0' means dot is not visible (space between two line elements).
// All characters regard for one pixel. Default: 1 dot wide dashed line with 4-4 dots and spaces.
// Examples for pattern:
// "1" or "" continuous line
// "10" close dotline
// "10000" dotline
// "111111110000001100000011111111" dotline for design drawing
// "111111111100000011000000110000001111111111" double dotline
// some examples for using imagepatternedline():
// imagepatternedline($image,300,300,442,442,$color,200,""); // a square with 200 length of edge and rotated 45 degrees
// imagepatternedline($image,100,200,289,200,$color,100,
// "11001100000011001111000011001111110000001100001100"
// ."00001111001100111100000011000000110000110011001100"
// ."11000011111100111111000011001111001111000011110000"
// ."1111001111110011000011000000001100110011"); // barcode
function imagepatternedline($image, $xstart, $ystart, $xend, $yend, $color, $thickness=1, $pattern="11000011") {
$pattern=(!strlen($pattern)) ? "1" : $pattern;
while (strlen($fullpattern)<$length) $fullpattern.=$pattern;
if (!$length) {
if ($fullpattern[0]) imagefilledellipse($image, $xstart, $ystart, $thickness, $thickness, $color);
if (strlen($line)==0 or $fullpattern[$i]==$line[0]) {
if ($line[0]) imageline($image, round($x1), round($y1), round($x2-$mx), round($y2-$my), $color);
for($j=0;$j<$thickness-1;$j++) {
$k2= (($k-0.5)*$mx)*(floor($j*0.5)+1)*2;
if ($line[0]) {
imageline($image, round($x1)+$k1, round($y1)+$k2, round($x2-$mx)+$k1, round($y2-$my)+$k2, $color);
if ($y) imageline($image, round($x1)+$k1+1, round($y1)+$k2, round($x2-$mx)+$k1+1, round($y2-$my)+$k2, $color);
if ($x) imageline($image, round($x1)+$k1, round($y1)+$k2+1, round($x2-$mx)+$k1, round($y2-$my)+$k2+1, $color);
if ($line[0]) imageline($image, round($x1), round($y1), round($xend), round($yend), $color);
for($j=0;$j<$thickness-1;$j++) {
$k2= (($k-0.5)*$mx)*(floor($j*0.5)+1)*2;
if ($line[0]) {
imageline($image, round($x1)+$k1, round($y1)+$k2, round($xend)+$k1, round($yend)+$k2, $color);
if ($y) imageline($image, round($x1)+$k1+1, round($y1)+$k2, round($xend)+$k1+1, round($yend)+$k2, $color);
if ($x) imageline($image, round($x1)+$k1, round($y1)+$k2+1, round($xend)+$k1, round($yend)+$k2+1, $color);
[#3] ProfessorNeo at gmx dot de [2006-02-16 12:07:15]
The bug reported by 'michi at marel dot at' also exists in PHP version 5.1.1. This functions just works with vertical lines!
[#4] alien-scripts.de [2005-07-13 14:17:22]
I make my own dashedline:
if($da == 0) { $da = 1; }
elseif($da == 1){
$da = 0; }
$l is the x-value
and we have a dashed line :)
[#5] michi at marel dot at [2003-11-19 06:49:00]
There's a bug till PHP 4.0.4 in this function. You can only draw vertical dashed lines. To draw other dashed lines you can set <ImageSetStyle> to a special dashed line and draw it by <ImageLine>.
Sample code:
function MDashedLine($image, $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, $fg, $bg)
$st = array($fg, $fg, $fg, $fg, $bg, $bg, $bg, $bg);
ImageSetStyle($image, $st);
ImageLine($image, $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, IMG_COLOR_STYLED);