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(PHP 4, PHP 5)
mt_rand — 生成更好的随机数
, int $max
)很多老的 libc 的随机数发生器具有一些不确定和未知的特性而且很慢。PHP 的 rand() 函数默认使用 libc 随机数发生器。 mt_rand() 函数是非正式用来替换它的。该函数用了 » Mersenne Twister 中已知的特性作为随机数发生器,它可以产生随机数值的平均速度比 libc 提供的 rand() 快四倍。
如果没有提供可选参数 min
, mt_rand()
返回 0 到 mt_getrandmax()
之间的伪随机数。例如想要 5 到 15(包括 5 和 15)之间的随机数,用
mt_rand(5, 15)。
可选的、返回的最大值(默认: mt_getrandmax() )
返回 min
(或者 0) 到 max
(或者是到 mt_getrandmax()
版本 | 说明 |
4.2.0 | 随机数发生器自动进行播种。 |
Example #1 mt_rand() 例子
echo mt_rand () . "\n" ;
echo mt_rand () . "\n" ;
echo mt_rand ( 5 , 15 );
1604716014 1478613278 6
The distribution of mt_rand() return values is biased
towards even numbers on 64-bit builds of PHP when
is beyond 2^32.
[#1] Flashbond [2015-03-06 08:34:29]
A custom unique random generator class example:
class uniqueRandom {
private $rands = array();
function generate($min, $max) {
while ($rand = mt_rand($min, $max) && array_diff(range($min, $max), $this -> rands)) {
if (!in_array($rand, $this -> rands)) {
$this-> rands [] = $rand;
return $rand;
$myUnique = new uniqueRandom;
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
echo $myUnique -> generate(1, 10)." ";
//This will produce 5 unique random numbers from 1 to 10.
[#2] Jeff Cours [2014-09-12 22:12:49]
With PHP 5.3.3, we're seeing odd behavior on 32 bit Linux.
This works fine on 64 bit Linux:
printf ("%08x\n", mt_rand (0, 0xFFFFFFFF));
but on our 32 bit Linux development server, it's always yielding "00000000".
On that same machine, this:
printf ("%08x\n", mt_rand (0, 0xFFFFFFF0));
seems to always yield either 00000000 or a number in the range fffffff2 to ffffffff. This:
printf ("%08x\n", mt_rand (0, 0xFFFFFF00));
gives numbers where the last two digits vary, and so on through at least 0xF0000000.
However, this:
printf ("%08x\n", mt_rand (0, 0x7FFFFFFF));
seems to be well-behaved.
The moral? On 32 bit systems, be careful about crossing the signed number boundary, 0x7FFFFFFF.
[#3] falkartis at gmail dot com [2014-07-12 15:34:09]
I wrote another function to get a random float, if its not precise enougth jut add some '0' to the $mul parameter.
function f_rand($min=0,$max=1,$mul=1000000){
if ($min>$max) return false;
return mt_rand($min*$mul,$max*$mul)/$mul;
I made following tests:
echo f_rand()."<br>"; //0.497153
echo f_rand(0.5)."<br>"; //0.857822
echo f_rand(0.5,0.6)."<br>"; //0.599956
echo f_rand(0,10)."<br>"; //5.801949
echo f_rand(0,2,2)."<br>"; //1.5
echo f_rand(0,2,10)."<br>"; //1.7
[#4] bimal at sanjaal dot com [2014-05-10 20:48:06]
I was seeing how much unique and random 5-digits number I can use/generate in one-second's interval of time. (I had another logic for myself to make my number unique based on the date/time stamp value as well).
I found that the mt_rand() numbers are not quite unique. The repetitions will often occur a lot of times even in the first 50 random numbers generated in a loop.
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
$errors = array();
$uniques = array();
for($i = 0; $i < 500; ++$i)
$random_code = mt_rand(10000, 99999);
if(!in_array($random_code, $uniques))
$uniques[] = $random_code;
$errors[] = $random_code;
[#5] github.com/elcodedocle [2014-04-22 18:00:12]
Ever wanted a crypto safe mt_rand()? Not useful for many things I guess (maybe not useful at all), but I recently wanted to build a class able to pick random words from a dictionary in a safe way, so they could be used as passwords. I probably overdid it... The result is my attempt on a "cryptographically secure" mt_rand implementation including a wrapper for selecting and using the best random bytes generator from available extensions and /dev/urandom (about 100 times slower than mt_rand on a single core, by the way, so it's clearly open for improvement if you want to fork it on github.com/elcodedocle/cryptosecureprng, where you can find the docs to it too). Here is the minimized version (note too long):
class CryptoSecurePRNG {
private $intByteCount = 4;
private $defaultMax = 2147483647;
private $mcrypt;
private $openssl;
private $urandomFileHandler = false;
public function getRandomBytesString($byteCount){
$chars = '';
if ($this->mcrypt) {
$chars = mcrypt_create_iv($byteCount, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
if (!$chars && $this->openssl) {
$chars = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($byteCount);
if (!$chars && is_resource($this->urandomFileHandler)) {
while (($len = strlen($chars))< $byteCount) {
$chars .= fread($this->urandomFileHandler, $byteCount - $len);
if ($len = strlen($chars) < $byteCount) {
for ($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) { $chars[$i] = $chars[$i] ^ chr(mt_rand(0, 255)); }
for ($i = $len; $i < $byteCount; $i++) {
$chars .= chr(mt_rand(0, 255));
return $chars;
public function rand($min = 0, $max = null){
if ($max === null) { $max = $this->defaultMax; }
if (!is_int($min)||!is_int($max)) { throw new Exception('$min and $max must be integers'); }
if ($min>$max) { throw new Exception('$min must be <= $max'); }
$chars = $this->getRandomBytesString($this->intByteCount);
$n = 0;
for ($i=0;$i<strlen($chars);$i++) {$n|=(ord($chars[$i])<<(8*(strlen($chars)-$i-1)));}
return (abs($n)%($max-$min+1))+$min;
public function __construct(){
$this->mcrypt = function_exists('mcrypt_create_iv');
$this->openssl = function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes');
if (is_readable('/dev/urandom')){ $this->urandomFileHandler = fopen('/dev/urandom', 'r'); }
public function __destruct(){
if (is_resource($this->urandomFileHandler )) fclose($this->urandomFileHandler);
$randGen = new CryptoSecurePRNG();
echo $randGen->rand(); //outputs rand int between 0 and 2^32
[#6] Pawe Krawczyk [2013-11-05 11:13:32]
To reiterate the message about *not* using mt_rand() for anything security related, here's a new tool that has been just posted that recovers the seed value given a single mt_rand() output:
[#7] simon at labs dot coop [2013-10-05 19:38:30]
Something we discovered in Sydney running BBS Systems before the net advent was here, if we didn't seed of another BBS we would going in circles in our System Physicality Abstraction Layers.. The important thing is to seed from a remote system and easy way at the Centroidal Plexus of the web (Chronolabs Cooperative) we offer a seed feed and the following code will randomise you out of the number cycle:
[#8] hofmann dot johannes at gmail dot com [2013-09-13 20:21:18]
/dev/urandom provides high entropy, but it is important to remember that it is created by collecting random os garbage from memory - if not enough of that garbage is created reading the file will just block the whole process until there is enough entropy to generate the requested random bytes. in debian-based setups, the rng-tools package can be used to manage entropy.
[#9] Miller [2013-08-02 18:05:21]
Another generic random string function, but very small and fast.
function mt_rand_str ($l, $c = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890') {
for ($s = '', $cl = strlen($c)-1, $i = 0; $i < $l; $s .= $c[mt_rand(0, $cl)], ++$i);
return $s;
echo mt_rand_str(8); // Something like mp2tmpsw
echo mt_rand_str(6, '0123456789ABCDEF'); // Something like B9CD0F
[#10] Hayley Watson [2013-01-29 22:56:42]
Another graphical comparison of rand() and mt_rand(). It effectively draws a graph showing how the last generated number affects the next by plotting the numbers in consecutive pairs against each other.
header("Content-type: image/png");
$img = imagecreatetruecolor(2 * $sizex,$sizey);
$black = imagecolorallocate($img,0, 0, 0);
imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, 2 * $sizex, $sizey, imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255));
$p = 0;
for($i=0; $i < 100000; $i++) {
$np = rand(0,$sizex);
imagesetpixel($img, $p, $np, $black);
$p = $np;
$p = 0;
for($i=0; $i < 100000; $i++) {
$np = mt_rand(0,$sizex);
imagesetpixel($img, $p + $sizex, $np, $black);
$p = $np;
[#11] cyrax21 at gmail dot com [2012-03-01 08:44:27]
i wanted to spot out the big difference between rand and mt_rand when producing images using randomness as noise.
for example this is a comparation between rand and mt_rand on a 400x400 pixel png: http://oi43.tinypic.com/vwtppl.jpg
header("Content-type: image/png");
$img = imagecreatetruecolor($sizex,$sizey);
$ink = imagecolorallocate($img,255,255,255);
for($i=0;$i<$sizex/2;$i++) {
for($j=0;$j<$sizey;$j++) {
imagesetpixel($img, rand(1,$sizex/2), rand(1,$sizey), $ink);
for($i=$sizex/2;$i<$sizex;$i++) {
for($j=0;$j<$sizey;$j++) {
imagesetpixel($img, mt_rand($sizex/2,$sizex), mt_rand(1,$sizey), $ink);
the differences reduce when reducing the pixels of the image.. infact for a 100x100 pixel image the noise produced from the rand function is much more realistic than how it is for a 400x400 image: http://oi39.tinypic.com/5k0row.jpg
(rand is on the left, mt_rand on the right)
[#12] contact at sheyd dot fr [2011-11-24 04:43:22]
To quickly build a human-readable random string for a captcha per example :
function random($length = 8)
$chars = 'bcdfghjklmnprstvwxzaeiou';
for ($p = 0; $p < $length; $p++)
$result .= ($p%2) ? $chars[mt_rand(19, 23)] : $chars[mt_rand(0, 18)];
return $result;
Note that I have removed q and y from $chars to avoid readability problems.
[#13] j dot s dot shiuan at gmail dot com [2011-09-02 11:12:52]
Another good way to get a random float is to divide the result of mt_rand.
Let's say we want a float between 0.75 and 1.25.
$i = mt_rand(75,125) / 100;
[#14] rok dot kralj at rok-kralj dot net [2011-08-30 09:12:44]
This function has limited entrophy. So, if you want to create random string, it will produce only about 2 billion different strings, no matter the length of the string. This can be serous security issue if you are using such strings for session indentifiers, passwords etc.
Many times I have wanted to create *propper* base-64 string (containing only printable characters) of arbitrary length for many purposes. I wrote a function that checks if UNIX random generator is available and uses in that case. If not, it tries to increase the entrophy by accounting in the script execution time.
Here is the function, just try it out!
function random($len) {
if (@is_readable('/dev/urandom')) {
$f=fopen('/dev/urandom', 'r');
$urandom=fread($f, $len);
for ($i=0;$i<$len;++$i) {
if (!isset($urandom)) {
if ($i%2==0) mt_srand(time()%2147 * 1000000 + (double)microtime() * 1000000);
} else $rand=48+ord($urandom[$i])%64;
if ($rand>57)
if ($rand>90)
if ($rand==123) $rand=45;
if ($rand==124) $rand=46;
return $return;
[#15] Robin Leffmann [2010-12-25 06:14:01]
Fast, pseudo-random binary data generation using mt_rand():
function rnd_bin( $length )
while( @$c++ * 16 < $length )
@$tmp .= md5( mt_rand(), true );
return substr( $tmp, 0, $length );
[#16] Andrew Moore [2010-08-10 09:16:39]
If you need a predictable set of numbers for a given seed, you may use the following Pure-PHP implementation of a Mersenne Twister
class Mersenne_Twister
private $state = array ();
private $index = 0;
public function __construct($seed = null) {
if ($seed === null)
$seed = mt_rand();
public function setSeed($seed) {
$this->state[0] = $seed & 0xffffffff;
for ($i = 1; $i < 624; $i++) {
$this->state[$i] = (((0x6c078965 * ($this->state[$i - 1] ^ ($this->state[$i - 1] >> 30))) + $i)) & 0xffffffff;
$this->index = 0;
private function generateTwister() {
for ($i = 0; $i < 624; $i++) {
$y = (($this->state[$i] & 0x1) + ($this->state[$i] & 0x7fffffff)) & 0xffffffff;
$this->state[$i] = ($this->state[($i + 397) % 624] ^ ($y >> 1)) & 0xffffffff;
if (($y % 2) == 1) {
$this->state[$i] = ($this->state[$i] ^ 0x9908b0df) & 0xffffffff;
public function getNext($min = null, $max = null) {
if (($min === null && $max !== null) || ($min !== null && $max === null))
throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');
if ($this->index === 0) {
$y = $this->state[$this->index];
$y = ($y ^ ($y >> 11)) & 0xffffffff;
$y = ($y ^ (($y << 7) & 0x9d2c5680)) & 0xffffffff;
$y = ($y ^ (($y << 15) & 0xefc60000)) & 0xffffffff;
$y = ($y ^ ($y >> 18)) & 0xffffffff;
$this->index = ($this->index + 1) % 624;
if ($min === null && $max === null)
return $y;
$range = abs($max - $min);
return min($min, $max) + ($y % ($range + 1));
[#17] nilesh at itech7 dot com [2010-05-19 00:20:45]
A class to generate 99.5% unqiue strings. I found that there is only one or two characters common between two subsequent strings.
class Local_RandomString {
protected $_length;
protected $_prevRand;
public function __construct($length = 15) {
$this->_length = $length;
public function getRand() {
$randStr = null;
$args[] = 'N' . $this->_length;
for($i = 0; $i < $this->_length; $i++) {
$args[] = mt_rand();
$randStr = substr(base64_encode((call_user_func_array('pack', $args))), 1, $this->_length);
$this->_prevRand = $randStr;
return $randStr;
public function setLength($l) {
$this->_length = (int) $l;
if($this->_length <= 0) {
throw new Exception('Invalid random string length');
public function getPrevRand() {
return $this->_prevRand;
[#18] wayne [2010-02-24 07:53:25]
A little useful function to create a random unique number out of an array of unallowed values:
function rand_except($min, $max, $except)
//function returns a random integer between min and max, just like function rand() does.
// Difference to rand is that the random generated number will not use any of the values
// placed in $except. ($except must therefore be an array)
// function returns false if $except holds all values between $min and $max.
//first sort array values
sort($except, SORT_NUMERIC);
//calculate average gap between except-values
$except_count = count($except);
$avg_gap = ($max - $min + 1 - $except_count) / ($except_count + 1);
if ($avg_gap <= 0)
return false;
//now add min and max to $except, so all gaps between $except-values can be calculated
array_unshift($except, $min - 1);
array_push($except, $max + 1);
$except_count += 2;
//iterate through all values of except. If gap between 2 values is higher than average gap,
// create random in this gap
for ($i = 1; $i < $except_count; $i++)
if ($except[$i] - $except[$i - 1] - 1 >= $avg_gap)
return mt_rand($except[$i - 1] + 1, $except[$i] - 1);
return false;
[#19] armencho at gmail dot com [2010-01-15 07:59:31]
The following function generates a string of arbitrary length (with limitations), composed of random PHP characters (i.e. each an 8-bit value - a byte). Suitable for generating random session strings. Encode as Base64 to transmit over network, where required.
** The function is pretty much one of the fastest (if not THE fastest) methods of generating random strings, as opposed to numerous examples given on this page which go about with char-by-char generation. Sloppy benchmarks estimate a factor of 10 speedup. Keep your websites lean, people. **
The only thing to keep in mind is that, by design, it outputs 8-bit characters, and thus the generated string is not automatically suitable for transmission with various network protocols, unless altered, f.e. URL- or Base64- encoded. Also, again by design, the length of the string is a multiple of 4 characters/bytes. The version below produces a 24 character long string. This will also give you a clean input to get a 32 character long Base64 encoded variant of it.
function gen_rand_str_24()
return pack('N6', mt_rand(), mt_rand(), mt_rand(),
mt_rand(), mt_rand(), mt_rand());
I leave it an exercise to the reader to write a generic (i.e. arbitrary double word length, not 6 dwords as in above) version of it.
[#20] Anonymous [2009-08-04 15:45:31]
Just another random password generator. Assembles passwords such as these:
useful for... whatever. ;)
$underscores holds the maximum allowed number of underscores. Default is two. The function is programmed to not add an underscore at the beginning or end of the password, right after another underscore, or if the maximum # has already been used.
$length holds the length you want the password to be. Default is 10 characters long.
function alphanumericPass()
// Do not modify anything below here
$underscores = 2; // Maximum number of underscores allowed in password
$length = 10; // Length of password
$p ="";
for ($i=0;$i<$length;$i++)
$c = mt_rand(1,7);
switch ($c)
case ($c<=2):
// Add a number
$p .= mt_rand(0,9);
case ($c<=4):
// Add an uppercase letter
$p .= chr(mt_rand(65,90));
case ($c<=6):
// Add a lowercase letter
$p .= chr(mt_rand(97,122));
case 7:
$len = strlen($p);
if ($underscores>0&&$len>0&&$len<($length-1)&&$p[$len-1]!="_")
$p .= "_";
return $p;
[#21] mark omohundro, ajamyajax dot com [2009-02-19 09:13:51]
just another example: both of these routines return a random decimal number between -1 and 1... since rand() only returns a max 'integer' value while mt_rand() return a max 'long' value -- at least on some platforms -- mt_rand() could be the better precision choice for some on any variation to this routine (but i don't think it matters here):
echo "-1 to 1 rand() value: ". (rand(getrandmax()*-1,getrandmax())/getrandmax()). "\n<br/>";
echo "-1 to 1 mt_rand() value: ". (mt_rand(mt_getrandmax()*-1,mt_getrandmax())/mt_getrandmax()). "\n";
[#22] rt [2008-08-27 17:14:11]
Re: euxneks at NOSPAMgmail dot com
You might also want to add STR_PAD_LEFT and have:
echo '#' . str_pad( base_convert( mt_rand(0, ( 255*255*255) ), 10, 16 ), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . "\n";
[#23] euxneks at NOSPAMgmail dot com [2008-08-18 15:11:40]
Re: keith at ourwebsite dot ca
Here's another way to do it, in one line :)
echo '#' . str_pad( base_convert( mt_rand(0, ( 255*255*255) ), 10, 16 ), 6, '0' ) . "\n";
str_pad is there in case mt_rand chooses a number that will generate a hex value with less than 6 characters. (you could leave that out but it's not a very clean way to write the hex colors is it :)
[#24] Mark Seecof [2008-06-05 23:31:15]
If you need some pseudorandom bits for security or cryptographic purposes (e.g.g., random IV for block cipher, random salt for password hash) mt_rand() is a poor source. On most Unix/Linux and/or MS-Windows platforms you can get a better grade of pseudorandom bits from the OS or system library, like this:
// get 128 pseudorandom bits in a string of 16 bytes
$pr_bits = '';
// Unix/Linux platform?
$fp = @fopen('/dev/urandom','rb');
if ($fp !== FALSE) {
$pr_bits .= @fread($fp,16);
// MS-Windows platform?
if (@class_exists('COM')) {
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa388176(VS.85).aspx
try {
$CAPI_Util = new COM('CAPICOM.Utilities.1');
$pr_bits .= $CAPI_Util->GetRandom(16,0);
// if we ask for binary data PHP munges it, so we
// request base64 return value. We squeeze out the
// redundancy and useless ==CRLF by hashing...
if ($pr_bits) { $pr_bits = md5($pr_bits,TRUE); }
} catch (Exception $ex) {
// echo 'Exception: ' . $ex->getMessage();
if (strlen($pr_bits) < 16) {
// do something to warn system owner that
// pseudorandom generator is missing
NB: it is generally safe to leave both the attempt to read /dev/urandom and the attempt to access CAPICOM in your code, though each will fail silently on the other's platform. Leave them both there so your code will be more portable.
[#25] Jonathon [2008-04-17 01:14:00]
Below, andrei suggested a function for generating a list of unique integers, randomly arranged. In response to a note below that his solution is inefficient, I'm providing an O(N) solution which should be much more efficient, yet still yield a good guarantee of producing randomly ordered integers.
function SwapShuffle($min, $max) {
$last = $max - $min;
for ($i=0; $i<=$last; $i++) {
$arr[$i] = $min + $i;
for ($run=0; $run<7; $run++) {
for ($i=0; $i<=$last; $i++) {
$target = mt_rand(0, $last);
$swap = $arr[$target];
$arr[$target] = $arr[$i];
$arr[$i] = $swap;
return $arr;
// Call as:
$result = SwapShuffle(10, 30);
foreach ($result as $num) {
echo "$num\n";
[#26] geompse at yopmail dot com [2008-03-29 04:01:22]
mt_rand() is not faster than rand() !
Tested over 100'000 iterations, with none/various/random arguments, mt_rand is always 3% slower than rand().
[#27] William Leslie [2008-02-13 09:24:15]
Do not rely on the strength of any 'home-brewed' cryptographic algorithm, such as the one posted by dmoree at coker dot edu. Algorithms such as MD5 and SHA-1 have been the subject of intense academic research and have known security properties.
While it is true that MD5 and SHA-1 are generally no longer recommended for use in new cryptosystems, there are newer algorithms such as SHA-256 that address the older algorithms' weaknesses. These newer algorithms have not received quite as much scrutiny as their older counterparts, but have still been studied much more carefully than your home-brewed algorithm, most likely.
Dmoree at coker dot edu's concern about rainbow tables is best addressed by a properly applied salting technique. Every bit of 'salt' added to a cryptographic hash effectively extends the complexity of the password and thus the size of the rainbow table needed to crack it.
Furthermore, wisely chosen password strength policies can mitigate such attacks.
[#28] fabiovh on gmail [2007-11-13 06:42:35]
performance: for a repetitive task, it's much faster not to use the limit parameters, as shown below. just use the % operator.
echo microtime(true)-$t;
echo '|';
echo microtime(true)-$t;
echo '|';
echo microtime(true)-$t;
output: 0.316797971725|0.442242145538|0.253082036972
[#29] bradpeabody at scientology dot net [2007-10-03 14:49:29]
[Editorial note: This suggested "security" improvement simply punts the issue to the operating system: there is no guarantee that the operating system will work any better than the Mersenne twister (although it may have more entropy available)]
If you want some random text that is more secure than what can get from a built in PHP method, you can simply do:
$myRandomText = shell_exec('head -c 128 < /dev/urandom');
That will get around the fact that rand() and mt_rand() are a bad place to start generating something that is supposed to be cryptographically secure.
The only down sides to this that I see are:
a) Ugly
b) Slow (have to launch external processes)
c) Not portable (can't do this on Windows)
But if you can live with that, this will be much more secure than using rand() or mt_rand().
- Brad
[#30] www.mrnaz.com [2007-07-24 22:00:26]
This function uses mt_rand() to create a random string of specified length from an optionally supplied string of characters. It is good for generating passwords that only consist of alphanumeric characters or codes that must consist of a defined character space such as for barcodes. It can also be used to generate random hexadecimal numbers for things like encryption keys.
It is very fast, and allows for generation of strings of unlimited length.
function rand_string($len, $chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789')
$string = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++)
$pos = rand(0, strlen($chars)-1);
$string .= $chars{$pos};
return $string;
[#31] rok dot kralj at gmail dot com [2007-06-16 00:42:49]
mt_rand function returns just a whole numbers. If you want a random float, then here's an elegant way:
function random_float ($min,$max) {
return ($min+lcg_value()*(abs($max-$min)));
[#32] chagenbu at php dot net [2007-03-21 09:18:58]
The algorithm used by mt_rand() changed in PHP 5.2.1. If you are relying on getting the same sequence from mt_rand() after calling mt_srand() with a known seed, upgrading to PHP 5.2.1 will break your code. See http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=40724 for something of an explanation; there is no workaround.
[#33] [2007-03-12 00:36:01]
In one of my forums was a discussion about, how to change an image randomly, so i wrote this code using mt_rand ....
I hope you can use it ....
I Forgot something, sorry for that, but here is the correction.
error_reporting(0);//hide the notice for the missing $iRand
$sPath2ImageDir = Path;//preventing redundancy
$aImages = scandir($sBildOrdnerPfad);//Dir 2 Array
$iImageCount = count($aImages);//preventing redundancy
while (getimagesize("{sPath2ImageDir}/{$aImages[$iRand]}")) {//recursion to get an image
$iRand = mt_rand(2, $iImageCount-1);//min = 2 because $aImages[0] = "." and $aImages[1] = ".."
echo "<img alt=\"Image{$iRand}\" src=\"{sPath2ImageDir}/{$aImages[$iRand]}\" title=\"Image{$iRand}\" />";//show the image
unset($aImages, $iImageCount, $iRand, $sBildOrdnerPfad);//if this script is used in another script
[#34] Rene at mokiba dot de [2007-03-10 14:00:14]
Here is my Function to generate an Array with unique random Numbers between "$from" and "$to".
function random_number_array($count, $from, $to){
$number_array[] = $i;
$random_number_array = array();
mt_srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000);
$random_number = mt_rand(0,count($number_array)-1);
$key_to_insert_and_delete = array_search($random_number, $number_array);
$random_number_array[$i] = $number_array[$key_to_insert_and_delete];
array_splice($number_array, $key_to_insert_and_delete, 1);
// Array $random_number_array with $count random Numbers, between $from and $to
return $random_number_array;
I hope its helping you.
Rene Andris
[#35] Rene at mokiba dot de [2007-03-10 11:50:05]
Here is my Function to generate an Array with unique random Numbers between "$from" and "$to".
function random_number_array($count, $from, $to){
$number_array[] = $i;
$random_number_array = array();
mt_srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000);
$random_number = mt_rand(0,count($number_array)-1);
$key_to_insert_and_delete = array_search($random_number, $number_array);
$random_number_array[$i] = $number_array[$key_to_insert_and_delete];
array_splice($number_array, $key_to_insert_and_delete, 1);
// Array $random_number_array with $count random Numbers, between $from and $to
return $random_number_array;
I hope its helping you.
Rene Andris
[#36] zolaar at nothanks dot com [2007-02-07 22:44:38]
a better (and likely faster) way to generate a random 6-digit hex string:
$num = mt_rand ( 0, 0xffffff ); // trust the library, love the library...
$output = sprintf ( "%06x" , $num ); // muchas smoochas to you, PHP!
return $output;
The mt_rand function won't give you a number outside the bounds you asked for -- no need to and-off the top bits -- and the sprintf function has params for length-padding & hexidecimal output. It's likely faster because most of the work is being done by the wicked fast C functions that PHP sits on top of, though YMMV in that dept.
[#37] MagicalTux at ooKoo dot org [2006-11-20 07:34:26]
In answer to David and pHp_n00b, about generating a random 6 characters hexadecimal string...
Well, the easiest solution would be :
$rand = mt_rand(0x000000, 0xffffff); // generate a random number between 0 and 0xffffff
$rand = dechex($rand & 0xffffff); // make sure we're not over 0xffffff, which shouldn't happen anyway
$rand = str_pad($rand, 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); // add zeroes in front of the generated string
echo $rand;
Some examples of generated stuff :
You can easily make a function from this code.
[#38] Chris [2006-11-10 11:35:33]
>Running the output of Mersenne Twister through an unkeyed >secure hash is NOT a good way to make it secure, because it'll >still have a relatively small internal state which, if recovered, >would allow reproduction of the keystream. A better idea >would be to encrypt the output with a keyed encryption >algorithm - but if you were going to do that, you wouldn't >need a psuedorandom number generator at all, because a >counter would be just as good.
Not true. Mersenne Twister has an ENORMOUS amount of internal state - 4992 bits, bigger than practically any cipher's key length. The point of a secure random number generator is that you cannot predict future outputs based on past OUTPUTS, which is why a hash is applied. Clearly you can predict the future output of any pseudorandom number generator if you can acquire the internal state - a better algorithm will never solve this problem. If you use keyed encryption, recovering the key allows you to predict future outputs.
[#39] David [2006-11-06 00:40:37]
Shouldn't it be a greater than (>) sign rather than a not equal (!=) sign? Because you're just checking to see if it is exactly six. So if it is 7 it, won't try to fix it. So wouldn't this be better?
if (strlen($random_hex) < "6") // sometimes it returns an only 5, or less, char Hex-Code,
hexcode(); // so the function has to be repeat
elseif (strlen($random_hex) > "6") // sometimes it returns 7 or more characters
//...I don't know how to make it do only six, but your code seems to only check to make sure it doesn't do less than 6; nothing to counter doing more than 6.... so here would be some code to reduce the size back to 6 if it went over.
echo $random_hex; // returns the Hex-Code
[#40] MagicalTux at ooKoo dot org [2006-08-25 05:44:34]
Since many people wrote little scripts to generate random sequences, I'll also give mine (which is slightly faster since it makes use of strlen only once, and uses strings instead of arrays) :
function code($nc, $a='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789') {
$l=strlen($a)-1; $r='';
while($nc-->0) $r.=$a{mt_rand(0,$l)};
return $r;
[#41] fahri at konse dot de [2005-10-08 09:12:13]
i did the following, to generate a few random-numbers out of a total amount of numbers, but to create different random-numbers and not double or tripple.
for example i use it to generate 10 random-pics out of 150, and do shurely generate not twice the same...
$total = 6; // available numbers (of pictures)
$randanzahl = 6; //number of random-number to generate out of $total
function checkifdouble($ran,$i) {
for($j=1; $j<$i; $j++) {
if($ran[$j]==$ran[$i]) {
} //endif
else {
} //endelse
} //endfor
return $ergebnis;
for ($i=1; $i<=$randanzahl; $i++) {
$ran[$i] = mt_rand(1, $total);
if ($i>1) {
while(checkifdouble($ran,$i)=="true") {
$ran[$i] = mt_rand(1, $total);
} //endif
} //enfor
this version is easily for debugging and adaption!
maybe there is a very shorter version...
[#42] frans-jan at van-steenbeek dot net [2005-10-03 07:18:15]
My try at generating a reasonably secure password:
function keygen() {
$tempstring =
for($length = 0; $length < mt_rand(10, 15); $length++) {
$temp = str_shuffle($tempstring);
$char = mt_rand(0, strlen($temp));
$pass .= $temp[$char];
return $pass;
This generates a password of an undefined length (in this case, 10 to 15 chars) consisting of numbers, UPPERCASE letters lowercase letters and a set of signs. I have doubled the chance of number and letters to reduce the confusion with my users.
[#43] sean at codeaholics dot com [2005-07-22 06:31:14]
You really shouldn't generate a number to determine the _type_ of the char, then the char itself. If security is an issue for you, and you want to maintain as much entropy as possible, you should use a function similar to the one below. Since this seems to be getting repeated over-and-over, I explained (beat into the ground?) the issue on http://www.codeaholics.com/randomCode.php
The code:
// Returns a random code of the specified length, containing characters that are
// equally likely to be any of the digits, uppercase letters, or lowercase letters.
// The default length of 10 provides 839299365868340224 (62^10) possible codes.
// NOTE: Do not call wt_srand(). It is handled automatically in PHP 4.2.0 and above
// and any additional calls are likely to DECREASE the randomness.
function randomCode($length=10){
$retVal = "";
while(strlen($retVal) < $length){
$nextChar = mt_rand(0, 61); // 10 digits + 26 uppercase + 26 lowercase = 62 chars
if(($nextChar >=10) && ($nextChar < 36)){ // uppercase letters
$nextChar -= 10; // bases the number at 0 instead of 10
$nextChar = chr($nextChar + 65); // ord('A') == 65
} else if($nextChar >= 36){ // lowercase letters
$nextChar -= 36; // bases the number at 0 instead of 36
$nextChar = chr($nextChar + 97); // ord('a') == 97
} else { // 0-9
$nextChar = chr($nextChar + 48); // ord('0') == 48
$retVal .= $nextChar;
return $retVal;
[#44] mina86 at nospam dot projektcode dot org [2005-05-24 17:00:28]
Re: solenoid at hotmail dot united dot kingdom
In theory method shown by selenoid can lead to infinite loop. The correct method would be:
$randomNumbers = array();
for ($i = 0; i<30; ++$i) $randomNumbers[] = $i;
for ($i = 20; $i<30; ++$i) unset($randomNumbers[$i]);
$randomNumbers = array_values($randomNumbers);
The last two lines may be in some cases removed.
[#45] nowhere at where dot net [2005-04-16 02:46:32]
Allows characters 0-9, a-z
Weighted (and tested) ok.
function generate_string ($length = 20)
$nps = "";
$nps .= chr( (mt_rand(1, 36) <= 26) ? mt_rand(97, 122) : mt_rand(48, 57 ));
return $nps;
[#46] mskala at ansuz dot sooke dot bc dot ca [2005-01-23 15:47:14]
Running the output of Mersenne Twister through an unkeyed secure hash is NOT a good way to make it secure, because it'll still have a relatively small internal state which, if recovered, would allow reproduction of the keystream. A better idea would be to encrypt the output with a keyed encryption algorithm - but if you were going to do that, you wouldn't need a psuedorandom number generator at all, because a counter would be just as good.
[#47] [2004-02-11 05:27:45]
Here is a example of a very small, compact, quite random-random string generator. It will make a string with uppercase & lowercase letters, with numbers. You simply need to set $len in the for() structure, and then the string will be in $r. It has been designed for size, while it's still quite fast. Mind the wrapping, it should be 1 line.
Armond Carroll
[#48] jsheets at shadonet dot com [2003-06-04 13:49:19]
The following function will create a random base64 encoded key, this is very useful for password reset schemes or anything where you want a random string. To compare the string either compare the base64 encoded value or base64_decode it and compare that.
I do not use md5 because md5 results in only 1-9 and a-f in the string or 32^16 possibilities, by using the extended ASCII table and shuffling the array I am able to get a minimum of 32^127 possibilities with a 32 character string, using a longer string will make your value harder to guess still. A lot of machiens will have 32^255 possibilities in a decoded string.
function MakeResetKey($min_length = 32, $max_length = 64)
$key = '';
// build range and shuffle range using ASCII table
for ($i=0; $i<=255; $i++) {
$range[] = chr($i);
// shuffle our range 3 times
for ($i=0; $i<=3; $i++) {
// loop for random number generation
for ($i = 0; $i < mt_rand($min_length, $max_length); $i++) {
$key .= $range[mt_rand(0, count($range))];
$return = base64_encode($key);
if (!empty($return)) {
return $return;
} else {
return 0;
[#49] demogracia at metropoliglobal dot com [2002-03-02 12:38:23]
// Generates a random string with the specified length
// Chars are chosen from the provided [optional] list
function simpleRandString($length=16, $list="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"){
$newstring.=$list[mt_rand(0, strlen($list)-1)];
return $newstring;
// Generates a random string with the specified length
// Includes: a-z, A-Z y 0-9
function randString($length=16) {
if($length>0) {
while(strlen($newstring)<$length) {
$randnum = mt_rand(0,61);
if ($randnum < 10) {
} elseif ($randnum < 36) {
} else {
return $newstring;
[#50] mrdlinux at yahoo dot com [2000-07-20 22:02:41]
And for those who prefer scaling:
mt_rand() / RAND_MAX * (Max - Min) + Min;