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(PHP 5)
DirectoryIterator::isFile — Determine if current DirectoryIterator item is a regular file
Determines if the current DirectoryIterator item is a regular file.
Returns TRUE
if the file exists and is a regular file
(not a link or dir),
otherwise FALSE
Example #1 DirectoryIterator::isFile() example
This example will list all regular files in the directory containing the script.
$iterator = new DirectoryIterator ( dirname ( __FILE__ ));
foreach ( $iterator as $fileinfo ) {
if ( $fileinfo -> isFile ()) {
echo $fileinfo -> getFilename () . "\n" ;
apple.jpg banana.jpg example.php pears.jpg
[#1] Philipp W. gnurepublic_at_linuxmail.org [2007-07-30 02:49:30]
to actually sort a directoryiterator you need to subclass the iterator and use a comparator function similar to this one
function cmpSPLFileInfo( $splFileInfo1, $splFileInfo2 )
return strcmp( $splFileInfo1->getFileName(), $splFileInfo2->getFileName() );
class DirList extends RecursiveDirectoryIterator
private $dirArray;
public function __construct( $p )
parent::__construct( $p );
$this->dirArray = new ArrayObject();
foreach( $this as $item )
$this->dirArray->append( $item );
$this->dirArray->uasort( "cmpSPLFileInfo" );
public function getIterator()
return $this->dirArray->getIterator();
[#2] DieselDriver at edu dot uni-klu dot ac dot at [2007-04-24 08:17:32]
shows all .jpg files in the current directory but how does the DirectoryIterator sort the output!?
$dir=new DirectoryIterator("./");
foreach ($dir as $file) {
if ($dir->isDot()) {continue;} //removes . and ..
if (strripos($file,".jpg")==true) {
echo $file . "<br>\n";
[#3] kencomer at NOSPAM dot kencomer dot com [2005-09-14 06:49:34]
I put in an example in __autoload, but it is useful here, too...
Yet another class/interface __autoload function. Includes an example usage of the SPL DirectoryIterator class, a settable case-ignore flag, and support for multiple file name patterns to allow easy integration from multiple sources.
// comment out the define() of IGNORE_CASE to be
// case-sensitive. I like to ignore case so that I can
// use UPPERCASE for the test versions of the file.
function __autoload($class_name) {
// This will be set the first time through.
// Put your default values in the place indicated
// below so as to eliminate possible duplicates
// in the .ini include_path
static $possible_path = NULL;
// Leave this as NULL.
// List here whatever formats you use for your
// file names. Note that, if you autoload
// a class that implements a non-loaded interface,
// you will also need to autoload that interface.
static $permitted_formats = array(
// Put the &CLASS wherever the $class_name
// might appear
// Only executed the first time __autoload is called
if (NULL===$possible_path):
// These are the default paths for this application
$possible_path = array_flip(array(
// Customize this yourself, but leave the
// array_flip alone. We will use this
// to get rid of duplicate entries from the
// include_path .ini list.
// Merge the flipped arrays to get rid of duplicate
// "keys" (which are really the valid include
// paths) then strip out the keys leaving only
// uniques. This is marginally faster than
// using array_combine and array_unique and
// much more elegant. Okay, it's weird, too.
$possible_path = array_keys(array_merge($possible_path,
$possibility = str_replace("&CLASS",$class_name,$permitted_formats);
foreach ( $possible_path as $directory ) {
if (!file_exists($directory) or !is_dir($directory))
$file_to_check = new DirectoryIterator($directory);
foreach ( $file_to_check as $file ) {
// ignore directories and files that do not contain
// $class_name
if ( !$file->isDir()
and ( defined(IGNORE_CASE) && TRUE===IGNORE_CASE )
? stripos($file->getFileName(),$class_name)
: strpos($file->getFileName(),$class_name) ) :
// class_name was included, now compare against
// all permitted file name patterns
foreach ( $possibility as $compare ):
if ((defined(IGNORE_CASE) && TRUE===IGNORE_CASE )
? !strcasecmp($compare,$file->getFileName())
: $compare===$file->getFileName()
) {
// by using $compare, you will get a qualified
// file name
return TRUE;
[#4] ludvig dot ericson at gmail dot com [2005-08-31 04:29:06]
//open current directory
$dir = new DirectoryIterator(".");
// use do .. while since we need to iterate atleast once
// and the first two items are always "." and ".."
do {
// if it isn't "." or ".."
if (!$dir->isDot()) {
// echo out pathname and "/" if it's a directory
echo $dir->getPathname() . ($dir->isDir() ? "/" : "");
} while ($dir->next())
Outputs something like:
Note from the extension author:
Try this:
foreach(new DirectoryIterator(".") as $file)
if (!$file->isDot()) {
echo $file->getPathname() . ($file->isDir() ? "/" : "");