我有以下 html 和 javascript 程式碼,其中有一個帶有五張幻燈片的滑桿 我需要在每次加載頁面時隨機選擇五張幻燈片中的三張,並且未選擇的兩張幻燈片將完全隱藏。 感謝您告訴我我的程式碼問題出在哪裡?
我嘗試了以下程式碼,但所有五張投影片都顯示每次載入頁面時,其中三張投影片隨機有內容,兩張是空的。 我需要不顯示那兩張空白投影片
const slogans = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.slogan')); const nonEmptySlogans = slogans.filter(slogan => slogan.innerHTML.trim() !== ''); if (nonEmptySlogans.length >= 3) { const selectedSlogans = []; while (selectedSlogans.length < 3) { const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * nonEmptySlogans.length); const randomSlogan = nonEmptySlogans.splice(randomIndex, 1)[0]; selectedSlogans.push(randomSlogan); randomSlogan.style.display = 'block'; } } 'use strict' var testim = document.getElementById("testim"), testimDots = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.getElementById("testim-dots").children), testimContent = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.getElementById("testim-content").children), testimLeftArrow = document.getElementById("left-arrow"), testimRightArrow = document.getElementById("right-arrow"), testimSpeed = 4500, currentSlide = 0, currentActive = 0, testimTimer, touchStartPos, touchEndPos, touchPosDiff, ignoreTouch = 30;; window.onload = function() { // Testim Script function playSlide(slide) { for (var k = 0; k < testimDots.length; k++) { testimContent[k].classList.remove("active"); testimContent[k].classList.remove("inactive"); testimDots[k].classList.remove("active"); } if (slide < 0) { slide = currentSlide = testimContent.length - 1; } if (slide > testimContent.length - 1) { slide = currentSlide = 0; } if (currentActive != currentSlide) { testimContent[currentActive].classList.add("inactive"); } testimContent[slide].classList.add("active"); testimDots[slide].classList.add("active"); currentActive = currentSlide; clearTimeout(testimTimer); testimTimer = setTimeout(function() { playSlide(currentSlide += 1); }, testimSpeed) } testimLeftArrow.addEventListener("click", function() { playSlide(currentSlide -= 1); }) testimRightArrow.addEventListener("click", function() { playSlide(currentSlide += 1); }) for (var l = 0; l < testimDots.length; l++) { testimDots[l].addEventListener("click", function() { playSlide(currentSlide = testimDots.indexOf(this)); }) } playSlide(currentSlide); // keyboard shortcuts document.addEventListener("keyup", function(e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 37: testimLeftArrow.click(); break; case 39: testimRightArrow.click(); break; case 39: testimRightArrow.click(); break; default: break; } }) testim.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) { touchStartPos = e.changedTouches[0].clientX; }) testim.addEventListener("touchend", function(e) { touchEndPos = e.changedTouches[0].clientX; touchPosDiff = touchStartPos - touchEndPos; console.log(touchPosDiff); console.log(touchStartPos); console.log(touchEndPos); if (touchPosDiff > 0 + ignoreTouch) { testimLeftArrow.click(); } else if (touchPosDiff < 0 - ignoreTouch) { testimRightArrow.click(); } else { return; } }) }
<div class="container"> <section id="testim" class="testim"> <div class="testim-cover"> <div class="wrap"> <span id="right-arrow" class="arrow right fa fa-chevron-right"></span> <span id="left-arrow" class="arrow left fa fa-chevron-left "></span> <ul id="testim-dots" class="dots"> <li class="dot active"></li> <!-- --> <li class="dot"></li> <!-- --> <li class="dot"></li> <!-- --> <li class="dot"></li> <!-- --> <li class="dot"></li> </ul> <div id="testim-content" class="cont"> <div class="slogan"> <p>"How does visual identity design help business/product value grow?"</p> <h2>MINE</h2> </div> <div class="slogan"> <p>"How can we analyze ourselves, audience, competitors, and market and help business progress/grow?"</p> <h2>MINE</h2> </div> <div class="slogan"> <p>"How can I differentiate my business from others?"</p> <h2>MINE</h2> </div> <div class="slogan"> <p>"What is the best and latest business model and plan for me?"</p> <h2>MINE</h2> </div> <div class="slogan"> <p>"How will innovative targeting be achieved at each stage of business?"</p> <h2>MINE</h2> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div>
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