我正在編寫一個腳本,該腳本本質上是將資料從 API 載入到本機 MySQL 資料庫中。這些值會根據 API 傳回的內容而變化。
到目前為止,一切都工作正常,直到我嘗試將行實際插入 MySQL 資料庫。具體來說,我知道我應該使用準備好的語句,但是當我嘗試將變數綁定到準備好的語句時遇到了麻煩。當我嘗試運行以下程式碼時,我得到:
PHP Warning: mysqli_stmt::bind_param(): Number of elements in type definition string doesn't match number of bind variables in /opt/awn2sql/functions.php on line 212
$readingValues = array_values($read); //array of just the values in the original array array_push($readingValues, $devicemac); //add the MAC address of the device that recorded the reading to the array $columns = implode(", ",$readingTypes); //create a string of column names to build the SQL query $valuesCount = count($readingValues); //get a count of the values to fill an array with placeholders $stmt_placeholders = implode(',',array_fill(0,$valuesCount,'?')); //fill an array with placeholders (i.e. ?,?,?) - see above $stmt_param = null; //$stmt_param will hold the type definitions string for binding the foreach ($readingValues as $param) { //iterate through each value in the $readingValues array, get the type, and add it to the type definitions string if (gettype($param) == 'integer') { $stmt_param = $stmt_param.'i'; } else if (gettype($param) == 'double') { $stmt_param = $stmt_param.'d'; } else if (gettype($param) == 'string') { $stmt_param = $stmt_param.'s'; } else if (gettype($param) == 'blob') { $stmt_param = $stmt_param.'b'; } else { echo "Invalid data type!"; } } $val_insert_query = "INSERT INTO ".$config['mysql_db'].".readings (".$columns.") VALUES (".$stmt_placeholders.");"; //Template for the query $stmt=$mysqli->prepare($val_insert_query); //Prepares the template for the query for binding, prepared statement becomes $stmt echo ($stmt_param." (".strlen($stmt_param).")\n"); //for debugging, echo the type definiton string and get its length (which should match the number of values) echo (count($readingValues)); //count the number of values, which should match the number of elements in the type defintion string $stmt->bind_param($stmt_param, $readingValues); //Binding $stmt->execute(); //execute the statement
實際上接受變數參數,而不是陣列參數。但現代 PHP 有將陣列轉換為多個標量參數的語法:這相當於將陣列元素作為單獨的參數傳遞:
僅供參考,我喜歡使用 PDO 而不是 mysqli。您不必綁定任何內容,只需將值數組作為參數傳遞給
:我發現 PDO 比較容易。使用 mysqli 的原因是如果您有大量 2000 年代中期的遺留程式碼需要調整。如果您剛開始,則沒有舊代碼。所以不妨先採用 PDO。
有一個很好的 PDO 教學:https://phpdelusions.net/pdo/