為什麼我的程式碼每次呼叫 playRound 函數都會加入到playerScore,而不是加入到computerScore?
我的專案簡介建議在遊戲函數中呼叫 playRound 函數五次,因為我還沒有研究如何「循環」程式碼來重複函數呼叫。
我嘗試在呼叫 playRound 函數時將 1 加到playerScore 或computerScore(它們被宣告為值為0 的全域變數)。
我嘗試使用增量運算子 和 我嘗試過使用加法賦值運算子 = 1
我以為獲勝玩家的分數會增加 1。
實際發生了什麼: 每次呼叫 playRound 函數時,playerScore 都會增加 1,這與贏家的結果不一致。
//write a program to play 'rock, paper, scissors' game against the computer //COMPUTER CHOICE- generate random choice of weapon let choice = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors']; //select random array element from weapon array function getComputerChoice() { computerChoice = choice[(Math.floor(Math.random() * choice.length))]; return computerChoice; } //USER CHOICE- assign user choice from prompt input function getPlayerChoice() { playerChoice = prompt('Choose your weapon', 'rock, paper or scissors?'); return playerChoice; } //assign values to player variables const playerSelection = getPlayerChoice().toLowerCase(); const computerSelection = getComputerChoice(); //message to return to player let youWin = `You win, ${playerSelection} beats ${computerSelection}`; let youLose = `You lose, ${computerSelection} beats ${playerSelection}`; let youDraw = `It's a draw!`; //put message options into an array let message = [youWin, youLose, youDraw]; //make global player score variables let playerScore = 0; let computerScore = 0; //function to play one round function playRound() { if (playerSelection == computerSelection) { return youDraw; } else if (playerSelection == 'rock' && computerSelection == 'paper') { computerScore = computerScore++; return message[1]; //you lose } else if (playerSelection == 'rock' && computerSelection == 'scissors') { playerScore++; return message[0]; //you win } else if (playerSelection == 'paper' && computerSelection == 'rock') { playerScore++; return message[0]; //you win } else if (playerSelection == 'paper' && computerSelection == 'scissors') { computerScore++; return message[1]; //you lose } else if (playerSelection == 'scissors' && computerSelection == 'rock') { computerScore++; return message[1]; //you lose } else if (playerSelection == 'scissors' && computerSelection == 'paper') { playerScore++; return message[0]; //you win } else { return ('oops! Type rock, paper or scissors!') } } //function to play five rounds and report player as winner or loser at the end function game() { //check code: what values are assigned to player selections? console.log('player ', playerSelection); console.log('computer ', computerSelection); playRound(); playRound(); playRound(); playRound(); playRound(); return playRound(); } console.log(game()); console.log(computerScore); console.log(playerScore);
一些小的更改將解決您的問題。主要的變化是在每一輪中獲得玩家選擇和電腦選擇,而不是只一次。我們也會同時產生 youWin、youLose 等訊息。