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// --------------------------Multiple Choice Page------------------------// $("#start-button").click(function() { $("#beginning-screen").remove(); ;}) $("#start-button-quiz").click(function() { $("#beginning-screen-quiz").remove(); ;}) $('#answer1').click(function(){ $(this).addClass("selected"); setTimeout(function() { checkAnswer(1); },1000); }); $('#answer2').click(function(){ $(this).addClass("selected") setTimeout(function() { checkAnswer(2); },1000); }); $('#answer3').click(function(){ $(this).addClass("selected") setTimeout(function() { checkAnswer(3); },1000); }); $('#next-btn').click(function(){ nextQuestion(); }); nextQuestion(); }); // --------------------------- Multiple Choice Page functions and variables ------------------------------------- // Study Page var currentBox = 1; var numBoxes = $('.text-box').length; // variables here var quizData = [ {question:"If the size of a battery in a complete circuit is increased:", answers:["the current decreases","the current increases","the voltage stays the same"], correctAnswer:2, feedback:"An increase in voltage will increase the current flowing in a circuit (if nothing else is changed) Click to next page find out more." }, {question:"The current in a series circuit containing two bulbs:", answers:["is the same at every place in the circuit","is larger nearer the battery","is larger between the bulbs"], correctAnswer:1, feedback:"This is an important point to remember about a series circuit. Click to next page find out more." }, {question:"Two identical bulbs are in parallel in a complete circuit. If one breaks:", answers:["the other stays on","the other goes off","the other bulb is brighter"], correctAnswer:1, feedback:"This is a benefit of a parallel circuit, it is usually easier to find out which component has broken as the rest still work" }, {question:"Wires are usually coated in plastic because:", answers:["plastic is an insulator","plastic can be lots of different colours","plastic helps the wires conduct electricity"], correctAnswer:1, feedback:"Wires used to be covered with rubber as an insulator but rubber perishes faster than plastic." }, {question:"Which of the following statements is true?", answers:["A voltmeter is connected in series to measure voltage.","Different sized bulbs in parallel have the same current flowing through them.","In a parallel circuit with four identical bulbs, the current is shared equally between them."], correctAnswer:3, feedback:"If the four bulbs were NOT identical, the current would still be shared out, but not equally." }, {question:"Wires are normally made from copper. This is because:", answers:["copper has a high resistance","copper is cheap","copper is a very good conductor of electricity"], correctAnswer:3, feedback: "It is also very malleable and can therefore easily be bent to go round corners." }, {question:"Two identical bulbs are in parallel in a complete circuit. A third identical bulb is connected in parallel. What happens?", answers:["All the bulbs are dimmer","All the bulbs are the same brightness","The third bulb is brighter"], correctAnswer:2, feedback:"Adding identical bulbs in parallel uses more current but brightness stays the same." }, ]; var currentQuestion = 0; var totalQuestions = quizData.length; var score = 0; function showQuestion(){ $("#question").html(quizData[currentQuestion-1].question); $("#answer1").html(quizData[currentQuestion-1].answers[0]); $("#answer2").html(quizData[currentQuestion-1].answers[1]); $("#answer3").html(quizData[currentQuestion-1].answers[2]); $("#feedback").html(quizData[currentQuestion-1].feedback); } function nextQuestion(){ currentQuestion++; if(score >= 60){ $("#answersAndFeedback").addClass('hidden'); $("#question").addClass('hidden'); $("#game-over").removeClass('hidden'); $('.p2-button').removeClass('hidden'); $("#next-btn").addClass("hidden"); return; } if(currentQuestion > totalQuestions){ // end of quiz $("#game-over").removeClass('hidden'); return; } showQuestion(); // hide feedback and next button $("#next-btn").addClass("hidden"); $("#feedback").addClass("hidden"); // remove all incorrect, correct classes on answer buttons $('.answer-box').removeClass("correct incorrect"); // add restart button if score is under 60 if(score < 60){ $("#feedback").append('<button id="restart-btn" onclick="location.reload();">Restart Quiz</button>'); $('.p2-button').addClass('hidden'); } } function checkAnswer(selectedAnswer){ var theCorrectAnswer = quizData[currentQuestion-1].correctAnswer; // remove the grey selected class $('.answer-box').removeClass("selected"); // turn the boxes red or green depending on if they are the correct answer $( ".answer-box" ).each(function( index ) { if((index+1)==theCorrectAnswer){ $( this ).addClass("correct"); } else { $( this ).addClass("incorrect"); } }); if(selectedAnswer==theCorrectAnswer){ // got it correct score += 10; $(".score").html(score); } else { // got it wrong so do nothing } // show feedback and next button $("#next-btn").removeClass("hidden"); $("#feedback").removeClass("hidden"); }
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <!-- Multiple Choice Page --> <div class="page-multiple-choice"> <div id="beginning-screen-quiz"> <h1 id="heading-quiz">Oh no! it looks like you have been locked out of the computer system. You will have to take this quiz in order to regain access, you must get a score of 60 in order to bypass the security system.</h1> <button id="start-button-quiz">Hack into security</button> </div> <h1>Multiple Choice Quiz</h1> <div class="p2-button button"> Fix the circuit </div> <div class="p-menu-button button"> Go back to menu </div> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="question">Sample question here</div> <div id="answersAndFeedback"> <div id="answer1" class="answer-box">Answer 1</div> <div id="answer2" class="answer-box">Answer 2</div> <div id="answer3" class="answer-box">Answer 3</div> <div id="feedback" class="hidden">Feedback goes here</div> </div> <div class="score">0</div> <div id="next-btn" class="hidden">next</div> <div id="game-over" class="hidden">Congratulations! Continue to the next page!</div> </div> </div>
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