我嘗試在我的 vue 專案中建立可重複使用的元件。這是我正在接受的培訓的一部分。但我認為我的程式碼需要一些幫助,這讓我感到困惑。
let validations = {} validations.firstName = function(e, that) { if (e.target.value == "") that.errors = { [that.labelID]: 'Please enter your first name' } else return true that.input_error = !that.input_error } validations.phone = function(e, that) { if (e.target.value == "") that.errors = { [that.labelID]: 'Please enter phone number' } else if (e.target.value.length > 10) that.errors = { [that.labelID]: 'Phone number should be 10 digits only' } else return true that.input_error = !that.input_error } validations.email = function(e, that) { if (e.target.value == "") that.errors = { [that.labelID]: 'Please enter email' } else return true that.input_error = !that.input_error } Vue.component('childInput', { template: '#my-child-input', data() { return { errors: {}, input_error: false } }, props: { labelID: String, label: String, inputType: { type: String, default: 'text' }, value: { type: [String, Boolean, Number], default: null }, }, methods: { handleInput(e) { this.$emit("input", e.target.value) }, handleFocusIn(e) { this.errors = {[this.labelID]: ''} if (this.input_error) this.input_error = !this.input_error }, handleFocusOut(e) { switch (this.labelID) { case 'firstName': case 'phone': case 'email': validations[this.labelID](e, this) break; default: console.log('in default last name') break; } } } }); new Vue({ el: '#app', data() { return { event: { firstName: '', phone: '', email: '' } }; }, methods: { handleSubmit(e) { // I can access firstName, phone and email. // But how to access the validation functions written in child component console.log('All data: ', this.event) } } })
.someStyleClass { margin-bottom: 20px; } .input_error { border-color: red !important; color: red; } .labelStyle { display: block; }
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2.6.14/dist/vue.js"></script> <!-- Parent Component --> <div id="app"> <div class="someStyleClass"> <child-input v-model="event.firstName" label="First Name" label-i-d="firstName" /> </div> <div class="someStyleClass"> <child-input v-model="event.phone" label="Phone" label-i-d="phone" /> </div> <div class="someStyleClass"> <child-input v-model="event.email" label="* Email" label-i-d="email" input-type="email" /> </div> <button type="submit" v-on:click="handleSubmit">Validate & Submit</button> </div> <!-- Child Component --> <template id="my-child-input"> <div> <label class="labelStyle" :class="{input_error}">{{ label }}</label> <input :class="{input_error}" :value="value" :type="[inputType]" v-on:input="handleInput" v-on:focusout="handleFocusOut" v-on:focusin="handleFocusIn"/> <div v-if="errors[labelID]" :class="{input_error}">{{errors[labelID]}}</div> </div> </template>
更新 每次當使用者在輸入欄位中輸入錯誤資料時,都會在子層級單獨驗證資料。但我沒有找到在父元件中找到相同內容的方法。因為我的父組件的資料變數在輸入時同時更新。