public int getChildrenCount(int groupPosition) {
Log.d(TAG, "getChildrenCount: groupPosition " + groupPosition);
return count;
我們需要覆寫getChildView(),以填充視圖,那麼首先要拿到數據,而getChild()的目的就是拿到儲存在adapter中對應位置的數據。 當然,如果你在adapter之外維護了一個child data list,也可以直接從這個list中取資料。 但是getChild()看起來不是更清楚明了嗎? getGroup()也是同樣的道理,在執行getGroupView()填滿group視圖時,讓你可以輕鬆地取得對應的資料。
private List mChildItems;
public View getChildView(int groupPosition, int childPosition, boolean isLastChild,
View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
Log.d(TAG, " getChildView: groupPosition" + groupPosition + ", childPosition " + childPosition);
// 可以这样:
HashMap<String, String> child = (HashMap<String, String>)getChild(groupPosition, childPosition);
Log.d(TAG, " child data from getChild():" + child.get("Sub Item"));
// 也可以这样:
Log.d(TAG, " child data from my list:" + ((List)mChildItems.get(groupPosition)).get(childPosition));
return view;
public Object getChild(int groupPosition, int childPosition) {
Log.d(TAG, " getChild: groupPosition" + groupPosition + ", childPosition " + childPosition);
return super.getChild(groupPosition, childPosition);
11-05 12:37:50.322: D/Exp(24030): getChildrenCount: groupPosition 1
11-05 12:37:50.325: D/Exp(24030): getChildView: groupPosition1, childPosition 0
11-05 12:37:50.325: D/Exp(24030): getChild: groupPosition1, childPosition 0
11-05 12:37:50.326: D/Exp(24030): child data from getChild():Sub Item 0
11-05 12:37:50.326: D/Exp(24030): child data from my list:{Sub Item=Sub Item 0}
11-05 12:37:50.329: D/Exp(24030): getChildView: groupPosition1, childPosition 1
11-05 12:37:50.329: D/Exp(24030): getChild: groupPosition1, childPosition 1
11-05 12:37:50.329: D/Exp(24030): child data from getChild():Sub Item 1
11-05 12:37:50.329: D/Exp(24030): child data from my list:{Sub Item=Sub Item 1}
11-05 12:37:50.331: D/Exp(24030): getChildView: groupPosition1, childPosition 2
11-05 12:37:50.331: D/Exp(24030): getChild: groupPosition1, childPosition 2
11-05 12:37:50.331: D/Exp(24030): child data from getChild():Sub Item 2
11-05 12:37:50.331: D/Exp(24030): child data from my list:{Sub Item=Sub Item 2}
本質上,ExpandableListAdapter 的getChild(), getGroup() 和 android.widget.Adapter 的 Object getItem(int position) 是一回事:『Get the data item associated with the specified position in the data set.’
為了回答這個問題找到的一個project: Expandable ListView in ANDROID
這個答案非常棒 stackoverflow - What is the intent of the methods getItem and getItemId in the Android class BaseAdapter?
android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter 原始碼連結
stackoverflow - Android ExpandableListView - Looking for a tutorial
的目的就是拿到儲存在adapter中對應位置的數據。當然,如果你在adapter之外維護了一個child data list,也可以直接從這個list中取資料。
本質上,ExpandableListAdapter 的
getChild(), getGroup()
和 android.widget.Adapter 的Object getItem(int position)
是一回事:『Get the data item associated with the specified position in the data set.’參考:
為了回答這個問題找到的一個project: Expandable ListView in ANDROID
這個答案非常棒 stackoverflow - What is the intent of the methods getItem and getItemId in the Android class BaseAdapter?
android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter 原始碼連結
stackoverflow - Android ExpandableListView - Looking for a tutorial