如果是發佈到 App Store 上的 app ,建議不要這麼做,文檔上清楚地寫明了,如果被審核人員發現的話,基本上就是被拒了:
Always Be Prepared to Stop
An iOS app never displays a Close or Quit option. People stop using an app when they switch to another app, return to the Home screen, or put their devices in sleep mode.
Never quit an iOS app programmatically. People tend to interpret this as a crash. If something prevents your app from functioning as intended, you need to tell users about the situation and explain what they can do about it.
只要一行就行,並且,這不是crash,不會有crash log:
請參閱: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/MobileHIG/StartingStopping.html
如果是發佈到 App Store 上的 app ,建議不要這麼做,文檔上清楚地寫明了,如果被審核人員發現的話,基本上就是被拒了: