What is Contenda?
Contenda is a generative AI platform that helps you repurpose your technical content faster and more efficiently than an agency. It allows you to convert podcasts, blogs, transcripts, and videos into engaging recaps, interactive FAQs, informative summaries, and more.
How to use Contenda?
Using Contenda is simple. Just upload your media, whether it's a link or a transcript. Contenda will then break down your content, extracting all the topics and key points. Next, you can select the topics you want to highlight and generate marketing copy. Contenda also lets you create Q&A documents by extracting relevant questions and answers. You can upload your own writing samples to preserve your voice and easily build effective content without going back to the original episode.
Contenda's Core Features
Convert any podcast, blog, transcript, or video into engaging recaps, interactive FAQs, informative summaries, and more
Upload media easily through links or transcripts
Extract topics and key points from your content
Generate marketing copy based on selected topics
Create Q&A documents for SEO purposes and increased traffic
Preserve your voice through uploaded writing samples
Effortlessly build content without referring back to the original episode
Contenda's Use Cases
Repurposing technical content for enterprise blogs and developer documentation
Converting conference talks into informative summaries and interactive FAQs
Transforming videos into engaging recaps and interactive content
Repurposing blogs, podcasts, and transcripts for various marketing channels
Creating summaries and recaps for faster content consumption
Contenda Discord
Here is the Contenda Discord: https://discord.gg/bYda4pQz2v. For more Discord message, please click here(/discord/byda4pqz2v).
Contenda Company
Contenda Company name: Contenda .
Contenda Linkedin
Contenda Linkedin Link: https://www.linkedin.com/company/contendaco/