
SummChat 立即使用
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Enhance browsing with summarized insights & interactive conversations. Dec-12 2024
Browser Extension 文本摘要工具

What is SummChat ai chrome extension?

SummChat is a powerful chrome extension that enhances your browsing experience by providing summarized insights and facilitating interactive conversations about web content. It enables users to delve deep into the essence of web pages, engage in dialogue, and gain a comprehensive understanding of the material.

How to use SummChat ai chrome extension?

Install SummChat chrome extension and access its features while browsing the web.

SummChat ai chrome extension's Core Features

Context-Aware Dialogue

Intelligent Long-Text Summaries

Customizable Prompts

Translation Support

Quick Access Buttons

SummChat ai chrome extension's Use Cases

Generate concise summaries of lengthy articles

Engage in contextual dialogue during research

Translate web content for effective communication
