创建VLAN的步骤 1.定义VTP COS set vtp domain domain-name IOS (vlan) vtp domain domain-name 或者 (global) vtp domain domain-name 2.创建VLAN COS set vlan vlan-id [name name] [state state] [mtu mtu] IOS (vlan) vlan vlan-id [name vlan-name] [sta
set vtp domain domain-name
(vlan) vtp domain domain-name
(global) vtp domain domain-name
set vlan vlan-id [name name] [state state] [mtu mtu]
(vlan) vlan vlan-id [name vlan-name] [state {suspend | active}] [mtu mtu-size]
(global) vlan vlan-id
(vlan-config) vlan vlan-id [mtu mtu-size] [name vlan-name] [state {suspend | active}]
(enable)>set vtp mode transparent
(enable)>set vlan 5 name Cameron
(enable)>set vlan 8 name Logan
(enable)>set vlan 10 name Katie
(enable)>set spantree macreduction enable
(enable)>set vlan 2112 name Rush
#vlan database
(vlan)#vtp transparent
(vlan)#vlan 5 name Cameron
(vlan)#vlan 8 name Logan
(vlan)#vlan 10 name Katie
#copy running-config startup-config
An example of the Catalyst OS configuration for Distribution_1 follows:
Distribution_1 (enable)>clear trunk 1/1 2-1001
Distribution_1 (enable)>set trunk 1/1 desirable isl 10
Distribution_1 (enable)>clear trunk 2/1 2-1001
Distribution_1 (enable)>set trunk 2/1 on dot1q 5,8,10
An example of the Catalyst OS configuration for Core_1 follows:
Core_1 (enable)>clear trunk 1/1 2-1001
Core_1 (enable)>set trunk 1/1 10
An example of the Supervisor IOS configuration for Core_1 follows:
Core_1(config)#interface gigabitethernet 1/1
Core_1(config-if)#switchport encapsulation negotiate
Core_1(config-if)#switchport mode dynamic auto
Core_1(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan remove 2-1001
Core_1(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan add 10
Core_1 (config-if)#end
Core_1#copy running-config startup-config
An example of the Layer 2 IOS configuration for Access_1 follows:
Access_1 (config)#interface gigabitethernet 0/1
Access_1 (config-if)#switchport mode trunk
Access_1 (config-if)#switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
Access_1 (config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan remove 2-1001
Access_1 (config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan add 5,8,10
Access_1 (config-if)#end
Access_1#copy running-config startup-config
An example of the Catalyst OS configuration for Core_1 follows:
Core_1 (enable)>set vtp mode transparent
Core_1 (enable)>set trunk 1/1 on isl
Core_1 (enable)>set trunk 1/2 on isl
Core_1 (enable)>
An example of the Catalyst OS configuration for Distribution_1 follows:
Distribution_1 (enable)>set vtp domain GO-CATS
Distribution_1 (enable)>set trunk 1/1 on isl
Distribution_1 (enable)>set trunk 2/1 on dot1Q
Distribution_1 (enable)>set vtp pruning enable
Distribution_1 (enable)>clear vtp pruneeligible 10
An example of the Catalyst OS configuration for Distribution_2 follows:
Distribution_2 (enable)>set trunk 1/1 on isl
Distribution_2 (enable)>clear vtp pruneeligible 10
An example of the Layer 2 IOS configuration for Access_1 follows:
Access_1#vlan database
Access_1 (vlan)#vtp client
Access_1 (vlan)#exit
Access_1 #config t
Access_1 (config)#interface gigabitethernet 0/1
Access_1 (config-if)#switchport mode trunk
Access_1 (config-if)#switchport trunk encapsulation dot1Q
Access_1 (config-if)#switchport trunk pruning vlan remove 10
Access_1 (config-if)#end
Access_1#copy running-config startup-config