MySQL Proxy learns R/W Splitting
Jun 07, 2016 pm 03:26 PMThe trunk version of the MySQL Proxy 0.6.0 just learnt about changing backends within running connection. It is now up to lua-script to decide which backend shall be used to send requests too. We wrote a complete tutorial which covers ever
The trunk version of the MySQL Proxy 0.6.0 just learnt about changing backends within running connection. It is now up to lua-script to decide which backend shall be used to send requests too.
We wrote a complete tutorial which covers everything from:
- building and maintaining a connection pool with high and low water marks
- transparent authentication (no extra auth against the proxy)
- deciding on Query Level which backend to use
and implement a transparent read/write splitter which sends all non-transactional Queries to the slaves and the rest to the master.
As the splitting is in the hands of the lua-scripting level you can use the same to implement sharding or other rules to route traffic on statement level.
Connection Pooling
For R/W Splitting we need a connection pooling. We only switch to another backend if we already have a authenticated connection open to that backend.
The MySQL protocol first does a challenge-response handshake. When we enter the query/result stage it is too late to authenticate new connections. We have to make sure that we have enough open connections to operate nicely.
In the keepalive tutorial we spend quite some code on connection management. The whole connect_servers() function is only to create new connections for all pools.
- create one connection to each backend
- create new connections until we reach min-idle-connections
- if the two above conditions are met, use a connection from the pool
Let's take a glimpse at the code:
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The real trick is in
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The proxy.connection.backend_ndx = 0 we disconnect us from the current backend (lua starts indexing at index 1, 0 is out of bounds). If a second connection comes in now it can use this authed connection too as it is in the pool, idling.
By setting proxy.connection.backend_ndx
you control which backend is used to send your packets too. A backend is defined as a entry of the proxy.servers
table. Each connection has (zero or) one backend. The backends all have a address, a type (RW or RO) and a state (UP or DOWN).
As we also might have to many open connections in the pool we close them on shutdown again if necessary:
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We only search for a backend which has to many open idling connections and use it before we enter the default behaviour of disconnect_client: shutdown the server connection. if proxy.connection.backend_ndx == 0 then
is the "we don't have backend associated right now". We already saw this in read_auth_result
Read/Write Splitting
That is our maintainance of the pool. connect_server()
adds new auth'ed connections to the pool, disconnect_client()
closes them again. The read/write splitting is part of the query/result cycle:
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Up to now it is only making sure that we behave nicely:
- don't forward
to the backend as he will close the connection on us - intercept the
to know which DB the client wants to work on. If we switch to another backend we have to make sure the same DB is used.
The read/write splitting is now following a simple rule:
- send all non-transactional SELECTs to a slave
- everything else goes to the master
We are still in read_query()
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If we found a slave host which has a idling connection we pick it. If all slaves are busy or down, we just send the query to the master.
As soon as we don't need this connection anymore give it backend to the pool:
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The MySQL Protocol is nice and offers us a in-transaction-flag. This operates on the state of the transaction and works across all engines. If you want to make sure that several statements go to the same backend, open a transaction with BEGIN. No matter which storage engine you use.
Possible extensions
While we are here in this div of the code think about another use case:
- if the master is down, ban all writing queries and only allow reading selects against the slaves.
It keeps your site up and running even if your master is gone. You only have to handle errors on write-statements and transactions.
Known Problems
We might have a race-condition that idling connection closes before we can use it. In that case we are in trouble right now and will close the connection to the client.
We have to add queuing of connections and awaking them up when the connection becomes available again to handle this later.
Next Steps
Testing, testing, testing.
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The above code works for my tests, but I don't have any real load. Nor can I create all the error-cases you have in your real-life setups. Please send all your comments, concerns and ideas to the MySQL Proxy forum.
Another upcoming step is externalizing all the load-balancer code and move it into modules to make the code easier to understand and reuseable.






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